Log of OOC Meeting - 04/28/18

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2018 Cookery Contest Winner!
2018 Cookery Contest Winner!
Posts: 536
Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2016 10:13 am
Discord Handle: Starstarfish#4572

Sun Apr 29, 2018 8:16 pm

Kinaed wonders, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today?"

Vlora eats Valyn

Empena claims, "My main point was added to staff talking points already, but I've got one small other thought."

Maura eyeballs Vlora "Smexy."

Vlora vomits on Maura

Valyn questions to Vlora, "Ate Paton's cookies again?"

Safir says, "I got a topic. "

Valyn gets a jar of pungent hemproot infusion labelled as 'Gutcalm' from a leather satchel with various small bags, worn on the belt.

Kinaed headscratches, "This is not my morning."

Kinaed states to Safir, "Thanks :) Please pre-write it so that you're ready t introduce us when called upon"

Kinaed claims, "Okay, I've got Safir and an anonymous topic."

Empena states, "Oooh, me if there's a moment."

Kinaed states to Empena, "Adding you, yep"

Steven says, "OoOOoOoOh Anonymous"

Kinaed states, "Okay, kicking off Staff Updates."

Valyn says, "Mysterioouuus"

Valyn stops using a little pair of dancing slippers streaming colorful ribbon.

Valyn wears a pair of sturdy leather boots, damaged by wear and time on his feet.

Kinaed states, "Last week I processed the Request Queue a couple of times and... I think that's it. Next to no policy, and I was working long hours because a PM at work got ill and went on sudden, extended medical leave the day before a deadline."

Kinaed states, "So I picked up all of her work for said deadline."

Kinaed claims, "I still have Jail Automation on my plate, but that's pretty much it."

Kinaed claims to Temi, "You're up :)"

Temi states, "Right, right.. I've been gearing up for the event in a couple weeks"

Temi says, "So that's been most of the time, but also wrote up a couple little spec things."

Niamh gives a little pair of dancing slippers streaming colorful ribbon to Prisca.

Kinaed smiles.

Temi states, "I think... some fixes for the asset market and a little tweak to show when a messenger is approaching."

Kinaed claims, "I noticed the plot system is picking up some."

Valyn questions, "Doubt such events really come with risk of death unless you're just being a fool? Just.. out of curiosity, or is it something pretty big?"

Farra thinks that was Niamh forcing the Grand Inquisitor to the ground.

Farra is onto that Niamh.

Niamh nods.

Farra taskeremoji: taskeremoji: taskeremoji: taskeremoji:

Temi says, "There's no explicit protection from death, but there shouldn't be a larger risk of death than most days, unless you go.. attacking things."

Valyn nods.

Kinaed states, "Risk of death is the same as always, I think. Generally, we do not write stories with the intent to kill, but we also wouldn't stop it if the story goes that way for whatever reason."

Farra states, "I will provide the risk of death"

Farra says, "*hitches up skirt and runs around with a torch*"

Kinaed states to Farra, "Ever accomodating, I see."

Vlora stabs Farra

Valyn claims, "Yes, that sounds about as I expected it to be. Just making sure, I've played in places where any staff-ish event basically meant death everywhere.. >.>"

Temi claims, "If an event is explicitly designed to be extra dangerous, we'll call it out."

Justin attenpts to stab the Queen.

Niamh fistbumps Justin.

Farra says, "That's Lewd, even for a Vavardi."

Kinaed states, "The only staff run quest that had a high death rate was the plague, and that one was optional for players."

Empena asks, "Speaking about events, that uh, other ST is that still a thing?"

Kinaed queries to Empena, "You mean the one being run today?"

Valyn says to Kinaed, "Big risk of death, that one, I heard."

Farra asks, "I think she might mean the one involving the Council?"

Farra states, "Or was that officially cancelled, I never saw a note."

Kinaed claims to Valyn, "Players could opt in to having their character killed by plague, so a lot of people chose to 'liquidate alts' in story, as I recall."

Valyn nods understandingly.

Kinaed claims, "I don't know anything about that ST."

Temi claims, "Unfortunately, the person who can tell you more about that one just went AFK, but I am sure Justin will provide more information at some point."

Temi states, "I haven't heard of it being explicitly cancelled, but there may be timing issues."

Kinaed queries to Temi, "Let's ask him when he returns. Remind me?"

Prisca eyes Justin.

