Log of OOC Meeting - 02/24/2018

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Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:13 pm

Kinaed questions, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today?"

Kinaed states, "No? Just a head's up - I've been very sick the last week, and I'm getting worse (just finished a course of antibiotics), so my spouse is making a doctor's appointment for me (right now). If I have to jet before the hour is out, I'll head the meeting over to Niamh"

Kinaed says, "I'm guessing no one has a topic, so kicking off Staff Updates - last week I handled a miniscule amount of policy (thank you!), a few requests in the request queue, and worked full time."

Kinaed pontificates, "This week, I still have Jail automation and the updated lore spec on my desk. Azarial, you're up!"

Azarial claims, "I've been trying to get my ducks in a row RL, but I hvae poked a few smaller issues. hopefully I can get back to the grind this weel"

Kinaed exclaims to Niamh, "You're turn to update!"

Niamh states, "Polished off lingering plot advances from the Black Pillars header, worked out the outline of the next plot I'd like to run, fielded a couple summonings, built phomes, and the usual stuff."

Niamh claims to Kinaed, "I wasn't even going to point it out."

Steven claims, "For the record I hate how axes show up in equipment worn as opposed to other weapons."
Steven says, "And feel it needs to be fixed."
Kinaed says, "I think someone else raised that a long time ago and we rejected it. Or maybe it was you. :P"
Steven states, "Look at me and cringe."
Farra states to Steven, "I think one oonly need to glance at your face for that result."
Niamh states, "I feel like I should be loading a burn salve."
Steven says to Farra, "Next time Farra. Next time."


Kinaed questions, "Okay, I think that's all for staff updates. Player Heartbeat? How was the RP this week, folks?"

Yilaina states, "It was fun and emotional. fun and emotional."
Kinaed states, "That sounds positive all around."
Sauvaige declaims, "Lots of cool stuff' going on for me with my alt! "
Kinaed claims, "Very good, very good."
Farra claims, "Last week was remarkably busy for the Order for lots of different reasons. A lot going on."
Elinor claims, "I had fun this week. In fact I just finished up a IC confession. I must remember to recommend. It was fun."

Kinaed queries, "Anything shitting anyone that they want staff to know about? Axes on belts, maybe? Other stuff?"

Niamh claims to Elinor, "That sound great."

Steven states, "Axes on belts."
Steven claims, "I will never be quiet about this."

Kinaed questions, "Everyone see Geras' flowchart on the forums? I quite liked it"

Jeanine states, "RP this week acorss all my charcters was good thanks. I live on the opposites side of the world so my hours online are a bit out of whack with everybody else but those who have been on have RP'ed with me pretty consistently."

Zarryka says to Kinaed, "That's kind of related to my 2nd topic, still writing(the shitting question)"

Kinaed says, "We will await thee, Zarryka, before moving on then."

Farra says, "I wanted to point people to that Flowchatrt as well; playing the Antagonist is hard but greatly appreciated when it's done with the health of the Game in mind."

Elinor also gives props to the crazy mage running around causing trouble. For being willing to stir up RP.

Kinaed looks dreamy, "My favorite chars are totally my antagonists."

Farra nods in agreement with Kinaed.

Kinaed nods at Elinor.

Yilaina nod nods. Thank you crazy ass mage thing.

Tamira claims, "Eh, I'm still trying to get a foot hold of Merchant stuff mostly. That struggle between wanting to raise skill but also spending all your money to grind out stuff no one will likely buy. It can be frustrating at times there's no way to sell things to get them off-grid. As it feels hard to compete sometimes with mountains of stuff other people grind out for the pool."

Azarial claims, "Salvage is on the docket"


Kinaed questions to Zarryka, "Okay, well. Why don't we kick off Player Topics then - Zarryka, please introduce us to your first topic only?"

Zarryka claims, "My First topic is less controversal. I am wondering if 'Help Businesses' can be updated and made a little more helpful. Currently, breeder supply shops are not in there, along with a lot of shops outside the city proper. New players are often referred to the helpfile and it's not exactly easy to know where to go. I was going crazy trying to find specific things. Also, it seems 90% of the player run shops just say -miscellaneous-. While it may be true, can we get those modified to show their main sales? Like Amity might be coffee or horses(just using as an example).(end first topic)"

Kinaed claims, "I don't see why not, sure."

Farra exclaims, "I believe you can TYPO!! note updates to helpfiles; and I think you get QP if your recommendations are approved!"

Niamh states, "Submit a list of shops you'd like included and I'll add 'em."
Azarial muses, "Typos I thought for helpfiles?"
Kinaed claims, "Or typo if info is missing. We give out QP as we resolve bugs and typos."

