Log of OOC Meeting - 3/4/17

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2018 Cookery Contest Winner!
2018 Cookery Contest Winner!
Posts: 536
Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2016 10:13 am
Discord Handle: Starstarfish#4572

Sat Mar 04, 2017 5:50 pm

Kinaed muses, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today?"

Vlora declares, "Yus!"

Kinaed says to Vlora, "Got you. Please pre-type your intro."

Kinaed muses, "Anyone else? :)"

Azarial states, "Man. someone must hgave terrofied the skunk then run it over. phew."

Niamh comforts Rimilde.

Kinaed states, "Also, feel free to send me tells with any anonymous topics also. Okay, let's get started. Staff Updates."

Niamh states, "Errr... redirect that comfort to Az. Weeeeird."

Kinaed says, "I handled a few policy cases last week, wrote a new help file, and... that's about it."

Kinaed states, "On my desk - Jail Automation."

Kinaed claims to Azarial, "You're up."

Azarial claims, "Some bugs, a few crashes. nothing to asstounding this week."

Kinaed says, "Yeah, not seeing anything noteworthy on the Changes Board in terms of alerting players to change. Thanks for the hard work though, esp crash fixes."

Kinaed says to Temi, "You're up :)"

Temi declares, "I had a bit of a rough week with my internet connection, but yesterday I replaced my laptop and my modem, and so far so good... so not sure which one was the problem, but I should be back in service!"

Temi claims, "And Niamh and I finished filling out a matrix of asset templates, which is still tenative."

Temi asks, "But I've posted on the forums for more ideas, to make sure we haven't missed anything. Please check that out and make suggestions! viewtopic.php?f=8&p=10227#p10227"

Temi states, "We don't need any more, except in that we need to not forget anything important to you."

Temi says, "And we will still want to keep them balanced."

Kinaed has transferred Eirian. [OOC]

Temi gives a golden-haired Seneschal doll attired in most stately garb to Eirian.

Temi states, "But... I think that's about it."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed states to Temi, "Thanks for that :)"

Kinaed states to Niamh, "You're up."

Niamh claims, "This week I was mostly occupied with fielding requests and typos, sorted out a couple plots, and have been punching in Empena's wonderful jousting emotes to my mobprogs at the tournament grounds. A big thank you to Empena for her contributions there; the emotes wouldn't have been anywhere near as thematic without her."

Eirian gets the ASSETS spec.

Bertrand gets the ASSETS spec.

Kinaed smiles.

Jozafat bows to Empena.

Vlora pontificates, "Make her a saint!"

Niamh chuckles.

Karim muses, "When can we expect assets to be released?"

Karim gets the ASSETS spec.

Azarial says, "'later'."

Kinaed claims to Karim, "When they're done, yep."

Karim says, "Rofl"

Temi claims, "We'll be taking our time on assets to make sure it is good"

Jozafat has lost link.

Temi says, "Since we don't want to release them and mess up people's money on a half-baked system."

Jozafat has reconnected.

Karim claims, "Goood. Have some questions about it when able."

Kinaed asks of Karim, "I can put you down for after Vlora to ask them?"

James gets the ASSETS spec.

Temi nods.

Karim claims, "Sure thing boss lady"

Kinaed states to Karim, "Please write them down so you're ready to go when called on."

Kinaed questions to Niamh, "Anything further to add? :)"

Karim says, "Yessum"

Niamh claims, "Nope! All done."

Kinaed claims to Niamh, "Thanks for that. :)"

Empena states, "I have some questions about assets too, if there's time and someone else doesn't ask them first."

Temi claims, "While we're discussing assets we can discuss all the questions."

Kinaed states, "Niamh did forget to mention that she's set up a paid advertisment on Facebook. We're testing the waters to see if that will bring players."

Kinaed nods at Empena.

Vlora states, ":O"

Kinaed claims to Empena, "Please write them down, and I'll call on you after Karim."

Niamh states, "Ooh, that. Yep! Advertisement."

Kinaed says, "Okay then, I think that's our staff updates. :) Next! Player Heartbeat."

Kinaed wonders, "How was RP this week, folks? Enjoying the game?"