Maura muses, "Didn't the palace invasion story also have a decent number of deaths, or was that not technically a quest at the time?"

Valyn states, "Oh, I asked him earlier."

Prisca gets a length of sturdy rope from a wolf pelt bag, fit with leather straps and canine catches.

Kinaed claims, "I sometimes miss things people say/do in the OOC Chat due to spam."

Niamh trails off, "Prisca's planning to hang one of us..."

Kinaed says to Maura, "I don't recall them being PC deaths? Maybe I'm wrong."

Farra hangs on to what she's got.

Kinaed states, "Alrighty then - Niamh, I think it's your turn to update us. :)"

Niamh claims, "This was a testing-heavy week for me. Did a buttload of testing from the changes board (where bug fixes and new features go after Az has done his side with the programming) to make sure things are working both well and as intended, then wrote new helpfiles or updated old ones to reflect the new stuff/change. I got a bit of progress done on the Stealth Overhaul thanks to a player, who was able to provide some extremely helpful insights. Wrote a tiny spec or two (the dirty command you lot asked for last time, and I think uhhh... one other?). Handled some plots. That's about it."

Maura could have sworn there was one... might be forgetting as it's been a long time.

Farra also takes the sofa and a couple pots.

Farra is playing Skyrim, and that's a lot for love.

Valyn oooOooooOOhs over Stealth Overhaul. Also thinks DotA2 is better than Skyrim.

Kinaed pontificates, "Hehe, 'that's it' - it's like 20x what I did last week. Thanks, Niamh. :) Also, thanks Temi too!"

Farra also likes to compare apples and pickles.

Farra exclaims, "Thanks Staff!"

Valyn smirks.

Kinaed smiles.

Farra declares, "I'm excited to 'accidentally' forget that I can't safe attack when stabbing a Page's face in 'training'!"

Niamh twirls!

Farra declaims, "'It was a total accident, I swear!!' FINISH NOAH"

Kinaed asks, "Okay, Staff Updates complete - time for Player Heartbeat. How was everyone's last week on TI? Game good? RP good?"

Niamh declares to Kinaed, "I know what Az's update was!"

Valyn claims, "I heard a Page might politely retract his earlier offer to help a particular Inquisitor."

Kinaed whispers in an aside, "I see Farra's a little less murderous than usual today."

Valyn phews.

Farra claims, "I've still been busier with IRL than I'd gotten used to, but was able to handle some clerical stuff, some plot stuff, and snuck in just a dab of arrogance to round out the week."

Kinaed queries to Niamh, "Oh, sure! What's Az's update?"

Prisca states, "Been a quiet week in Prisca's little corner."

Niamh claims, ""Kicked some major butt with the bugs board." He kept me very busy with changes."

Niamh grins.

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed says, "I should check for material changes."

Valyn grins at Kinaed.

Valyn gets a lengthy chocolate brown feather with small charcoal spots from a slender artist's portfolio of sturdy mahogany-dyed canvas.

Kinaed questions, "Looks like bugs only though, except didn't we get a new spell?"

Valyn woots!

Niamh nods at Kinaed.

Niamh claims, "New fire spell is in, tested, and helpfiled."

Valyn trails off, "Womb... Something"

Farra asks, "Farrafyication?"

Kinaed nods at Valyn.

Valyn says, "Sounded like a Grindcore band"

Niamh says, "He murdered the bugs board this week. Every time I logged in 10 new ones."

Prisca claims, "Oh, had a question about a bug/request I submitted."

Kinaed questions to Prisca, "Yes?"

Prisca states, "About getting the silver amount needed when you scribe without enough silver now, with the change to scribe"

Prisca claims, "I saw it bump between bug and request boards a couple times, then poof"

Niamh states, "Hrmmm... Possible it went onto changes, which isn't visible to players. One sec."

Kinaed states, "I may not be paying attention, but I have no idea what you're saying. But if it poofed, it almost definitely went to change."

Prisca pontificates, "Oh okay!"

Empena asks, "With the new update to crafts being able to use more items, should we still submit things for the exchange market or suggest them as options for existing crafts?"

Niamh states, "Market's for old, now out of use mats post-craft-changes."

Niamh says, "Like the old lumps of metal, yada yada."

Farra says, "Oh, I have a topic, but it might be better to add to just go to the ideas board -- will mention it if we have time, but it's not a pressing suggestion in any capacity."

