Log of OOC Meeting - 2020/04/18

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Posts: 18
Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2020 11:51 am

Sat Apr 18, 2020 6:06 pm

Erika claims, "Anyway, let's begin. It's time for that :)"


Ethelon exclaims, "Alrighty!"


Erika muses, "So, our agenda for today:  1)  Staff Updates, 2) Player Heartbeat, 3)  Player Topics.
Before continuing on to start, does anyone have any topics to get on the list?"


Katlyn states, "Yes I do."

Erika nods.


Erika muses, "Please pre-write your topic. Anyone else?"


Kuzco hmmmms.


Erika says, "I'll take that as a no. If you do come up with one, send me a tell and I'll add you at
the end of the list."


Kuzco says, "I can't remember, but I think I had something."

Erika nods at Kuzco.

Erika states to Kuzco, "Just send me a tell if you remember :)"


Raspberries claims, "Oughta right those down."

Temi grins.

Erika nods at Raspberries.


Erika claims, "Alright! Off to Staff Updates."


Kuzco trails off, "I often do write them down.... ish"

Deedee sits down on the ground.

Venamelia wears ethereal gloves of silk lace, buttoned with mother-of-pearl on her hands.


Erika declares, "As for staff updates. On my end. Nothing too unusual. Webclient's been having a few
small hickups that are fixed up now, slowly rolling new updates on it! On TI, working on through the 
requests and help when asked for, and generally making good use of my time online :)"

Temi grins.


Temi declares, "Excellent!"

Erika nods.


Erika muses, "Temi, how about you?"


Temi states, "For me, I've been pretty distracted and exhausted with RL, but I'm currently updated
on plots, I believe.  If you have one waiting, make sure you've responded to any 'needs input'."


Temi says, "I'm taking the plot stuff slower because I know things are hectic for a lot of people"


Temi finishes abruptly, "But you're still definitely welcome to engage with the plot twice a week -
I'll just be slower on any big announcements"

Erika nods.



Erika states, "People appreciate the work you do, even if it takes a bit longer :)"

Venamelia nods.


Temi claims, "And trying to help Niamh and Erika keep up on the requests and things"


Kuzco claims, "Yeah, thanks staff for  your volunteer work."


Temi claims, "And that's pretty much it for me"


(visnet) Player Geras: It meeting time?


(visnet) Player Delana: Yup!

Erika has transferred Jiraiya.  [OOC]

Erika gives a wooden mug engraved with a rendering of a slain pig demon to Jiraiya.

Erika grins.


Preposterous says, "Staff is rockin' awesome, truly."


Erika muses, "That'll be it for staff updates. Onto Player Heartbeat! How's RP been for you all this


Deedee claims, "Oh, write me down for a topic, just thought of one"


Murrmurs agrees!

Erika nods at Deedee.


Heilwiv claims, "Great! Just really started Rping in earnest, but it's been fun. People have been
nice and helpful."


Kuzco says, "Intense. Reeve-Brotherhood conflict has spiced up like I hadn't seen since I created


Preposterous states, "I'm greatly enjoying myself. Lots of fun stuff to sink my teeth into."


Violet states, "Lots to do."


Alpharius states, "Quite a lot has been happening, but in a good way."


Ethelon exclaims, "Not actually been in any RP, yet, but I am hyped for a new character!"


Deedee claims, "Things have been pretty spicy"

Erika nods.

Murrmurs states, "Busy busy busy here. Settling into playing Order again; all, my apologies for all
and any Inquisitorial toe stomping."

Temi trails off to Kuzco, "Not the craziest I've ever seen it, though.  At least... no princes have
had their hands sent to the queen"


Kuzco states, "Dude I remember that"


Kuzco claims, "Well I read it in the IC events thread"


Venamelia asks, "Wow. Brotherhood did that before?"


Sparkles states, "He made out better than the Bishop."

Temi nods in agreement.


Kuzco says, "Brotherhood was exceedingly brutal years ago"

say Yeah, it's one of the coolest things in the letters.

Yinadele claims, "Yeah, it's one of the coolest things in the letters."


Kuzco says, "Check the story of Regulus ab porter"


Civetta says, "Check out the old IC events threads, there's been crazy crazy brotherhood stuff."


Murrmurs trails off, "Remi hanging mages off of statues..."


Violet trails off, "Chests flayed open, organs scattered around the city..."


Sparkles states, "Thanks to everyone who stopped by the event given all and everything that went


Venamelia wonders, "I will look around. Don't think I had seen the old events threads. They're on
the forum?"


Civetta says, "Yeppo"

Brando sneezes loudly.


Temi states, "There's an archive of old IC Event posts"

Temi nods.

