Log of OOC Meeting 11-6-2021

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2018 Cookery Contest Winner!
2018 Cookery Contest Winner!
Posts: 536
Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2016 10:13 am
Discord Handle: Starstarfish#4572

Sun Nov 07, 2021 9:59 am

Temi muses, "So, our agenda for today, as per normal: 1) staff updates, 2) player heartbeat, and 3) player topics. Any topics to get on the list to start with?"

Temi muses, "Okay, I've got one submitted topic. Anything else before we move on?"

Jasmine says, "Ah I have a small topic"

Ikeala claims, "I have something as well."

Trogdor scoots around the topic submitters

Lans sharpens his sword as he listens.

Temi says, "Okay, got Jasmine and Ikeala too"

Temi pontificates, "So, staff updates!"

Tasker states, "I've placed an explosive at the base of lans' spine that will detonate the next time he says 'Vigilant'"

Sarathi claims, "Stay vigilant."

Temi states, "I have been back from my vacation and getting back into the swing of things this week. No big progress, but I checked off a couple more chandling recipes for versions of liquid perfume. Still trying to get those all done eventually."

Temi claims, "And the new skill mini-quest for this week is this cutey here."

Temi points over at a little boy trying to train his dog, adding, "Husbandry, to help with the dog training."

Temi wonders, "Alright... Leta! You look alive. What's your update?"

Leta states, "Alive? Me? Never."

Trajen sits down.

Leta says, "I did the usual player requests and recommends this week. I also stirred up some spooky trouble in the form of a plot. I hope it seems fun so far! This is my first time running one so I look forward to hearing your feedback."

Temi says, "Definitely looking forwards to see how that goes! Our little pillow chocolates today are in vague honor of it. More details sure to be found later."

Temi grins.

Leta grins.

Murrcognito squints.

Tasker declares, "Pretty dope from what I've seen so far!"

Leta claims, "Feel free to reach out to me if you want to get involved. Always happy to have more victims =)"

GeeBee pontificates, "Love spookiness! Thank you!"

Temi questions, "Thanks Leta! Okay, Salem?"

Temi queries, "Okay, we might have lost Salem to a brief afk. Ghed?"

Ghed nods.

Ghed says, "This week I did a few player plots, ran a liquidation and some RPA, handled some phome requests. A helpfile update is in the works for book submissions.. I also did new scripts for the Path of Fire temple to make it more immersive. Next is the Cult of Ecstasy."

Sarathi says, "Clearly, I need to find this path of fire temple."

Ghed claims, "No. You're good not knowing."

Temi grins.

Lans quirks an eyebrow.

Sarathi says, "Oh come on."

Salem states, "I was really sick all week, but I'm getting back into things."

Trogdor states, "Cult of ecstasy"

Jasmine says, "Heck yeah the cult's temple is great, love improvements to it"

Sarathi glances at Lans, "I uh... I'm going to find it to put it to the torch and cleanse it of its heresy. Yeah."

Temi declaims to Salem, "Was glad to hear you're feeling a bit better again!"

Lans nods at Sarathi.

Ikeala wonders, "Anything to know about book submission changes?"

Ghed says, "I'm streamlining some basic standards"

Temi says, "I think it's more information to help people who are less confident in doing that kind of thing, especially."

Leta nods.

Ghed says, "For instance: don't make a book about advanced econometrics for a setting where taxation is, generously, backwards"

Ghed says, "Just basic guidelines =)"

Ghed declaims, "And some tips!"

Ikeala nods.

Temi says, "Okay, thanks Ghed and Salem! Good things on the horizon."

Temi asks, "Player heartbeat then! How's RP been this week, folks?"

Sarathi claims, "Stuff happens."

Temi questions, "Good stuff, bad stuff?"

Trogdor states, "That's ominous "

Sarathi questions, "Does it matter, as long as it happens?"

Jasmine claims, "I've been very busy IRL but managed to sneak on for a couple of very nice scenes I still need to write recs for"

Leta asks, "Demon stuff?"

Tasker claims, "I swear to god if you vaguebook in TI Sarathi"

Temi declares to Sarathi, "As long as it's making for fun!"

Temi grins.

Sarathi claims, "It's happening."

Trajen states, "Pretty interesting recent devolopements."