Niamh says, "Or the old gross paper pulp."

Temi nods at Niamh.

Niamh says, "Not sure what's gross about it. I don't like the word soggy, maybe."

Valyn says to Niamh, "They still serve that to Pages as breakfast."

Temi states, "We don't want to add those as ingredients, we want them to go away."

Farra shudders.

Empena nods at Temi.

Niamh nods at Temi.

Farra claims, "Soggy and Moist."

Farra gages IRL.

Temi says, "But other things - maybe add as ingredients. Maybe they aren't intended to be options for it."

Empena nods at Temi.

Valyn exclaims, "Oh!"

Niamh states, "Never hurts to toss up a note, either way. Worst that can happen is "Eh, I think it's best not to make this craftable.""

Valyn says, "See you added the feather. I'll keep my eyes open for more mats that might be added."

Niamh smiles at Valyn.

Niamh nods.

Kinaed states, "I've added Farra to topics"

Kinaed says, "Okay, let's move on to Player Topics since I have a large number"

Kinaed claims, "Just getting the anonymous one sorted."

Kinaed claims, "Let's start with Safir's topic"

Valyn read that as 'added Farra as topic', almost got ready to make popcorn.

Safir states, "Okay, it'll be a wall of text. I tried out the trainer like I said I would."

Safir claims, "So, I checked out the trainer like I said that I would. A few points on the expense vs. usefulness: I wasted a lot of money. You have to have a real weapon, which is a big expense, cannot disengage or you get pushed out, and cannot re-enter for another skill after you are out since it takes subHP a while to reset. Sign doesn't clearly state that so a n00b could easily make the mistake and be out 50 silver. I'm INT81 WIS86 and managed to go 17 rounds, but switched to my best defense and weapon after ten rounds to make it keep going longer. I got a rank 0 weapon to Almost None in pool, which is equaling out to about 7 ranks at a low level, but at higher levels would be maybe 50% of a rank? For me, it only pooled axe, since I couldn't pool my defense since it was higher than basic. If I spar, I can normally get to maybe Some, and get some pool in my defense, so substantially better, and the last weapon I was taught from 0 I got 19 ranks out of with a MTCBG. Obviously, teach is different at different ranks - a MTCBG at low level is not going to be the same as an upper level, where you only get a rank or two. But all that said, I could see why a newer character with lower stats and low defense may be getting knocked out super fast by trainers through no fault of their own and wasting a lot of money that way. "

Niamh muses, "What's a MTCBG?"

Justin has lost link.

Justin has reconnected.

Farra nods in agreement.

Valyn states, "More than can be grasped"

Safir says, "More than can be grasped"

Niamh nods.

Valyn also thanks Safir for all that testing!

Justin claims, "Stats play a large role in how much benefit you get from trainers"

Kinaed questions, "What do you think for older characters? Better play over the curve of experience?"

Safir says, "Right, Valyn was concerned last week because he was getting knocked out after a few rounds, and he's low stats."

Kinaed nods at Justin.

Prisca states, "I don't know if it's still the case, but the trainers at the one in the southside training hall didn't knock me out as easily as the ones at the park street one"

Valyn says, "I've had spars there where I got beaten by them before I could advance from 'Inconseqential' to the next one, just because they only once did a DEFEND. That was horrendous.. heh.."

Safir says, "I mean, as a maxed out player, if I want to learn a weapon and grind it and can't get someone to me or spar with me, then it's fine. But if you're a low level player and can't last seventeen rounds, it's useless. "

Prisca claims, "Maybe take a look at that one, see about balancing it based on that."

Valyn states, "And aye, the subHP thing made me waste money too. That isn't made clear, if possible I'd like for that to be mentioned somewhere in a new-player-helpfile as warning."

Kinaed queries, "Functionally, is the difference between a 'new' character and an old one stats only?"

Safir states, "It could be added to the sign on the training hall that has the instructions."

Justin states, "Stats and skills"

Safir says, "Well, stats, and $$ reserves. "

Justin says, "Both of which play a large role in combat, of course"

Safir says, "I had top stats and like I said, switched to my champion defense. "

Kinaed muses, "What's the order of magnitude we're talking about in terms of how much it'd take a new player in silver to gain from low to adept?"

Valyn claims, "Well, there's also that gap where chars with death-xp invested in them can rocket through training at ten times the pace and efficiency of a real newbie. Think that shouldn't be as massive at it is now."