Vlora says, "Been having fun playing this new character, it's a lot different than what I'm used to. Probably going to be holding a little event this time next week, if I can get everything done by then. "

Jozafat states, "Been a little busy with RL tbh -- about to graduate as a historian FINALLY."

Temi states, "From what I hear, the party was well received last Sunday"

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed states to Vlora, "So glad to hear it."

Kinaed nods at Jozafat.

Teagan states, "The RP was excellent here."

Eirian says, "Oh, my party? I had fun! I hope people liked the mad libs."

Kinaed smiles.

Jozafat has lost link.

Kinaed says to Eirian, "Thank you for running an event. It seems people appreciated it."

Jozafat has reconnected.

Rothgar states, "I liked the mad libs. I wish I played less of a grump so I could properly play."

Kinaed chuckles.

Eirian claims, "Was my pleasure."

Empena states, "Sort of trying to find my stride in things, figuring out what to try and handle purely IC with contacting other players versus plots etc."

Vlora declaims, "I'm sad I missed it!"

Kinaed nods at Empena.

Kinaed wonders, "Anything going on or in the game that's shitting people?"

Rothgar says, "Yeah, I don't have enough coffee."

Teagan nods at Rothgar.

Kinaed says to Rothgar, "Try the Chocolaterie."

Vlora states, "Other than almost walking out into the street naked by accident the other day, nothin'."

Empena claims, "Nice."

Temi grins at Vlora.

Temi says, "We do try to make that pretty obvious, at least."

Kinaed declares to Vlora, "There's supposed to be a big red INDECENT prompt ...!"

Kinaed smiles.

Vlora declaims, "Somehow I missed it!"

Kinaed smiles.

James says, "It actually says naked instead of indecent when you are naked."

Vlora says, "STARK naked"

Kinaed says to James, "Even better."

Kinaed nods at Vlora.

Rothgar claims, "A shout-out to Detlan and Cullen specifically, because - imagine this - we're finally beginning to get caught up on old work at the Order, now. Also thank you to those who have been helping me behind the scenes. You know who you are. Like I said in ODT, I'm turning into a grownup this week and it works out good."

Kinaed claims, "Wow, cool."

Rothgar claims, "One day, I'll be a real man. Err, I mean, what-"

Kinaed claims, "Okay! Player Topics. We'll start with the anonymous tell because it's probably quick - can we put locker keys in containers so people can't use peek to guess who other people are based on their locker keys."

Temi says, "Probably not."

Kinaed states, "Answer: Maybe, I need to talk to Az. We don't like containers in containers, etc."

Temi states, "Locker keys are sized weirdly due to how they work codewise."

Kinaed claims, "It may be possible that we can alter the peek command to skip them."

James questions, "What about letting us change the desc of locker keys then?"

Temi claims, "So if they fit in containers, you couldn't put containers in your locker."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed says, "Anyway, it'll be a work around, whatever we go with. Not intrinsically opposed, but it is definitely problematic."

Kinaed says, "Okay, Vlora - you're up! Please introduce us to your topic."

Vlora claims, "So, to bring up the topic of recommend levels for Mages I'm aware they start off with quite a bit of a boost, which I can understand. What do people think about raising up the starting rec level for orderites or making it a bit more even? As far as I know lots of people have died on either side, and I think in recent times its probably about even(ish). I'm sure this has been talked about before, but for the life of me I can't remember what was said."

Karim claims, "Gotta admit I do rather like that idea."

Rothgar questions, "I know in the past we've spoken about it. Generally, I believe, it was decided that Orderites get such good RP and RPXP bennies that we should have to build the rec level ourselves?"

Creston agrees with the idea.

Kinaed says, "I'm not in favor at this time."

Vlora states, "Fair point, Rothy. "

Kinaed claims, "The rate of Order deaths isn't that high, honestly."

James states, "If we raise other groups rec levels, then why have any raised at all, it just puts everyone on an even level."

Kinaed nods at James.

Temi says, "I think, in general, a lawful character is less likely to die because of what they do than a mage/criminal character."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Bertrand nods at James.