Sarathi claims, "You might as well deal w/ it tasker."

Ikeala states, "I've had some interesting scenes this week."

Trogdor cries at sarathi and posts frownie faces

Murrcognito says, "Good stuff all around here. Been off spreading content like spring faire flower petals."

Lans states, "Good hunting."

Murrcognito states, "Have appreciated having experiences where folks write to make more RP happen instead of just trying to win."

Temi says, "Sounds pretty good all around. Anything more problematic that staff ought to know about? Anything bothering anyone? besides stuff that's on the topics list."

Lans states, "I've no complaints."

Ikeala states, "I have something but it's my topic."

Pookstall says, "Been good, enjoying what time I've been able to be around between RL stuff"

Temi nods at Ikeala.

Temi wonders, "We'll get to that then. Anything else?"

Trogdor states, "All clear on my end"

Trogdor affirms the affirmative affirmation

Temi states, "Okay, sounds good! Let's go on to player topics."

Temi states, "First was submitted to me in a tell: I would like to have some feed back on how the order inquisitor division is going, if everyone is happy with the RP"

Sarathi questions, "Order inquisitor division?"

Temi questions, "Ie, do you like what the inquisitors are doing, I think?"

Violet asks, "I've been really grateful to have a more active Order on grid, but idk if that's what the question is asking?"

Violet says, "It's been fun/RP generating on my end."

Jasmine states, "I've loved every bit of interaction with the inquisitors on grid"

Lans states, "I'm very, very happy with our Inq."

Jasmine states, "They've been super thematic and interesting, and the players take care to actually give proper attention to the character's they're interacting with"

Murrcognito states, "No complaints"

Ikeala states, "I've certainly had good interactions of late. My only thought of feedback is kind of something that more generally I think the community at large could consider."

Temi muses, "Yeah?"

Lans peers at Ikeala.

say Ah it was my topic anyways.

Ikeala states, "Ah it was my topic anyways."

Temi questions, "Okay. Any other thoughts on the inquisitor activity before we move on to the next topic then?"

Temi claims, "Seems like people are really liking what they are seeing."

Trogdor says, "No take backsies"

Temi muses, "Okay then. Jasmine! What is your topic?"

Jasmine claims, "So my topic is very short, just a bit of an odd thing I noticed. I have had some RP where some characters have done a good job of turning my character against another character, however when I went to subvert them, I was given a message that you cannot subvert someone without some minimum amount of RP. That doesn't make much sense to me when I can literally turn around and support that same person with 0 RP (yes it does fall off but nothing stops you from re-adding it).

I guess it might be like that to prevent OOC issues, but that's already against the rules. This specific person has done some questionable IC things but also is literally never online when I am, and if they are, they're unavaiable, and are never in public. To me, this just seems like code is rewarding only interacting with a small group of people who you are certain will support you, and punishing people trying to use RP to ICly drive other people to subvert on their behalf. It also seems to cheapen subversion, which already uses up one of your support slots anyways which is a limited supply."

Tasker declaims, "I wasn't even aware that was a thing!"

Sarathi states, "*cough* I was."

Sarathi claims, "I've run into that same issue."

Temi nods.

Jasmine claims, "And largely I feel like that also makes it easier to metagame when you're being subverted, also, so it would be beneficial for that uncertainty"

Temi wonders, "Anyone have any other thoughts? The opposing view maybe?"

Temi says, "I can definitely put this on the staff discussion points list"

Murrcognito claims, "I support this subversion."

Trogdor says, "Hmm.. with the principle of least astonishment as a guiding principle, i would say it's surprising subvert and support don't have the same mechanic, just in the opposite direction"

Temi gives a small, pillow-shaped dark chocolate with decorative tufts to Deedee.

Deedee thanks Temi.

Koukakala says, "Well, support only really matter for guildleaders mostly. I think you should go and rp with people if you wanna subvert them. It would be unfaire otherwise. I'm rather of the opinion that the support should be set to minimal rp as well."

Violet questions, "It was my understanding that support scales with RP, too?"

Murrcognito says, "Managing the RP requirement of support/subvert can be onerous when schedules aren't well aligned despite IC expectations or action."