Erika grins.


Erika states, "Happy to hear it's been busy, at least there's always a lot of roleplay. Lots of new
players as well, which is a good thing :)"


Erika muses, "Any things that have gone bad or ruining someone's fun that they'd like to mention?"


Kuzco claims, "I'd like to remind people to take the game with a cooler head and don't get so
mad/deppressed when things don't go their way. I've seen a bit extreme reactions lately."


Andorig states, "I would just like to remind everyone oocly that gentry can't go into southside
without being attacked by lethal NPCs"


Ethelon claims, "I wish I had been able to pick up my old char again, but I must've let her dormant
for too long."

Temi nods.


Kuzco says, "Likewise, trust the fellow player a bit more. Sometimes they didn't cheat, sometimes
they just wisened up."


Temi states, "We only keep old pfiles around for 6 months"


Temi claims, "Of logging in at least once."


Temi says, "Doesn't require activity in that"


Katlyn queries, "Oh I didn't know that. Do you at least get a purge email?"


Ethelon says, "Ah, I get that. A fresh character can be nice, too."


Kuzco claims, "It was implemented last year."


Ethelon claims, "I'm gonna make quite the polar opposite to my old char and see how that goes."


Murrmurs queries, "And my understanding is that pfiles don't wipe if over a threshold of something
like 500rph?"

Kuzco nods.



Sparkles states, "As a random PSA - If someone sends mail or a pboard essentially as a possible RP
hook, a 'No Thanks' can be better than no answer as the other person might be waiting on that answer 
before moving on with stuffs."


Temi says, "That's entirely possible, but not sure on that."

Erika has transferred pepper.  [OOC]

Erika gives a wooden mug engraved with a rendering of a slain pig demon to pepper.

Temi states, "We don't send emails because we generally consider that they're abandoned at that


Temi states, "And the vast majority of them are people that only created and logged in once or


Katlyn says, "Oh oh I see."

Erika nods.


Erika queries, "Anyone else got a subject they have in mind? Otherwise we'll make our way to the
player topics :)"

Temi says to pepper, "We were just asking how people were"


Erika says, "- oops."


Violet states, "Are we able to edit helpfiles for former characters on our accounts, by the way?
Would be nice to make sure a few are tied up."

Erika muses to pepper, "We were in the middle of player heartbeat, how has RP been and all?"


Sparkles says, "You could possibly Request board and ask they be updated."


Pepper states, "I'm doing pretty okay! Lost a little sleep and finals are coming up, so stress is
decently high, but... generally, high spirits."


Raspberries states, "It looks like Prisca never got her helpfile. :("


Brando claims, "I was forced to get my medical jab 1week early. ANd that made me sleep for the past
three days. :("

Temi comforts Brando.

Ethelon puts a thick book labeled 'Erra Pater' in a thick, coarse linen satchel, fit with wide
leather straps.


Temi muses, "Did it get posted on the request board?"


Jiraiya says, ":("


Raspberries says, "Yup"


Temi states, "I don't recall seeing it, so you might post it again"


Jiraiya says, "Just found a will with prisca as heir in my inv yesterday"


Raspberries says, "I'll check my logs"


Sparkles says, "Actually, this inspires a topic, if there's room at the end of the list."

Erika nods at Sparkles.


Deedee declaims, "Pretty short on topics at the moment!"


Venamelia wonders, "Are we allowed to feed Niamh with unwanted knives?"


Temi says, "Only with her permission."

Temi nods at Venamelia.


Raspberries states, "Make sure they've got a @taste added."


Brando laughs.


Erika declaims, "Sounds a bit like playing favorites with a specific staff member!"

Andorig muses, "So, if we've got a request and its been up for a while, should we just repost it?"


Venamelia says, "Oh Lord. A weapon with an @taste. I love it."


Temi says, "If the request is still up, you can edit it with a bump"


Ethelon asks, "Why would you do that?"


Venamelia wonders, "Well, what is your favorite weapon to eat?"


Temi says, "If the request disappeared, you may need to repost it"

Erika claims to Andorig, "Depends on how long we are talking about, you may want to bump it up


Andorig states, "Its been about 2 weeks or so but okay"


Katlyn asks, "A bump?"


Temi claims, "Apologies on anything that is taking longer than normal, but we have a normal 3 day


Murrmurs trails off, "For the added detail in all of the dagger-licking scenes..."


Raspberries claims, "You can add a @smell too"


Temi claims, "A bump would just be an edit of it saying something like 'Bumping this as it's been a


Ethelon says, "I shouldn't have licked my poisoned knife."


Katlyn says, "Oh oh I see."