Valyn states, "I had another page spend only 50 silver to get both an offense and a defense to MTCBG"

Valyn states, "I need to spend about 200 to 300 to reach that, if not more."

Kinaed says, "Someone brought up to me that training stats up probably should be an activity and limited in speed rather than a 'type improve and two seconds later you're double as strong' - as an aside."

Valyn nods.

Valyn nods.

Justin says, "I don't think that helps the problem"

Valyn states, "That would make sense. Opens RP too, maybe even bring life back to the University :o"

Empena claims, "I'm still going to toss in my thought that being beaten to the pulp by the trainers should give actual wounds."

Kinaed states, "That's why I mentioned it 'as an aside'"

Maura considering you'll never be twice as strong in any stat super quickly, as it requires massive amounts of xp... not too concerned about that

Prisca nods at Empena.

Farra claims, "I don't think that this is a problem; and I think it might be a miscommunication or an exploit if someone is getting such a pool off of one training session."

Justin declaims, "True! Just saying"

Safir claims, "As a maxed out stats players, I could get 7 ranks gaming it at low level, but that'd diminish the higher the rank, for me to get to 36, it'd probably be around 200. I don't know, I could keep going back and see."

Safir says, "For a new player it'd be more."

Safir claims, "I'm not saying making stats easier to advance"

Safir states, "Perhaps an adjustment to pool or the attack capability of the trainers so people can pool more with them."

Justin asks, "What if trainers just taught the skill? "

Kinaed states, "An interesting thought"

Justin says, "And your silver gave you 10 minutes listening, or whatever"

Prisca states, "Might be worth noting you can request the trainer to change their weapons to one that's weaker against the defense you're using."

Valyn declares to Justin, "Just a set amount of POOL... Hrmm..!"

Valyn claims to Prisca, "I know, I also used armour."

Safir claims, "If the trainers are going to teach, then it'd need to be on a timer, and price adjusted likely. "

Valyn says, "Didn't help me at all. Wouldn't really last one more attack."

Kinaed says, "Okay, it's 8:30 am and we're half way through today's session while on the first topic. So, I propose staff take this discussion and put it on talking points."

Safir claims, "I can learn 20+ ranks from teach at low levels"

Prisca nods.

Kinaed states to Safir, "A sincere thanks for your going out of your way to provide this information"

Kinaed claims, "Please check in with us again next week to see where we landed if you don't see anything by then."

Kinaed declaims, "Okay, the anonymous topic!"

Kinaed claims, "FROM ANONYMOUS: What I wished to bring up was in regards to seals on letters. Now I make no claim that this is a rampant issue, but something I noticed could be, especially with the change to silver and the costs that come with courier profiles. I would like to propose that a policy be put into place that requires any type of seal that is used on mail to be required to be "purchased" through a courier profile. As it stands, it's easy enough to copy and paste seals. I'll admit, my intention behind this suggested policy is in relation to Forgery, as my understanding is that letters are linked to courier profiles, and that the forgery skill draws from the courier profile versus the actual contents of the letter. As such if someone is copy and pasting their seal each time, that would take away from the forger's ability to forge the seal, if infact forgery works the way I understand it."

Niamh questions, "That's already a policy, I think?"

Kinaed states, "My only comment on that is that, as far - yes."

Kinaed nods at Niamh.

Temi nods at Niamh.

Kinaed claims, "As far as I'm concerned, this is already policy. Don't use gimmicks to get around the use or need for the forgery skill. Thanks :)"

Temi states, "We don't see most letters though, so we won't have any idea. Please let us know if you're concerned about it. Especially if you try forging and it doesn't work."

Farra muses, "As an aside, I'm confused as to why that would limit Forgery?"

Empena says, "That said, maybe with purchase silver no longer a thing, it might be a balancing thing to consider 500 silver if that's too high"

Justin begins to count their money.

Farra asks, "The Header would make more sense -- obvious that can't be forged with a basic 'default' letter, but a seal's a different issue; get ahold of one, copy/paste it, and you've forged?"

Niamh states, "That's also against policy."

Maura says, "But that would be against policy farra"

Empena says, "Also, having a seal at times is more a sign of having OOC skill as ASCII than anything"

Farra exclaims, "Ah, the more you know!"

Valyn snickers at Empena.