Temi says, "I think it has been based on subverts that happen because someone holds a role you don't like, without having taken into account any of their own personal RP"

Ikeala says, "The difficulty is that sometimes the very reason it makes sense to subvert someone IC is them being unavailable to do things. So you can't really just 'go and RP' with them to fix that."

Trogdor states, "I don't think that's fair, as a GL honestly. I would expect mages to want to subvert me (shame on them) and it doesn't fair that they would have to interact with me"

Jasmine says, "And considering that, perhaps it is important that if you cannot get ahold of someone to RP with them, but someone is able to get ahold of you to convince an unrelated party to subvert someone, especially in the case of a guildleader you should doubly be able to subvert them"

Ikeala says, "Well they could interact with you a lot, but the way code handles mage stuff means it might not be counted as RP as well which is a factor."

Jasmine states, "If a guildleader is only 'available' for people who support them then that is also rewarding someone for hiding away and only RPing with a few people who support them"

Temi states, "The ideal for mages would be no Order GLs and a non-functional Order, but that's bad for the game, so we definitely don't want to encourage that"

Koukakala states, "Yeah. But for example it would be unfaire for the Grand Inquisitor or Archibishop to be subverted by all mages on grid, when they don't even get rp in return. That kind of thing."

Jasmine claims, "Support from your guild outweights subversion from outside your guild, so it should balance out"

Jasmine says, "For guildleaders, at least"

Koukakala muses, "And if you can't get a hold of someone then make a pboard and schedule a scene?"

Trogdor says, "Yeah, that; i would expect mages subversion perversion to be less, but still they should be able to subvert IMHO"

Trajen says, "Wow, that's an whole interesting thing to ponder."

Temi states, "But I do agree there's room for responding to someone's specific RP beyond just holding their position"

Koukakala states, "And it doesn't balance out if you have like two guildmember vs over 5 mages."

Temi claims, "Without necessarily having met them"

Trogdor states, "And scaling with RP would be an excellent way of that as well"

Jasmine says, "Largely this is a singular case, but with a large breadth of possibilities, but I think that subversion should be less fettered, and I would agree with having familiarity make support/subvert more powerful etc"

Trogdor pontificates, "Lots o burnin' to do!"

Temi asks, "I've got it added to our staff discussion topics. Any other elements to take into account on it?"

Jasmine says, "But if it's solely off of RP then whats stopping someone from ONLY roleplaying with 2-3 people who get super-support buffs and never anyone else, thus recreating this problem"

Murrcognito nods.

Temi nods at Jasmine.

Lans nods.

Trogdor claims, "Think it needs some thought"

Temi claims, "Thanks, yeah, we'll definitely discuss this. I agree that things may not be at the right balance now."

Trogdor claims, "Maybe it's something like a more gated approach, like if you are in a direct conflict guild, only GL's can subvert other GL's"

Sarathi muses, "Define direct conflict guild?"

Trogdor states, "Order/whatever filthy mage guild there is, reeves/brotherhood"

Murrcognito states, "Reeve --- broho / order --- mages"

Jasmine states, "I feel like if someone goes to all the trouble of convincing my character to support their enmity with this one person, and I can take IC steps like mailing them poison, robbing them, beating them up, ETC, and its kosher, I should be able to subvert them"

Violet muses, "Maybe just having guidelines around what allows you to support/subvert an individual? Like.. yeah sure, mages hate the order. But if this particular mage wants to subvert this particular Orderite, they should have a reason to target beyond just... big world issues?"

Jasmine claims, "You are required to put reasons for why you support/subvert"

Violet nods.

Temi nods at Violet.

Violet says, "But I'm just saying that if there's worry about people subverting the EM or the Archmage 'just because they're evil'"

Jasmine claims, "But at this point it might ACTUALLY be easier for me to kidnap and eventually kill this person rather than just subvert them and the social consequences that comes with it"

Jasmine claims, "And thats an issue since I don't want to kidnap or kill them"

Temi questions, "Okay, lots to talk about there. Alright.. Ikeala? You had a topic?"

Murrcognito queries, "This sounds like a non-problem that honestly could be adjudicated via the reason requirement?"

Murrcognito wraps up thoughts.

Ikeala states, "Hi, I'm Ikeala you may know me as one of your local bothersome magical neighbours. As someone playing arguably a more antagonistic role to the setting, I try to pick and chose when's a good moment to spoop on people. Which generally means scenes/folks that are on Where. Which at certain times can be a bit selective."