Vlora nods at Vlora

Temi claims, "That's not always true, of course, and things go in spurts, but I think on the whole it still is."

Karim says, "Would be cool to maybe see it in the gl level for it. Being an Orderite GL is a death sentence."

Bertrand claims to Karim, "Not always"

Detlan says, "All characters have to go after a certain time."

Empena looks back and forth awkwardly.

Karim claims, "More often than not though Bertie"

James says, "As I understand it, mages (and some others) get raised rec levels because they are pretty much doomed from the start, they are likely to die faster than any other group in the game."

Temi claims to Empena, "Don't worry. We're pretty sure you're not dead."

Rothgar says to Empena, "And you wonder why I didn't want the promotion."

Teagan questions, "I think Orderites get bonuses for RPing as/with Orderites, yeah?"

Rothgar nods.

Bertrand claims, "I can think of three cardinals, two GIs a shit ton of EMs and at least one GM that just road off into the sunset."

Teagan states to Rothgar, "This is why you're my BFF shhh."

Azarial says, "Rode"

Rothgar says, "You get QP if you RP with us for a certain amount of time."

Kinaed says, "That's definitely not true. Before I owned TI (so not because people were afraid of me), I ran the Order for 2ish years on Elaseth, another year on Zaranthis. Then as Kinaed, a year+ on Lauris - and not one of them was PKed, they all stepped down. Statistically, that's what happens with most order GLs - they quit."

Rothgar grins at Teagan.

Temi states, "We lose more Orderite GLs to them giving up than being killed, yeah."

Bertrand claims to Azarial, "Because my tense of to ride is the important part of that statement."

Karim states, "And here I counted myself lucky when I managed to step down because the last 4-5 GIs/Cardinals before me were offed somehow."

Kinaed states, "I think the Order has had a few recent tweaks in their favor. I don't want to go overboard."

Karim claims, "Ahem."

Niamh says, "Az is on a grammar kick this week. He made the Niamh paranoid with "its" and "it's"."

Vlora asks, "Fair points all around I suppose, I'm sure we all said the same thing last time it was brought up. Perhaps people just need to get into the habbit of recommending more?"

Kinaed nods at Vlora.

Eirian pontificates, "Recommend more!"

Detlan says, "I'm glad the Cardinal was made NPC. Imagine the last three popes getting murdered in the streets."

Kinaed states, "We do like recommends."

Temi states, "We could revisit it if things even out and still not good... and more recommends is always great."

Kinaed has transferred Sansi. [OOC]

Karim states, "Recommends are always welcome"

Temi gives a golden-haired Seneschal doll attired in most stately garb to Sansi.

Temi has created a golden-haired Seneschal doll attired in most stately garb[3].

Azarial states, "Keep your recommends up to date; you never know whom is going to die when or how."

Vlora eyes Rothgar

Kinaed asks of Karim, "We've come to you - what are your questions about the assets spec?"

Karim muses, "If someone goes inactive and loses their asset because of it, since some of the bigger assets are restricted to one in a realm, will they be reimbursed and how? Would kind of suck to lose something invested in with no return. Also, are we going to be given any alternate xp sinks since silver currently is probably one of our largest sinks for it. Would it also be possible to give an xp spend choice to purchase assets after chargen? "

Sansi wakes and stands up.

Empena says, "I have to potentially offer that the recs I mostly enjoy to know I'm doing a good job with my char, I run my Orderite arguably using mostly RP and some state rolls and not really a whole lot of skills - so ... if you aren't a skill heavy character you might not end up with a lot of Death XP, even if you play for a long time."

Sansi blinks sleepily. "Hi there."

Kinaed says, "Probably not. We generally don't reimburse people for going inactive and losing stuff."

James has a question about the assets spec as well.

Kinaed claims, "We don't have any alternative xp sinks planned at the moment."

Eirian says, "I'm assuming there will be a generous inactivity buffer before things are lost."

Azarial states, "You may leave, but the world has to move on. if we had kept things for poeple who left, well. that;s twelve years worth of leftovers laying around."

Jozafat states, "All those baby items."