Kinaed finishes abruptly, "Copy-pasting someone's seal on a letter, and even putting a seal on a letter that is not part of a profile - is against policy"

Farra had admittedly never read the forgery letter because she's not a FILTHY SINNER.

Niamh states, "I think the seals and headers are pretty reasonably priced. They aren't supposed to be available to most people."

Temi states, "There is a jewelry option for a seal for a cheaper option through crafters."

Niamh nods at Temi.

Farra forgery helpfile*

Kinaed says, "We have profiles to represent headers and seals to facilitate forgery and ensuring seals are real, not just representations in the game."

Prisca states, "Would be nice if seals could be used to 'seal' a container. I think someone suggested that, once."

Prisca says, "So you can check for tampering."

Kinaed says, "It'd be good if we had a command to check a seal as well, I suppose."

Farra states, "I think it was decided then that it was just a bit too much code work."

Kinaed claims, "We might. I can't remember."

Empena ponders.

Kinaed states, "But at least says 'A seal is present' so people can detect copy/paste jobs."

Valyn queries to Kinaed, "An Appraise?"

Temi says, "I think we just don't have a good way to support it with code at the moment."

Empena states, "It seems to me that at one point more positions had a built in seal/header."

Empena claims, "Maybe that's an interpretation thing though"

Kinaed states to Empena, "Nah, I think it's the same amount as always, maybe more now."

Empena states, "The more you know."

Farra questions, "Though at the same time, what about times when you're writing on a piece of paper, rather than using mail?"

Prisca asks, "I had a question about header/seals from... was it artwork? is that still only a way to copy it into the profile, or will that cover the 500/1000 silver fee for adding one?"

Kinaed states, "Good point, not sure. Okay, I think we need to write that down as a gap."

Farra says, "Farra's at times written warrants and the like, and rather than mail them deliver them in person; I've put her seal on those since it seemed proper -- I do have a header/seal set up, but.."

Farra nods.

Niamh says to Prisca, "It's supposed to cover the fee."

Temi says, "If you own the seal profile, it should be fine to copy it on a paper"

Empena asks, "Maybe there should be like a mid-point header/footer? As it's the like Grandmaster art craft isn't it?"

Temi questions, "If you are forging it... talk to staff?"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed states, "Okay, I've made some notes, again stuff I'll have to take back to Azarial for changes, and hash out with staff."

Kinaed says, "Thanks for raising it, Anonymous."

Kinaed asks, "Next, Empena - won't you introduce us to your topic? :)"

Kinaed says, "I think she may be unflagged AFK."

Farra nods at Temi.

Empena claims, "There's been some comment lately on a lack of 'public' RP, however, the public scenes that I've been or when I've been 'publically' available, folks didn't really jump on to it. And ... it's starting to have an air of ... I don't know, blame that is feeling a bit awkward."

Kinaed says, "That's not nice to hear. :("

Valyn nods.

Prisca says, "Oh, that reminds me of a topic I wanted to bring up. if there's any time."

Kinaed says to Prisca, "Added."

Farra says, "I'd like to piggy-back on this and remind people that if you're not finding the type of RP you want, then you're very welcome to go about creating it. If you want more public events .. -run a public event!-. And if you don't have the time to, then respect that others might not, either."

Kinaed nods at Farra.

Niamh nods at Farra.

Kinaed states, "I feel weird about this."

Empena claims, "I don't know what the solution to that exactly is, might suggestion might be a reward perhaps or an expectation of high-level folks being in public more, I don't know. But when you are a person who is often doing that kind of RP and when you hear people saying "that type of RP doesn't happen" it can be a but um ... hurtful."

Maura doesn't think you need to run a public event to be able to get public rp...

Farra says, "I would love to see a requirement that GLs need X amount of RP per week/month in public spaces."

Niamh says, "Maybe it would be best for people to just not badmouth others OOC."

Kinaed says, "Bluntly, I get irritated when people complain about not being able to find RP. Often I question whether it's because the player in question is actively taking responsibility to find or make RP rather than expecting other people to do the heavy lifting and be there for their entertainment - which may or may not be fair."

Kinaed states, "This is probably a byproduct of my personally never having any trouble finding RP, ever."

Empena states, "Just trying to offer thoughts."

Farra declaims to Niamh, "But muh emotional releases!"

Empena shuffles.

Niamh swats Farra.