Ikeala claims, "However, we seem at times to have some difficulty with kind of handling the suspension of disbelief about folks showing up to public scenes."

Temi nods.

Trogdor wonders, "Example?"

Temi says, "Suspension of disbelief in general is often something that we've struggled with, I think."

Ikeala states, "That at a certain point 'why were you there' someone might not have the best IC reasoning for, because the reality is the answer 'that's where the RP was'"

Lans nods.

Lans says, "I agree, w i t c h."

Murrcognito says, "I am reminded of the recent library alcove event which kicked off this month's event, and of there being potential suspicion around 'why were you here', when.... it was the one room with a big thing going on."

Lans states, "Won't hear suspicion from me. Whererp was on. That's enough."

Sarathi states, "That reminds me of the need to convince CERTAIN people to turn their whererp off. Grumble."

Trogdor says, "Lol i'm guilty of that, but i think the keyword there is 'lots of vNPC's where there'"

Jasmine leaves whererp on in questionable places as a challenge for someone to come and find out

Temi claims, "There's good excuses for almost everywhere, I think. And easy to just be lost, or have wandered nearby and saw a group, etc."

Koukakala claims, "But it sometimes feels like a little bit of small worlding."

Trogdor states, "Yeah, i'm typically unapologetic about leaving whererp on sowwwwyy. i should actually update my whois about that though"

Ikeala states, "Also given we have super chatty NPCs all over grid it could be 'heard something was happening'"

Jasmine says, "If where's on, you're oocly inviting someone to join you, that's literally in the helpfile"

Temi nods.

Jasmine claims, "If you don't like people maybe showing up turn it off and dont whine if no one comes to your public scenes because its not on where"

Trogdor states, "Yes, that's what i like, personally, i find the most fun RP is when someone unexpected shows up. of course, i expect that they understand RP consequences can happen"

Jasmine states, "Where is a tool to help people oocly find RP and also an invitation "

Jasmine states, "My favorite scenes have sometimes been someone coming to find me in random places because they know where it is"

Temi says, "Small worlding becomes problematic for making deductions about results and such, but we prefer to overlook it for the just showing up somewhere bit, at least in whererp on type cases."

Trogdor states, "However, i get that perhaps some people may not prefer that and i hope a polite 'can you turn off your where, i'd rather this be private' is put up"

Sarathi trails off, "I will react very poorly if someone unexpected shows up in a private area just because someone in there has where on. That said... I will deal with it ICly"

Violet trails off, "But also please do keep whereRP on... it sucks when there's a full wholist and no one on where"

Jasmine claims, "(you can't travel to a place if the door is locked so lock the door)"

Trogdor claims, "You can knock :-)"

Koukakala says, "What I mean is the examples are all well and good, but it doesn't help you if the Inquisitor just squints at you and pyres you anyway. To put it to a point."

Pookstall claims, "I do only try to show up to places that make sense for a noblewoman to show up, even though it's sometimes meant bowing out on getting rp that week, because I didn't want to crash people's low class fun, just to get myself active"

Violet says, "I've had some great scenes when people traveled into my phome on accident :)"

Jasmine claims, "If you're doing mage shit with whererp on where you're literally glowing so they can arrest you on spot, literally why"

Lans says, "Yes"

Jasmine says, "Being a weirdo in the forest in a cloak isn't an arrestable offence"

Jasmine says, "It's just suspicious"

Lans says, "Depends on the offence"

Trogdor claims, "Goin' huntin'"

Sarathi asks of Lans, "Communing with woodland creatures?"

Lans claims, "I've ran into people sleeping in the forest, with balls of fire glowing"

Ikeala states, "But also some of this is away from the original point."

Lans nods.

Temi states, "What you do in the scene definitely should matter, but just being there is owed more leeway. And I do think most Inquisitors have taken that into account"

Trogdor claims, "Lol, right, bottom line, my personal policy is that my whererp will mostly be turned on, however, i will always respect it if someone asks me to turn it off too"

Koukakala claims, "I just mean that when a mages spooks on a public scene and you get suspicion by virtue of rping with them and not running imideately, then that makes it less actractive to stay and rp and that isn't really cool."