Ethelon drops dead.


Brando exclaims, "A smelly tasty dagger eh. WOW!"

Andorig says, "Reminds me of that one movie scene"


Venamelia trails off, "Raspberries. THAT. I am sure I can... you know, add some floral oils onto a
made weapon..."

Ethelon nods at Andorig.



Temi states, "But if we ask something on your post, it may take a bit more time to get back to it

Raspberries stops using a common eating knife with a scant wooden handle.

Raspberries lifts a common eating knife with a scant wooden handle to her nose and sniffs at it.

Erika nods.


Erika questions, "Shall we head on to player topics then? :)"
Venamelia lifts a wooden mug engraved with a rendering of a slain pig demon to her nose and sniffs
at it.

Temi nods at Erika.

Katlyn nods.


Kuzco sniffs Venamelia.

Deedee nods.


Brando laughs again.

Erika questions to Katlyn, "You had a topic?"


Katlyn states, "Yes, one moment, wall of text incoming."


Katlyn claims, "So this is just me wondering what the status of a bug is. Part of the autowarn
system isn't working. The part that tells you every half hour, perhaps longer if you're in a bigger 
scene, how many times you've emoted, whether you used think or hemotes, if you role played in a 
timely manner, all those things aren't working. Now they haven't been working since last year. I put 
up a bug post about it sometime beginning to middle of last year. The post was then removed I think 
because my past char liquidated, so I reput it up hmm about a month ago? I can't remember. Now I 
know that staff are overwhelmed. Especially with Az not being around. I was just wondering what the 
status of this was. The reason I'm asking is because for people with screen readers, who don't use 
the prompt because it's so spammy, this imparts a lot of useful knowledge. No it's not vital, but 
still useful. For example, I'm an older player and so I know that by role playing with an orderite, 
and or a new player gets me extra xp. However,"



Preposterous says, "That hasn't been working for a very long time."

Raspberries nods.


Katlyn states, "Damn it/ It got cut off."


Kuzco states, "It's like democracy"


Aric questions, "There's XP in this game?"


Katlyn states, "Someone newer, wouldn't know. Same goes for role playing in a timely manner. Again,
I know this gets me extra xp, because I was around when this component of the autowarn system was 
working. But with newer people, especially the ones on screen reader, they wouldn't know. I do 
understand and agree, this isn't a deal breaker or anything. it isn't vital, but it is useful and so 
i thought I'd just ask what the status of it was. Again no pressure or anything, but as this has 
been a long standing bug, I just thought I'd ask after it."

Temi nods.

Heilwiv is idle.
Alpharius is idle.

Kuzco says to Aric, "What do you mean. You spent XP in chargen."


Temi says, "If you created a new character, it probably wasn't deleted, just you no longer have
access to it"


Katlyn claims, "Sorry I didn't foresee that getting cut off. But I also had a second smaller topic
that I can pop on the req board or something if need be."

Heilwiv is no longer idle.
Heilwiv has returned from AFK.


Brando states, "RPXP is earned in any scene wher there is two or more players characters

Alpharius is no longer idle.
Alpharius has returned from AFK.


Aric says, "Sorry. I was joking. "


Temi says, "I'm afraid we have a backlog of things, and that's going to be a pretty complicated one
that's probably not in Niamh's ability to handle"


Temi says, "But we'll make sure she knows you care about it"

Erika nods.


Temi queries, "What's your little issue?"


Deedee lays out dead chickens in tribute to the coding gods.


Katlyn states, "Yes, I care deeply about it. lol Just because I don't have the prompt thing. It
doesn't matter quite as much for me as an older player who knows the ins and outs, but for others 
who are newer it's pretty useful is all. Oh little issue, can we make it so you can junk animal 
carcuses that you clearly just can't lift because they're way over a hundred pounds? Also, is there 
a way to make it so that medical supplies can be bought by all? As it's medical, and not something 
relating to class? Tis all."



Temi states, "I think it's intended that huge carcasses are awkward to deal with"


Preposterous claims, "I've just always buried animal corpses that are too big to lift."


Sparkles muses, "Yeah, Guild shops not selling to a GL seems problematic. As RP wise wouldn't you
just fire that guy?"


Deedee states, "Yeah, I don't think it would make sense to junk things you can't lift"


Temi claims, "Junk is not just "I don't want to deal with this anymore" but "I am tossing this


Deedee says, "You can 'drag' them somewhere though, or bury them"


Murrmurs nods with Deedee.


Brando says, "Buy a shovel ok. :)"


Violet states, "Ahhh yes, I would really appreciate if guild shops sell to people in the guild,
regardless of class."