Kinaed queries, "We don't think requiring GLs to RP 1 hour per week and maintain activity is reasonable enough?"

Farra states, "I don't."

Kinaed muses, "Do others feel that way? Are GLs the problem?"

Maura thinks this is perfectly reasonable, especially with what can be lossed if you don't meet that requirement

Valyn states, "Nope."

Steven says, "Wot"

Farra queries, "And I don't think it's a problem, per-say -- but I do think it's far-too-easy for GLs to sequester themselves away into private RP. Maybe consider not making it a requirement, but offer a reward if they do?"

say I'm not saying anyone is "the problem" so to speak, there also might be an interpretation of "public"

Empena says, "I'm not saying anyone is "the problem" so to speak, there also might be an interpretation of "public""

Vlora says, "I think there is already a lot of pressure on GL's as is, so any additional requirement to contend with will be a bit stressful."

Farra claims, "It can 'feel' very difficult for new players to meet with GLs if they are never at inns, or squares, or what-have-you."

Kinaed states, "I'm unlikely to make it a requirement, yeah."

Vlora says, "If it's just a reward though, that'd be fine. "

Farra nods.

Kinaed states, "But I'm not against rewarding it."

Maura thinks empena has it on the dime there.
Valyn nods.

Steven says, "I personally find the current requirement fine. It weeds out the people who aren't doing anything."

Valyn claims, "And Empana sounds right there."

Maura states, "Unless you have an eye on a gl every second they are on, you have no way of truly knowing who they are rping with."

Niamh nods.

Farra exclaims, "1 RP hour a week is still plenty forgiving to people who aren't doing anything, imho, but I think my feelings on the matter are well-stated. Imma grinch!"

Empena states, "That said, again, now you can inflict yourself, if you are bored, give yourself a tummy ache, we'd love to see you."

Steven says to Maura, "Exactly."

Empena chuckles.

Valyn questions, "Why did we start about GLs? What did that have to do with Emp's point?"

Niamh grins at Empena.

Niamh states to Empena, "Infect self golden lung <-- HELP ME."

Kinaed says to Valyn, "That's where I was going when I asked if GLs are the problem."

Empena comforts Niamh.

Farra says to Maura, "I guess I mean more -- I know there's been GLs in the past tell me they 'don't have to RP in public anymore' which seems a bit .. shitty. Like they've suddenly become 'too good' or 'the winners' of the RP world based on the rank they've achieved."

Valyn nods at Kinaed.

Steven says, "I've never heard that said by a GL."

Farra states to Valyn, "Empena mentioned something about a reward or expectaion of high-level folks being in public more with her point."

Steven says, "But, that is a pretty shitty attitude to have."

Kinaed nods at Steven.

Maura has only encountered that with one gl in the past, and they no longer play the game

Temi says, "I haven't heard 'don't have to', but I have heard complaints about 'don't have time to'."

Kinaed claims, "What kind of rewards can we give that are meaningful? As it is, we already award public XP with higher rewards."

Valyn states, "I think Emp raised a very valid point. I hear that 'complaint' from various sources, and.. oh.. My bad, I must've missed that :)"

Steven claims, "I kind've feel the GL pay bit is already a reward for going out and being active publicly."

Farra asks, "Could provide the same RPXP bonus for RPing with/as GLs as nobles get, except only when in a public room?"

Justin says, "I feel like XP rewards are very hit or miss. Some players don't need XP"

Steven claims, "Since you're not gonna have support without doing that."

Farra says, "But it might just be worthwhile reminding people that it's really great for the rest of the game to see the city leaders around and about."

Justin says, "Without silver, I think we could use a new XP sink"

Valyn states to Kinaed, "I don't know honestly. It doesn't seem effective is what I'd say, but it does feel hard to invite any RP over to public places at some times of the day. Respect everyone being busy, but I mean.. it should still be a topic that can be raised."

Kinaed nods at Farra.

Steven states, "Adding another RPXP bonus takes away the incentive already in place for Orderites, Nobility, and new players"

Niamh states, "Personal POV here, Empena: I'm sorry your feelings have been hurt by this kind of behavior, and it really does suck to be actively RPing publicly, having no one join you, then have those same folks complain OOC that no one RPs in public."

Kinaed wonders, "Maybe we should change HELP POLICY GUILDLEADER to include 'be seen out and about' or osmething as a basic expectation?"