Karim states, "My issue with that is if I have to go inactive for a while, I shouldnt have to lose what I worked on. The game is not a job."

Kinaed claims, "I don't understand the question re: giving up xp spend choice to purchase assets after chargen? Once a player leaves chargen, they can't buy assets with XP, silver only, on the market."

Kinaed nods at Eirian.

Creston wonders, "Are there bigger assets for freemen? Are they limited by guild?"

Detlan wonders, "I suppose it depends on how long you go inactive, and if you make a plan with staff beforehand?"

Eirian drops the ASSETS spec.

Kinaed nods at Detlan.

Karim states, "Losing a character gives return through liquidation. This would be a straight loss."

Kinaed states to Creston, "Assets are generally limited by social class."

Sansi gets the ASSETS spec.

Temi says, "There's three levels of assets. There will be two levels accessible to freemen, the basic job-type ones, and some more involved owning things."

Kinaed states, "We have a lot of things that people lose for going inactive, but anything that is a living, balanced system, will need to calculate on what is in game."

Kinaed says, "However, it may be best for the game if people don't lose assets for inactivity. I'll consider the point further."

Creston states, "I don't want to have to choose between the southside and owning cool assets, but maybe that's silly of me"

Creston wonders, "What about a drug empire? "

Luella states, "I would have a problem with a southside thug selling his yacht, personally."

Temi says, "There will definitely be cool assets available to freemen, though not the most spendy ones."

Vlora muses, "Shine ya' shoes guv'na?"

Teagan claims, "I don't think you should lose assets due to going inactive. They should just stop ticking over deposits into your account."

Karim states, "I sort of see it as the asset being sold in a deal or some kind of hostile takeover or return from the crown. If even a portion of the silver was "paid" for it, it would feel better to me as a player."

Temi trails off, "I think the idea is that long inactive ones will become available on the asset market..."

Sansi says, "Actually I like the idea of a drug lord Southside having a yacth"

Sansi states, "Yacht"

Vlora queries, "How much can we expect the really big assets to cost in silver?"

Kinaed claims, "Well, we remove things like phomes and whatnot. A neglected business would probably go under."

Temi states, "Maybe a returning player that had their stuff sold should get the money from that... or if no one buys it, maybe they can reactivate it."

Rothgar states, "Every time we bring up assets it gets such a huge response in conversation. XD"

Kinaed states to Vlora, "I think the prices for assets being sold will be set by the owners, but I don't recall the spec at this moment."

Kinaed claims, "So it's hard to say what they'll come out to in terms of costs as it may be 'market pressure' related."

Karim states, "That feels very good to me Temi."

Vlora states, "Right o'"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Creston muses, "How will the first wave of assets be distributed? Will it be a first come sort of thing?"

Kinaed states, "We'll probably let people just purchase them in-game for 1 week, then lock it down to chargen"

Karim says, "I <3 the assets system as an idea and am excited for it."

Kinaed claims, "Not sure that's how we'll do it, but probably."

Temi states, "That'll be something we figure out close to last, probably, yeah."

Bertrand buys up all the assets, inflates the cost, and then polishes his monocle with the tears of freemen.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Empena queries, "The current purchasing silver system isn't ideal, for the biggest stated reason - it creates a weirdness of having to explain where this money came from. Particularly as a Freeman, however - it does reward arguably the most RP active people. What's the connection between RP and output with Assets? Is there one?"

James asks of Kinaed, "Isn't the assets thing making it easier for a freeman to become a gentry? Thought it was supposed to be an impossibility so each person 'stays in their lane'?"

Luella claims, "Spare xp to spend in chargen on the next char."

Kinaed states, "No connection; it's a lot like your player income. If you're active, you can get the benefits from your asset, usually an income, but potentially other things."

Temi states, "If you are active in RP, you may be able to influence the metrics to your favor and get a bonus, through RP."

Kinaed claims, "Purchasing assets in chargen is just a regular part of spending XP for a character setup. Then assets are entirely economic in-game (ie, no XP relation)"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Jozafat queries, "Can I make my asset to be the legal seizure of other character's assets?"

Kinaed says, "That is true - a good point I hadn't thought of."