Venamelia holds up a round, smooth whetstone "It is a type of junk. Anyone got any they don't want?
I will gladly take this junk off your hands" D 

Temi questions to Erika, "Put down to discuss the guild shops thing?"


Andorig states, "I agree, please make Morris sell to gentry, it's driving me crazy"

Erika nods at Temi.


Pepper claims, "Class relations for shops is, in general, kind of awkward. I can't help but
lampshade it whenever it happens in roleplay."


Kuzco claims, "I remember when the Globe's GL shop wouldn't send to Norrig"


Kuzco claims, "It's not as intended at all"


Raspberries grins at Kuzco. 


Sparkles claims, "There's been times the Order and Reeve shops wouldn't sell to them either, I feel
like that would get people arrested, lol."


Kuzco claims, "*sell"


Katlyn claims, "Oh yeah, and now officially there are no places that sell any kind of ingredients to
the gentry. It's becoming problematic for the gentry cooks."


Preposterous states, "Ingredients for food? Wilhelm."


Sparkles wonders, "Arguably should Gentry be cooks?"


Kuzco states, "Time to hire freemen."


Katlyn claims, "The bountiful table used to, but that changed, so we're up a creek without a


Kuzco eyes Sparkles warily.

Raspberries nods in agreement with Kuzco.


Preposterous says, "And yeah, I tend to hire freemen to fetch them."


Andorig says, "Ew hiring freeman"


Venamelia says, "I have a player freeman staff that does it for me."


Murrmurs claims, "Associated... General Store not selling to Freemen means newbies can't acquire a
good chunk of general use items."


Temi states, "Fetch and carry is a great freeman job"


Preposterous states, "But... the one in Wilhelm will sell to gentry, just have to leave town to get



Venamelia says, "Staff as in, personnel."


Katlyn claims, "Oh thanks for the tip."


Heilwiv questions, "Hiring freemen? In this economy!?"


Brando claims, "Dont forget there is a blackmarket for a reason."

Kuzco nods.


Deedee states, "Would think the general store would sell to freemen over gentry. odd"


Preposterous says, "I don't think we'll be using blackmarket for grocery items. Hiring freeman is


Andorig says, "I wasn't aware that the blackmarket was for hiring couriers to buy from normal stores


Katlyn states, "I thought they would, and I was so worried I couldn't buy that shovel."


Heilwiv says, "Oh yeah, the general store I don't think will sell to Freemen."


Pepper says, "Yeah I'll just... pick up potato seeds on the blackmarket because I'm too high in
social class for the shopkeeper to consider me valid."

Temi nods.


Temi says, "Not all shops may be set correctly"


Erika states, "...But, we're working on it."

Erika grins.


Murrmurs nods.


Preposterous states, "Seems like the general store should be an all-level thing."


Heilwiv claims, "I just wanted a shovel. : x"


Venamelia says, "Ask a blacksmith. : D"


Deedee says, "Players can make shovels as well"

Deedee nods at Venamelia.


Deedee wonders, "My turn yet?"


Temi says, "But... the fact it's inconvenient is part of the point, and it causing you have to get
help from others is part of the point."


Brando states, "I disagree on the genreal store thingy..the class relatiosn works both ways. My
character gets lots RP outa helping freemen buy stuff form there. "


Kuzco says, "Time to pressure nobles to get off their asses and do projects"


Pepper states, "I'm gonna be honest - the whole system is incredibly awkward to roleplay around and
the incapacity of most players to meaningfully affect it (even when they use massive multi-person 
projects to do so, after which it immediately crashed down) makes it more troublesome. 'hey can you 
pick me up some potatoes' is not... my ideal, roleplay scenario."


Murrmurs nods with Pepper. 


Temi claims, "I think that last project to do it was rather huge"


Kuzco says, "But yeah project decay is blatantly broken, we've reported it"


Erika nods.


Temi claims, "There's a to-do to fix the project decay"


Pepper claims, "If things are being worked on and fixed, that's super okay! I just want to express
that I have only encountered it as a barrier to new players getting what they need, causing them to 
spend hours looking through shops guessing at where they might find incredibly basic materials, and 
then getting slapped with a class barrier."


Brando is fine with meanial RP scenes ...its a part of the variety.

Temi asks of Erika, "Who's next?"


Murrmurs nods with Pepper.

Erika wonders to Deedee, "You had a subject?"

Deedee nods.


Deedee says, "I'd like to request that the physician's diagnose command work on animals. This would
allow us to test things for poison that we currently have to use RPA for and take up staff time. 
Testing things for poison is a common request for physicians, and currently the sniff command is 
often vague even at grandmaster levels of medicine and herbalism."