Steven claims, "The more we add, it just means you get a bonus for everything"

Kinaed says, "But it is hard to know when someone complaining they've never seen so and so is a legitimate issue and not just timezones."

Farra nods in agreement with Kinaed.

Valyn says to Kinaed, "The bonus for public XP that is, it is a balance where people could probably weigh between 'effectiveness at stepping out into the grid' over 'planned private scening'."

Valyn agrees.

Farra claims, "Could easily be worded as just a good thing to do, rather than a requirement/clear expectation."

Kinaed finishes abruptly, "And further to the point - I think we've slipped away from the original issue, which is far more pointed to me since our GL sitation at the moment feels stable"

Niamh states to Empena, "I also wonder if the folks who are constantly complaining about problems that don't necessarily exist (or are self-inflicted) accidentally blackball themselves."

Justin says, "Also, what with finals approaching, students like me have a harder time comitting to RP"

Valyn says, "Know I'm horrible at explaining, I'll not weigh in much here."

Valyn nods at Justin.

Kinaed says, "And that is - people complaining about not getting RP and making other people uncomfortable."

Kinaed nods at Niamh.

Farra nods in agreement with Niamh.

Kinaed says to Niamh, "That was my point about 'I can't get RP' - well, maybe people don't want to play with you because they feel like if they get too close, they're going to be blamed for the RP situation or something."

Niamh claims, "I hate to admit it, but the more unpleasant and whiny someone is OOC the less likely I am to want to interact with them."

Niamh nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed nods at Niamh.

Prisca says, "If someone says that they can't find RP, I usually tell them to start some trouble, and RP will find them."

Kinaed nods at Prisca.

Justin states, "My best advice for getting RP is play a villain and do bad things"

Prisca nods.

Kinaed laughs.

Kinaed pontificates, "That's always worked for me!"

Niamh claims, "Especially when things are available, they actively don't engage with those things, then complain. They kind of put up an accidental barrier of "I really don't want to deal with this person" around themselves."

Justin claims, "Everybody wants to hit you then"

Niamh grins at Justin.

Kinaed nods at Justin.

Kinaed says, "Or just plot to do really nasty things to you behind your back (or even just complain about you). Very RP stimulating, villainy is."

Vlora twiddles her mustache

Kinaed claims to Niamh, "Well, I think we all agree that complaining isn't very attractive."

Farra states, "However if someone's making you feel OOCly uncomfortable about asking for RP or something, I think Staff's probably okay with privately telling them to shush on your behalf if you can't seem to be politely getting the point across. And if they aren't then just plant magical items on them and tell Farra and I'll handle it."

Valyn smirks.

Prisca wonders, "5 minutes left, how many topics to go?"

Farra pontificates, "Get Prisca's ahead of mine!"

Kinaed says, "Saying that, sometimes it is valid enough. Particularly when we get new players who don't know the ropes with regards to what is socially acceptable to get RP, etc."

Valyn nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed states, "Oh, good point. Let's jump to ... Theodora."

Farra declares, "Theodora isn't here!"

Kinaed says, "She asked me to pop in when her turn came up"

Theodora waves.

Kinaed says, "She's been prepping for the ST."

Farra declaims, "Theodora is here!"

Kinaed claims to Theodora, "Please, tell us your message :)"

Theodora claims, "Hi! So, sorry timezone confusion and whatnots, I'm working hard to get the ST all set up, and I'm looking forward to everyone who wants to come to the show to come by! For works worried about length of things, there's a built in intermission, just like RL shows at the midway point for folks to slip out if need be."

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed claims, "Please attend if you can, folks. I can tell from afar that a lot of effort is going into this event, and it should be great fun."

Vlora states, "How long do you think it's gonna last from start to finish? I might need to run around outside to stay awake."

Theodora claims, "There's love, death, evil Daravi, and nubile slave girls, come on down."

Niamh states, "Speaking of... Need to step out to help her get the last couple things ready. :)"

Maura is curious as well of the estimated length

Valyn states to Vlora, "I'll be attending from my phone, so won't be superdooper cool tonight."

Vlora states, "That's going on the quotes"

Theodora claims, "Umm - well, things are pre-written so they should move along at a good pace"

Kinaed asks of Theodora, "We're at the top of the hour and I have a few more people to go, topics-wise. May I put you back?"

Theodora nods at Kinaed.