Kinaed claims to Jozafat, "That's an activity, as opposed to an asset, but you might have a reposession business or something"

Jozafat preps to become a legal bounty hunter. One day, he'll seizr the royal oalace.

Kinaed states, "As asset battles are not going in game on the first wave, you'd be targetting NPCs and may want to spread rumors to that effect."

Jozafat palace.

Creston asks, "There will be asset battles?"

Temi states, "We'll have templates, which determine things like a shop job or a bureaucratic position. And then you'll describe what they actually are."

Kinaed claims to Creston, "It's planned, but probably very far off in the future."

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi states, "We've got to balance this first without that."

Bertrand asks of Temi, "So titled nobles will be able to count their domain?"

Temi says, "Title nobles will get a domain asset, yep."

Luella muses, "How will this affect merchants, their earning potential, and their RP over certain industries? Will freeman merchants just have to work at someone else's shop in terms of the asset?"

Temi says, "This doesn't affect anything merchant-related on-grid besides in how much money others can get easily."

Temi states, "But a merchant could name their extra income they get their shop"

Kinaed states, "I don't think it will affect merchants much. It's mostly explaining where a person's weekly income (ie, the money you have now) comes from. Some assets can give items, but it's mostly raw materials they might sell to a merchant as opposed to fully manufactured objs to sell."

Temi states, "And that accounts for NPCs buying from it."

Empena wonders, "Is there going to be a limit on how many assets any one person can have?"

Temi nods at Empena.

Kinaed claims to Empena, "Yes, based on social class."

Temi says, "Two for freemen and three for gentry and nobles, to start."

Eirian states, "Some of these questions are answered in the spec, too. There's a big pile of 'em here to take and read at your leisure."

Sansi starts editing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Kinaed nods at Eirian.
Luella gets the ASSETS spec.

Empena claims, "So mine can be selling indulgences ... I totally mean, uh legit Church stuff."

Vlora gets the ASSETS spec.

Temi grins at Empena.

Kinaed questions to Empena, "Did you have further questions to ask re: the assets spec?"

Jozafat nods at Empena.

Vlora declaims, "Sell saint relics!"

Bertrand states to Empena, "That -is- a totally legit thing."

Bertrand grins at Empena.

James questions, "Isn't the assets thing making it easier for a freeman to become a gentry? Thought it was supposed to be an impossibility so each person 'stays in their lane'?(repost)"

Vlora states, "This here fingerbone... Dav's, mate. 50 silver, take it or leave it."

Jozafat says, "Mine will be bribes. Ohhhhh yes."

Temi states to James, "It's easier than Temi telling everyone to bugger off."

Jozafat turns the Reeves into a gang.

Kinaed states to James, "The only thing that potentially makes it easier is that people can literally buy gentry as the Reeves will get a command to make someone gentry."

Kinaed states, "The command costs 8,000 silver to use, and the Reeves can charge a surcharge if they want."

Jozafat claims, "We will."

Vlora thumbs up to Jozafat

Teagan grins at Jozafat.

Temi states, "But it won't really be easier on the whole than other methods, especilaly once money evens out."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Jozafat claims, "App 5 ladies will have further requirements."
James muses to Kinaed, "Wouldn't that be better as a Seneschal command? since it's like the queen ennobling someone?"

Temi states, "If it gets crazy and we don't like where it goes.. we'll adjust it."

Detlan queries, "8000 silver?"

Detlan whistles.

Kinaed says to James, "Maybe. We slated it for the Reeves, but that may be a decent point."

Eirian bonks Jozafat on the head.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Sansi finishes her note.

Kinaed says, "Staff will discuss if it ought to be a Seneschal command."

Temi nods.

Karim says, "Would be cool as Seneschal. Gives them a tangible power benefit to control."

Karim says, "Other than city report"

Empena queries, "Will assets be an IC registered thing with like ... the tax office or the Reeves?"

Teagan says, "The Reeves are the tax office afaik."

Jozafat grins.

Temi claims, "We don't have it in there to start with, but might be good to expand into that."

Teagan trails off, "Filthy tax collectors..."