Tamira states, "I sort of liked the old set up where it said whom if anyone was in the roster spot for the shops."
Farra says, "I would like that a lot as well."

Kinaed claims, "I think that still exists." (Note: It Does Not!)

Kinaed claims, "I think you can save yourself a huge headache by just asking people ICly if they know where stuff is rather than going on a hunt."

Kinaed states, "If you submit a typo or request board, we'll be happy to add shops to the roster, and I'll also see if there's an easy way for staff to identify any gaps also."

Sauvaige states, "Still, a properly updated business list will help newbies out quite a bit when they're looking around for stuff. Sometimes they might not be able to ask anyone readily."

Kinaed claims, "As I understand it, the Roster command still shows if a business is filled."
Farra claims, "Roster doesn't work for players."
Niamh nods at Farra.
Azarial claims, "Still indeve"
Kinaed states to Farra, "Oh, interesting. Hmm."

Tamira claims, "Roster only works now inside the Town Hall because of it's link to assets."
Farra nods.

Niamh states, "Player shops have what their owners requested to be listed as. For help business, it's the way it is now because of how impossible it was to keep updated and accurate."

Jeanine says, "It does if u are at the asset market in the town hall records"

Niamh queries to Jeanine, "That's for business with assets, sadly. Doesn't list every shop in the game, just those that can be asset...ed. Asseted? Assetified?"

Azarial states, "Farin Quarter: The Jewelry Bazaar Unmanagable none Jeweler"


Kinaed questions, "Okay, getting our minds out of the gutter and back on track - Zarryka, may we hear your 2nd topic please?"

Zarryka says, "My second topic is just going to tick people off. Firstly, a growing number of players are starting to pause for a very long time in between poses. I don't mean every once in a while, this is totally cool, but on a more regular basis. I know we try to let people do their thing, but sometimes people are limited in their time to play, and having to wait for around 30 minutes for a reply to a pose is very frustrating. On a different but related note, please rp with your mages. It takes a lot of effort and time to make shadows and the like, and they are 95% harmless, so constantly making them disappear when they are trying to get some rp across just makes them not to want to rp with you."

Yilaina muses, "I'm scared of mages, mmkay?"

Kinaed claims, "Well, I totally, 100% agree on the 30 min between poses stuff."

Azarial says, "Thirty? damn. I thought five was bad enough. you don;t get rpxp for thirty minute pose spans"

Steven says, "Agreed on the 30 minute waits"
Steven claims, "Always makes me think they dont value my time rping with them"

Yilaina says, "Yeah I know. like.. i try to be as fast as I can with poses."
Niamh claims, "30 minutes seems kinda like the person isn't paying attention to the scene. :("
Azarial states, "Or the computer."
Jeanine says, "Dont forget hemotes and think's also generate RPxp "
Yilaina states, "Yeah I am usually reading or something sometimes, but i can honestly say I pay attention."
Niamh states, "I tend to do pretty huge poses. 5-7 minutes is all it takes. 30 minutes is... I walked away."

Farra pontificates, "If you expect to pause or be slow, it's common courtesy to let your RP partner know~!"
Niamh nods at Farra.

Azarial wonders, "Maybe they alt too much?"

Steven states, "We used to have a player who was infamous for 45 minute waits then just disappearing"
Steven says, "And coming back 10 minutes later"

Niamh claims, "Very rude to do that."

Kinaed claims, "I wonder if there's some sort of code thing we can do about that, because it also shits me to no end to wait 30 min for someone to respond to me. It's like I'm sitting there giving someone my 100% full attention while they're off doing whatever in another window - and as a result, I start to do other things, and slow down."
Niamh nods at Kinaed.

Azarial queries, "'page'?"

Niamh says, "I'm inclined to think it's just OOC rudeness. Nobody takes 30 minutes to write an emote regardless of their playstyle."

Yilaina claims, "I pose quite literally sometimes faster than other people and it bugs them sometimes, and i'm like well my one hundred percent attention is on the computer."

Farra claims, "I had one person tell me once that they were playing CoD -- this was on another MUD -- and then got pissy when I said okay and left the scene >.<"

Tamira claims, "I've been yelled at for going out of turn order before so even if other people are slow I tend to wait as I don't know what the worse social faux pas is, going past someone or waiting for them forever."

Sauvaige says, "I know I'm guilty on my alt of sometimes having a bit of a wait between my poses when I play from work during the week. I always let the other party know though, and try not to get into anything too heavy."

Niamh nods at Sauvaige.