Theodora waves.

Kinaed claims, "Awesome."

Kinaed wonders, "Okay, Farra, you had an idea?"

Farra claims, "This is related to the optional components used when crafting -- right now, when you craft something with multiple possible ingredients (such as a decorated ring that might use silver leaf OR semi-precious gem OR precious gem), the code will just take the first one in your inventory and apply that to the crafted item -- no problem here.

The problem comes when you want to make an object that might use both silver leafing AND a precious gemstone; the coded item will only reflect one of these with 'appraise' information, and I believe existing policy suggests that you cannot describe an object as having something it's not codely applied to it; I was wondering if we might get a command to 'add' an optional ingredient to a toolable item, so that it might reflect the items intended and used more accurately code-wise.

Alternatively, maybe allow crafters to state in the extended descriptions that an additional crafting component was used, so long as it was junked during the creation -- that would obviously have the problem of potentially being an honor-code that could be abused."

Valyn nods.

Kinaed says, "It's a good idea, it may be hard to implement in the near term especially."

Farra claims, "This is related to the optional components used when crafting -- right now, when you craft something with multiple possible ingredients (such as a decorated ring that might use silver leaf OR semi-precious gem OR precious gem), the code will just take the first one in your inventory and apply that to the crafted item -- no problem here.

The problem comes when you want to make an object that might use both silver leafing AND a precious gemstone; the coded item will only reflect one of these with 'appraise' information, and I believe existing policy suggests that you cannot describe an object as having something it's not codely applied to it; I was wondering if we might get a command to 'add' an optional ingredient to a toolable item, so that it might reflect the items intended and used more accurately code-wise.

Alternatively, maybe allow crafters to state in the extended descriptions that an additional crafting component was used, so long as it was junked during the creation -- that would obviously have the problem of potentially being an honor-code that could be abused. (for Niamh)"

Kinaed queries to Temi, "Can you take that down for consideration and, if speccing, make it yours?"

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed states, "Okay, thanks. Sorry for the low discussion, we're hitting time constraints - but thank you for the idea, Farra."

Kinaed says to Prisca, "You're up :)"

Prisca muses, "As far as I know, correct me if I'm wrong, but the new policy about not transing people out if they get stuck was due to the abuse of a player who's now banned, yes? Could that be revised?

The new follow force command for linkdead characters will help in certain cases, but not all. Sometimes a player who gets pulled away will go straight to idle, and thus it can't be used to help them out from behind where they'd be stuck. So if the policy stays as-is, perhaps extend the force follow to do an automatic timed thing similar to arrest, and allow some way to drag a character back from the idle room?"

Farra nods in agreement with Prisca.

Kinaed says, "Frankly, I prefer that players do use the follow force command and take care of one another as it reduces trival time wasting on the part of staff."

Safir wonders, "Right, but I think her point is that if someone idles out they can't do that? "

Farra says, "I had a similar thought with the policy; usually people don't go LD, they go Idle and aren't in the room."

Niamh states, "When they disappear into the void, I think."

Farra nods.

Kinaed says, "Having said that, if for some reason follow force doesn't work, staff are likely to give in and help - but if it looks like something is happening where particular people have a habit of not removing people from their phomes, etc, we'll get cross. And I'm okay leaving it at that."

Prisca nods.

Kinaed claims, "Yeah, we'll make a note to consider how idling interacts with that."

Farra wonders, "Maybe when idling in a non-private room, automatically follow someone in the room?"

Farra states, "Non public***"

Kinaed finishes abruptly, "See if there's something we can do to improve or streamline it - maybe give people a command to draw someone back from idle"

Kinaed nods at Farra.

Kinaed claims, "Or something like tht, yep"

Niamh wonders, "Idle kick <name> - double trans to the alms house?"

Farra nods in agreement with Niamh.

Kinaed claims, "Thank you everyone for attending today, I'm so sorry we ran out of time and got crunched at the end there."

Kinaed nods at Niamh.

Kinaed claims, "I like that"

Maura likes niamh's idea

Kinaed says, "Me too"

Kinaed nods at Maura.

Valyn nods slowly at Niamh's idea.

Valyn questions, "Or a drunk tank?"

Prisca pontificates, "That'll work!"

Kinaed pontificates, "Okay, let's get back to the real game, everyone. Thank you for attending! I hope you also choose to attend Theodora's ST and have a blast!"

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