Teagan mumbles at Jozafat.

James claims, "It just seems very powerful to me. Before it was spend x amount of time as a student and 'maybe' you can up yourself, but everyone will also frown at you for you stepping out of the class you were born into. If a Reeve can do it at any point, someone just needs the 8k, but don't know how easy that will be to get after the asset insertion."

Kinaed claims to Empena, "I don't know, we hadn't considered that. It'd probably depend on the type of asset."

Azarial states, "The student thing has been depreacted for a while, iirc"

Rimilde asks, "Taxes went to court I believe?"

Temi claims, "Once we can add things like assets being hidden or fake fronts on them... that could be cool."

Temi grins.

Eirian states, "8000 silver is a pretty huge investment, IMO. And you won't be able to just purchase wealth for that."

Empena states, "But people arguably could now and just have it."

Eirian states, "Culturally, I don't see much change with this. I'm still gonna frown on an uppity freeman."

Jozafat nods at Rimilde.

Temi claims, "Reeves (or whoever) would not need to approve anyone."

Creston claims, "Yeah, 8k silver is 32k XP, which is a pretty large amount and more than purchasing gentry costs"

Jozafat nods at Eirian.

Temi says, "And it would reflect badly on the person gentrifying someone if they aren't suitable."

Eirian muses, "Arguably, anyone could just roll a gentry from the start and play a merchant. At least this gives some freemen a goal to work toward. As I understand it, once you reach gentry status, if you go that route, you lose access to freeman benefits, yes?"

Bertrand says, "That is why the reeves should have a huge mark up"

Temi says, "We're not changing the lore about moving up in class - just adding the mechanism to do it."

Empena states, "I'm less curious about the taxes about more like if will be a thing that can be investigated if indeed Joebob's Asset is registered as "Uncle JoeBob's Illegal Drug Emporium""

Jozafat says, "Anyone who extends their little finger when drinking from a teacup is gonna get rejected."

Temi says to Empena, "I wouldn't want to put in any sort of listings until they could have fake front's."

Karim claims, "Hey now Jozafat Karim does that"

Jozafat claims, "(I'm pretty sure freemen evolving into gentries will be quite rare anyways, folks)"

Teagan says, "He does. I've seen it."

Kinaed states, "I'm pondering giving an expensive command that can lower someone's social class also if it turns out that a person is behaving in a poor way, though we'd have to have staff review each use of that to decide if it'd fly."

Teagan muses, "From Gentry to Freeman?"

Detlan queries, "I thought that was already a thing?"

Luella says, "Revolution to take back noble titles haha"

Karim claims, "I am definitely not a fan of that"

Temi states, "No class changing is mechanized"

Creston pontificates, "Give seneschal the power to bust down nobles!"

Bertrand states to Kinaed, "Yeah because even if Bert goes off the deepend, he is still a landed noble and thematically all the wealth in the world wont take that away from him."

Creston says, "That would be fun to watch"

Temi states, "Nobles would be exempt from something like that, thematically."

Teagan claims to Bertrand, "I think that's appropriate."

Vlora declaims, "Vive la revolution!"

Sansi wonders, "He hasn't gone off the deep end?"

Karim claims, "Bertie the Pauper Prince"

Sansi states, "<3"

Bertrand states, "He treads water -very- well. It is a Tubori thing. You wouldn't understand."

Rimilde trails off, "Court in the past has tried to strip nobility of title no? I vaguely recall something... "

Eirian claims, "As I understand it, the hallmark qualifier for gentry status is having wealth. I imagine you could be an unliked gentry as long as you're a wealthy one."

Temi nods.

Temi says, "The Queen could still do it."

Sansi says, "When will she drop by"

Rimilde trails off, "-And I've seen removing gentry status albeit the person died before it happened..."

Karim says, "Title stripping is incredibly rare and usually requires a ton of reason. If the Queen went doing that a lot she wouldnt remain Queen for long."

Rimilde says, "Character I mean"

Eirian says, "We don't remove gentry status from known mages, though that might actually be an applicable instance."