Trogdor states, "(to those out there saying NAH HUH, i do turn it off when i am AFK or some such)"

Temi nods at Koukakala.

Temi says, "That's totally fair."

Jasmine claims, "I feel like you can bullshit your way out of almost anything but that seems to be my answer everytime 'lie' is a valid answer"

Trogdor states, "Ooooh, that is fair, koukakala. however, i would say that if you hang out and RP with spooky mcspookerson mage, and then make a quick mail to the order you will be in the clear"

Temi says to trogdor, "Afk actually automatically turns it off while the flag is on"

Jasmine states, "You were stalling the mage until the order got there, you were scared for your life so you wanted them to not want to smite you, you couldn't think of a better way to get out etc"

Jasmine says, "They used magic on you and you physically couldn't leave, pls pappa priest cleanse me"

Temi claims, "Definitely helps if you report the scene to the Order later after done with the mage."

Temi grins.

Murrcognito claims, "Koukakala does raise a point which I have found challenging: the baseline expectation in most situations where any spooky content is produced is to a) clear the room b) mandate other characters flee as well ---- and while that makes sense from a setting perspective, it's the kind of behavior that's awful when it blows up what are often the only significant scenes available on grid."

Temi nods in agreement with Murrcognito.

Temi states, "We do try to not encourage that response"

Jasmine states, "Ask them what their name is and then run away, report to the order, send them a mail"

Ikeala states, "Also as a spoopy person you realize that just showing up means RP is potentially likely to not happen for you but also end for everyone else."

Jasmine claims, "Set up hot date in the forest"

Jasmine questions, "???"

Jasmine states, "Profit"

Trogdor states, "Okay, so it sounds like we all agree that this is a thing then"

Trogdor says, "So we need an IC way of encouraging people to stick around when spook happens"

Trogdor queries, "More or less the problem statement?"

Temi grins.

Ikeala claims, "Well more allowance for it to happen within reason, yeah."

Temi states, "If anyone does have ideas, we're always interested in hearing that sort of thing"

Temi asks, "However, we're getting close to the end here. Murrcognito, was your topic something different than this? Can you introduce that quick?"

Well! My topic was briefly touched upon earlier, but because I'm me, I'd still like to poke at it.

Small Worlding: Could we define this concept and have it be added as an official rule with a stand-alone helpfile to point users toward?

Particularly when the wholist is short, it becomes trivial to deduce who may have been associated with X Y or Z events, and to accordingly point suspicion at someone simply because they're one of the few other characters on grid. It would be nice to have a rule to point toward when asking individuals to correct behavior, or to alert them that they may be acting in a manner which contravenes expectations. [Murrcognito]

Temi says, "I think that seems reasonable."

Jasmine states, "Thats a really great idea"

Murrcognito claims, "For example: I have had a mage try to contact a character out of astral based upon spell mechanics, rather than an expectation that there's a city of thousands to search through."

Temi states, "We'd have to loop Kin in to make sure we aren't changing any policy and only articulating real things.. Or get her approval on something new"

Temi muses, "But I know Leta is always interested in more helpfiles that are needed... any interest?"

Temi grins at Leta.

Leta grins.

Leta declares, "Happy to add it to the list, thanks for the suggestion!"

Murrcognito pontificates, "Thanks for considering!"

Temi declaims, "Thanks!"

Zarif tells you, "Can we set up some time together to figure out a good proposed solution to the spooky-play-ending-scenes? cause that royally sucks"

Temi wonders, "Okay. We are to the end of our time. Any last call outs before I send everyone back?"

Deedee says, "Had a quick question"

Temi nods at Deedee.

Deedee queries, "I think someone else might have mentioned it previously, but is history for guild channels not working a known issue?"

Temi wonders, "Quick?"

Murrcognito claims, "Guild chans are disable"

Leta says, "It's a known issue, on the list."

Ghed says, "We're working on it"

Temi nods.

Deedee claims, "Got it, thank you"

Temi says, "They can't be used for discussions, but things like notifies still go to them"

Temi claims, "But yeah, known issue"

Deedee nods.

Temi exclaims, "Okay! Sending folks back now then. Have a great day all!"

Deedee waves.

Trajen bows to the illustrious staff

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