Azarial says, "Combat waits five minutes before skipping, and some days I debate making that three."

Niamh says, "I think it doesn't apply when you warn your partner ahead of time you're semi-AFK."
Zarryka states to Niamh, "Yeah, that's totally cool. I have a few that I rp with that do that. Specifically one merchant that works 7 days a week irl"

Kinaed states to Tamira, "There is no turn order on TI unless a player specifically asks for it, btw. You probably know that, but no one should be yelling at you."

Yilaina states, "Well tamira you have been good with my alt, just saying, sometimes she goes faster than you, so don't worry if you pose before me, I've been yelled at for going out of turn sometimes too, so when I'm in a huge sceen I tend to pose sparatically."

Niamh states, "I used to run into somebody who would take 45 minutes to pose, and then drop a one-liner."
Niamh says, "Instant reason never to bother with them again."

Kinaed wonders, "Is there something staff can or should do about that code-wise?"
Yilaina states, "Forty five minutes? For a one liner? Get out."
Kinaed queries, "10 minute timer between emotes, or get a note that your pose didn't get the RPxp it warranted due to delays?"

Farra claims, "On the Flip Side: Please be patient with cyan players who might not be great RPers. Send them tells or osays if they are doing something impractical. I think members of Staff would be happy to tug a true newbie aside if you got ahold with them about problems or discourtesy from cyans."

Steven states, "I think stuff is fine. Thats an attitude issue not a code one"

Kinaed queries, "If nothing else, I think everyone would speed up, but I'm not sure the results would be a good overall effect. Maybe a 20 min timer?"

Farra nods in agreement with Steven.

Kinaed questions, "Do we think conversations like this will fix that though? Or will some people still behave that way?"
Farra states, "People will always do it :("
Niamh says, "I tend to agree it doesn't need code. A board note remdining people to be respectful of others' time might cover it."

Steven states, "Its a downside of mud environment. Happens on every game."

Elinor is also probably one of those infamous slow posers. I apologize but sometimes it takes me a bit to figure out how my characters would respond.

Kinaed questions, "I do think it would pick up if people ran the risk of not earning XP. I'd think a 20 min timer shows GROSS negligence on the part of an RP partner, so I'd be comfortable with a message there. Or we could even set a timer that doesn't kick in on the first slow emote, but does after two or three and, instead of XP loss, says something like "The RP in this room is extremely slow. Is your RP partner okay with this speed?""

Farra says to Kinaed, "I'd be happy with that."

Kinaed says, "I'm sorry, Zarryka clearly hit on a pet peeve of mine. :)"

Elinor nods and understands how it would annoy.

Steven says, "RPXP gain alread drops off like every 30 minutes active or not"

Azarial claims, "I wonder if the slowest posers inadvertnatly blackball themselves because the rest avoid them."

Kinaed states, "I think people are nervous to ask their RP partner to get their shit in gear, but if the system, which is arbitrary, points out the problem, then I think no one has to wear egg on their face."
Niamh states, "I'm not opposed to a simple reminder message. Would be nice."


Concerning complaint of Mages not being given a chance to RP with people before they or their apparitions are attacked.

Kinaed claims, "With a shadow, I think the mage in question should consider who they're approaching."

Niamh claims, "I don't know that it's reasonable to expect people to have a chat with a shadow, theme considered. It's unfortunate, but you need to consider your audience."

Yilaina says, "Yeah, sahdows freak me out."

Zarryka states, "Well, i've been seeing magey stuff being kind of lax lately, so seeing a talking shadow could be fun rp, and remind people that there are mages."

Farra states, "Just because you don't see magey RP going on doesn't strictly mean that no magey RP is going on."

Steven says, "Ive never encountered a mage shadow before."
Steven claims, "That sounds like it would be unsettling."

Farra claims, "In fact, this was a remarkably active week for Mage-Related RP for the Order; by FAR the most consistent stuff going on all over the place since I've been GI. By FAR."
Sauvaige states, "By FARra"

Kinaed wonders, "From a tell: I don't want to say this aloud, but maybe suggest that if mages want more RP they could consider flaring on the Astral and looking for other mages to RP with?"
Steven states, "Thats a fair point about mages."

Sauvaige claims, "I don't think it's too much for mages to ask that people at least try to make some sorta' scene out of their shenanigans. I always try to give mages and whoever else the first pose at least to kick stuff off, but you need to understand the people you harass. Picking on a Knight or Inquisitor is a bit different, as they are trained and fight this stuff day to day... so they are more app to take action where someone else might be too cowed to do anything."