Kuzco declaims, "Yeah!"


Brando states, "Thats a cool idea. "


Temi states, "One concern is that things wouldn't necessarily work the same on animals and we don't
really have a setup for that"


Temi finishes abruptly, "Though I'm not necessarily opposed to the idea - probably needs discussed"

Erika begins to move north.

Erika slows to a halt.


Deedee states, "Diseases don't affect animals, but I think softaffects from poisons should"

Erika nods.

Preposterous claims, "I haven't ever found sniff to be vague. It's literally told me, "You smell
vapors." or "You smell Sand Witch's Brew.""



Erika says, "I'll write it down."


Deedee states, "Thanks"


Brando reminds himself to sniff more often.

Erika asks of Sparkles, "You had a subject as well?"


Deedee claims, "It's been super vague for me so far"


Kuzco states, "I've had 'You smell the scent of nutmeg' for instance"


Sparkles states, "I touch on this carefully but ... as people were talking about old chars, etc, I'd
like to bring up 'Wrap Up' policy a bit. There's been a number of situations that my character was 
involved in when .... as soon as things sort of spiced up ICly, folks seemed to dip off a char. 
Which of course could be for any number of reasons including just bad timing on RL stuffs but ... it 
can make it hard at times when there's essentially no closure to a conflict storyline because no one 
really has the "claim" to request a wrap up, policy wise.      "


Preposterous states, "Yes, this has happened recently, too, with another character who stirred stuff
up, and then vanished."


Kuzco says, "Repeatedly."


Violet states, "Yep."


Alpharius says, "Heh."


Temi questions, "That's challenging.  We can't really force people to RP things out, but if no one
really has a reasonable claim to wrap them up... it can't really be anything too major, I think?"


Sparkles claims, "I'm not certain what determines reasonable claim."



Brando claims, "Life is messy ... id focus on the RPXP gains and things learned as the rewards and
live with the unfinished story lines myself. "


Temi says, "Probably case by case, but if it's blocking RP on stuff, can probably make a request"


Kuzco claims, "There are several people who were warranted by the Order, abandoned their characters,
and were never wrapped up"


Kuzco claims, "Despite a few player requests =/"


Sparkles states, "Also the 500 hour thing can keep people viable for what seems like ... RL years."


Pepper muses, "Sorry, what's the context on the 500 hour thing?"


Kuzco states, "Help milestone"


Kuzco claims, "Also after 500 rp hours you aren't auto-reaped"


Temi claims, "We can definitely work at these things as they are requested, but the complicated ones
will often go to Kin's decision"


Brando nods

Jiraiya is idle.
Aric is idle.


Pepper declares, "Okay, I understand. Thanks for the explanations!"



Sparkles states, "Thanks for the consideration on it."


Raspberries says, "Just to add in, those who don't RP out the consequences don't benefit from them
either. they won't get recommends or bonus death xp and such"

Erika nods.

Temi nods in agreement.


Brando nods


Erika asks, "Well, that leaves us with a few more minutes. I think there should be an event coming
up after the OOC Chat?"


Temi questions, "Anyone have anything else they wanted to throw out there at the last minute?"


Truth says, "I'd like to remind people that you can use '@f' to format your text after making moods,
descriptions, etc. It makes stuff a lot cleaner to read, especially on mobile where I often am."


Katlyn says, "Oh yeah, I always forget to do that. lol"

Aric is no longer idle.


Katlyn says, "I'm glad it's there though, for all who can't format."

Aric has returned from AFK.


Brando states, "There is also a command to leave lines unformatted when you use @f."

Venamelia has gone AFK.


Katlyn asks, "Oh?"


Katlyn queries, "Is there?"


Raspberries says, "Wrapping things inside of {x"


Raspberries claims, "What the"


Murrmurs claims, "{Z on either side of blocks you do not want to format."


Preposterous says, "It's inside of {x"


Kuzco claims, "Kudos for people who roll with the punches"


Raspberries claims, "Should be Z, for some reason it turned it into x when I typed it"


Preposterous claims, "Who, it changed it to x for me, too. how weird."


Truth claims, "Outside of the editor, that happens I think."


Temi states, "I don't think it knows how to display that at the end sometimes"


Raspberries claims, "Odd bug"

Erika nods.


Erika queries, "Either way, we're out of time. Anyone any last words before I send you all back? :)"


Alpharius says, "Toodles."


Brando waves


Andorig states, "Nikfutquando"


Raspberries declares, "Fishsticks!"

Heilwiv pontificates, "Nope!"


Andorig states, "There's a word for you"

Erika waves.


Murrmurs declaims, "Have fun all!"

Raspberries waves.[/quote]

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