Empena says, "Only likely because no one's gone through the RPA and the steps to formally excommunicate them"

James questions, "Speaking of gentry and assets, sorry to backtrack a bit, wouldn't it make more sense for gentry to have more assets than nobles, for the wealth and power thing?"

Azarial states, "It would be les being liked and more not living up to your class. fraternizing with barbarians, getting friendly with the peasants, that sort of thing. living like you were *gasp* poor."

Rimilde states, "It's not something that is or should be easy."

Bertrand claims, "Yeah. Forced abdication is more likely. Bert steps aside for his nephew for example."

Temi states, "One of titled nobility's assets is taken up by their domain."

Niamh states to James, "Nobles aren't necessarily poorer than Gentry."

Empena claims, "I think Gentry might have more arguably acceptable ways of publically making money than nobles but that might mean more choices not more actual assets"

Kinaed states, "Noble assets include their domain, whereas gentry can have 3 income producing assets. It's fine for gentry adn nobles to have the same number of assets with that view (in my opinion)"

James claims, "Ahhhh, that makes sense, the domain thing, so essentially nobles have 2 they can play with, gentry have 3"

Temi nods at James.

Azarial peers about intently, then chases her tails once, twice, thrice--she's gone! [OOC]

Eirian muses, "Will domains generally produce material goods?"

Karim states, "I really like that their domain takes up an asset "

Kinaed says, "We haven't decided"

Eirian nods.

Jozafat nods at Karim.

Karim says, "Would be cool if maybe the domain asset includes some tangible benefit unique to the domain to the asset system."

Eirian states, "Might be nice to have a choice between a few themely things, when creating, but that's neither here nor there."

Karim says, "Aside from granting their title of course."

Jozafat says to Karim, "Sounds nice but a lotta work for staff."

Empena finishes abruptly, "I do think that having the ability to have an asset import some of the cool - yeah the things produced in those areas according to the docs etc, someone can corner the papaya market"

Temi claims, "We'll be custom-creating each domain, since there's not a lot of nobles, and it would pass from one person woning it than others."

Temi claims, "And they can have objects attached ot them."

Temi nods.

Creston says, "It would be cool to have an asset that only produces material goods"

Karim queries, "....Have I ever told you I love you Temi?"

Karim claims, "Because I do."

Niamh grins.

Niamh muses, "Who doesn't?"

Kinaed claims, "Assets have a few themely things, though they're general and we hope that players will fill in details to make their 'rich benefactor' into a person, for example."

Temi flutters her eyelashes.

Kinaed claims, "Or their 'job' into a specific type of jbo they do in their backstory."

Eirian claims, "Cool cool."

Empena needs a rich benefactor.

Kinaed says, "Okay, we're creeping up on the top of the hour."

Jozafat collects tithes from the street urchins that steal for him.

Kinaed states, "Before we shove off, as a PSA due to some poor behavior on the forums this week, please be respectful to one another OOC. Personal attacks on other players are really not okay. They're damaging to the atmosphere of the game and reflect badly on the community. Lets make an effort to go forward with good OOC attitudes to our fellow players. We're all here to have fun."

Vlora muses, "Quick question! For those Gentry who are given the class by being GL, how does that work in regards to assets if they vacate the office?"

Jozafat admits that's one of the chief reasons he doesn't interact at the forums.

Jozafat gets enough flak IRL as it is.

Niamh says to Jozafat, "That's saddening."

Temi states to Vlora, "Not determined yet."

Eirian exclaims, "'Preciate the meeting. Have a nice weekend, all!"

Vlora says, "Right o"

Kinaed claims to Vlora, "No idea, but thanks for raising it for us to consider."

Temi pontificates, "Don't forget to comment on the forums with your asset template ideas!"

Kinaed comforts Jozafat.

Jozafat states, "(the other reaons being laziness)"

Niamh says to Jozafat, "We try to keep an eye on the forums to nip abusive commentaries in the bud, but we can't be everywhere. If you notice something, please bring it to our attention."

Jozafat nods at Niamh.

Kinaed declaims, "Okay, OOC Chat time is over!"

Kinaed says, "Thank you for coming, everyone. As always, it's a pleasure."

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