Yilaina says, "Yili would just sit there and prey to whatever go is up there to please don't let her die."

Niamh states, "Picking a good audience is vital for longer-term mage shenanigans."

Elinor nods. "I would totally voltunteer to be a mage target....if it made for good rp."

Tamira claims, "Also a lot of Orderites have seen a lot of this stuff before so if it's tending towards moustache-twirly it might get sort of old hat."

Niamh states, "Being a mage target is so much fun."

Steven claims, "As a Knight a while back I think I was the only one not angry when a Mage escaped."
Steven states, "Which I feel is an attitude folks need to try out to make mage antags more fun."

Sauvaige claims, "Like... a knight isn't just gonna' stand there letting a shadow tease them, they'll do their duty and smack it about unless they have greater cause to allow it to continue for a bit. "

Yilaina says, "If the targeting is done right, yeah it can be fun."

Zarryka states to Niamh, "That was actually the plan, but apparently the chance was never given. :/"

Niamh muses to Zarryka, "Aw :( Is it an audience thing in your case, you think? Or are we off base?"


Yilaina says, "Also speaking of mages, I often feel like sometimes they should ask what you're comfortable with before rp, like if you aren't really comfortable with torture, they should perhaps ask do you want to ftb this and just have it after, or do it and be ok with it. I'm sure that people know that by now, but it's just something I throw out there. I am fine with it, but some may not be."

[GRAPHIC]: Farra requests a censor of this RP.
Sauvaige states, "There is a gr-"
Azarial says, "There is the 'graphic' command"

Farra nods at Kinaed.

Yilaina says, "Ooooh see I didn't know that"
Yilaina claims, "I just assumed."

Kinaed nods at Yilaina.

Azarial says, "'help random' is useful"

Yilaina nods.
Yilaina says, "That will work."

Kinaed states, "Generally speaking, TI is an adult-oriented, dark fantasy, non-consensual RP game. HELP TRIGGER explains how we feel about such things. Please be mindful to use the graphic command where necessary."


Kinaed questions, "Okay, I think we've fully covered zarryka's topics. Tamira, would you kindly introduce us to your topic?"

Tamira states, "Mine are kind of minor but - first - I'd like to propose a consideration of how the Mercantalism skill works more as a discount/knowledge of prices than putting vital info behind a skill block. IE - it can feel really frustrating to buy a piece of furniture or clothing and finding out that it's string doesn't match when you'd assume would be it's function."

Farra claims, "I think you are allowed to typo items where strings don't match function."

Tamira claims, "And I do, a lot, as poor Niamh can likely attest. But I feel bad having to bother staff."
Niamh claims to Tamira, "I don't mind. What I'm here for."

Steven states, "I think it would be neat if Mercantilism could do some more stuff."

Tamira muses, "Or maybe update the stringing policy to make more blatant that like clothing items or furniture should better match implied function?"

Niamh says, "I've noticed it being reported, most of the time, with auction house items. I think because the items there were usually part of a set in somebody's house."

Azarial says, "And might be really old, kicking around repeatedly"

Niamh claims, ""a clump of chairs and a sofa" for the desc of two chair items and a sofa item."
Niamh states, "In their house it worked, but in the auction house it makes it hard for folks to know what they're getting."

Kinaed states, "If you buy X and get Y, request board and staff will assist in some way, whether it be swapping out the obj or refunding your money."

Jeanine says, "Understood"

Tamira states, "Mostly I'm bringing it up as someone mentioned on visnet they bought sleeves that weren't an arm object too."

Kinaed claims, "That said, please do use 'shop browse' to get an idea of what you're working with."

Niamh trails off, "(Also to reiterate, don't stress about putting up notes to have Staff fix things. You have no idea how bored I get some nights waiting for typo notes...)"
Kinaed nods at Niamh.


Tamira questions, "The other is a clarification on a point on 'stealing' or the use of public rooms. IE - the Rose bathhouse at one point had plants in it that alas, now are missing. The Greenhouse gardens have had that too were people liberate the plants. If things are in a public place with NPCs present is that well, stealing, should that be getting moods etc?"

Steven claims, "Yes it should have moods"

Niamh asks of Kinaed, "I think it's policy that if you're taking something that isn't yours, you should be leaving a mood, yeah?"

Steven says, "Its against policy not to leave one"
Steven says, "And to be quite honest its kind of shitty playerwise to steal plants."
Farra says, "Taking plants from a public room is stealing; you can, I expect, Report it to the Reeves who can then investigate."

Kinaed states, "No, alas. Moods are not required to take anything that isn't nailed down in a public place. If you want to install something in a public room so it's no-take, please Request Board to staff. Only 'stealing' from private areas invokes Steal Policy."

Kinaed says, "The other is, according to policy, 'people leaving their stuff out in public to be taken'"

Azarial says, "Plants can be uprooted around the notake thing, as I recall."

Tamira says, "So should we perhaps consider that policy? I mean you'd think the NPCs in those places would protest you just walking off with stuff if it's inside a place you have to pay to get in."

Kinaed says, "Yes, it can be IC stealing without invoking policy. Going to the Reeves is a good idea."

Farra states, "If a mood isn't left, however, I'm not sure people would know to realize it's gone -- I feel like if you uninstall and take an item, you should have to leave a mood. IMHO -- that seems a case where policy doesn't match."

Kinaed claims to Tamira, "No. The reason the policy exists that way is because it's untraceable and unenforceable. I won't set myself up to waste my time when I can clearly tell everyone not to leave stuff lying around that they don't want talking a walk."

Kinaed claims, "If you want something permanently installed in a public place, simply Request Board staff and we'll remove the take flag."

Kinaed says, "Then they'll need RPA to steal it, and then we'll consider it theft from a policy perspective."

Jeanine claims, "Understood Kinaed"
Farra pontificates, "That still doesn't sit well with me, personally, but alright~!"
Tamira claims, "Alright, understood though. Thanks for clarifying."


Kinaed states, "We have about 15 minutes left, but we've covered all player topics."
Jeanine claims, "I have two minor topics to discuss if possible."
Kinaed claims to Jeanine, "Please do. :)"

Jeanine queries, "1st topic An Alt charcter of mine quashed a recent rujmor about them and it no longer appeared in my rumor all list ...however later that same day my alt was in a tavern and a wench ratold that same rumor too me that I thought I had fully quashed.should I bug board that?"

Azarial says, "Nope. you quash and the rumor mongers don;t tell it to you anymore. but you can still over hear it"

Steven states, "Quashing makes it not visible to you but doesnt mean its gone for everyone unless enough people quash it"

Kinaed says, "So not a bug, no."

Farra says, "That system does seem a bit .. weird .. to me. Once, I threw a bunch of IP at quashing a very pugnacious rumor about Farra as soon as it started, but others were still able to add and comment to it. Though I think there's maybe been some adjustments made to it since then."

Zarryka says to Jeanine, "You unliked it once, but it still has enough likes to be told to other people."
Farra says, "What bothered me more about Rumor Quash was that I spent IP to try to bury it initially, then when it still took off I was unable to add anything to it, even at an IP cost."

Azarial says, "Pay the bards to kill it."

Kinaed claims, "Also, IP does make a quash far more heavy hitting, but it still needs to stand up to the popularity of the rumor."

Farra says, "But what about being able to influence a Rumor after you've quashed it? That I was unable to add a line after the rumor still took off doesn't seem terribly .. right."

Farra says, "But what about being able to influence a Rumor after you've quashed it? That I was unable to add a line after the rumor still took off doesn't seem terribly .. right."

Kinaed says, "Idle rumors - like 90% in the system, are easily quashed. It's the ones where people find them soooo juicy that you'll have a problem on your hands."

Zarryka claims, "Overall, rumors aren't fair. It's the nature of rumors. When rumors were used to unseat GL's, I saw a rumor that got started when a particular GL went oocly away for a while. When they got back, they were like half a step from being unseated."

Kinaed nods at Zarryka.

Jeanine states, "Out out darn spot is not going to cure them :O "


Jeanine queries, "Understood thank you! And 2nd topic. Can players buy a house immediately upon joining the game or must they wait the 1st ten hours as a cyan charcter to earn hosuing privileges?"

Azarial claims, "They have to wait"
Kinaed states, "10 hours, I think."

Niamh states, "The 10 hours is just for the free phome, unless that's changed."

Kinaed says, "Just cuts down on the work for characters who are made and disappear after making a housing request."

Kinaed says to Niamh, "I think it should count for ones that cost too. It'll save both players and staff a headache. 10 hours is barely a week of average play, and it ensures I don't make a char, spend heaps of silver on them, find out the concept doesn't work for me, and lose both the XP and the money."

Niamh states to Kinaed, "I'm happier with the 10 hours for both."


Tamira wonders, "Ah I remember my other random thought. Is there a way we might possibly have a command to request/mention IP sharing in a more IC way like the new one for support?"

Kinaed states to Tamira, "I think we can arrange that, sure."

Yilaina says, "Yeah like deep rooted one's."
~~ Team Farra'n'Stuff. ~~

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