14th January 2017 - OOC Meeting

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2018 Cookery Contest Winner!
2018 Cookery Contest Winner!
Posts: 536
Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2016 10:13 am
Discord Handle: Starstarfish#4572

Sat Jan 14, 2017 5:11 pm

Kinaed says, "Is there anyone willing to volunteer to be our Scribe today? This entails some QP to post a log of the OOC Chat up on the forums for those who could not attend."

Niamh claims, "...Sorry, went to powder my nose."

Niamh doles out dolls.

Keaton trails off, "For some reason... I thought the dolphin was edible...."

Herim questions, "Can I again?"

Herim questions, "Or, not?"

Merick says, "Hahahaha"
Kinaed queries to Keaton, "Then you tried to eat it?"
Niamh says to Keaton, "Now now, lets not eat glass at the meeting."

Keaton nods sloooowly.
Kinaed claims to Herim, "It's a first-come, first serve thing. Happy for you to do it."
Herim nods.
say oh, me

Klaetela says, "Oh, me"

Kinaed states, "But if you have to shut down your computer - Klaetela's interested also."

Herim claims, "Not shutting down. lol. Let her do it, tho."
Kinaed nods at Herim.
Kinaed pontificates to Klaetela, "Thank you!"

Herim says, "Going to crank the coolers up to 7500RPM"

Aldin claims, "Nah, gotta put that over 9000"

Kinaed asks, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today?"

Merick sighs at Aldin

Teagan highfives Aldin.

Kinaed claims, "Okay, if not - I'll kick off Staff Updates."

Aldin plays paddy-cake with Teagan

Teagan claims, "I just have a plug, for the player topic part."

Aldin states, "Read her excellent book"
Aldin nods.
Kinaed states to Teagan, "I've added you. Please pre-write your plug :)"

Teagan will!

Merick asks, "Also will there be an event after this?"
Keaton trails off to Merick, "You never know..."

Keaton coughs.
A small arctic fox darts past you, then pauses and grins. Nine tails flutter behind her as she stands and becomes Azarial. [OOC]

Merick says, "Oh dear god "

Kinaed says, "I've handled a small amount of policy, nothing really noteworthy. A few things - please do not use the Who List to gather information to use ICly. Hm. Alts may not interact with other alt's RP THREADS, not just with one another."

Kinaed claims, "I've got assets and jail automation in my lap"

Aldin raises his hand
Kinaed questions to Aldin, "Yes?"
emote also raises a hand.

Klaetela also raises a hand.

Kinaed states to Klaetela, "Go ahead and ask :)"
Gothan is idle.

Aldin "Can we assume that if you didn't talk to us individually, those general warnings aren't about us, and two, do you think assets is coming in 1 month or 6? Just for the sake of saving up silver to buy some etc."
Gothan is no longer idle.
Gothan has returned from AFK.
Kinaed states to Aldin, "Yes, if I didn't talk to you individually, I am unaware of any naughtiness you got up to."

Temi trails off, "You can assume that we don't know about them being about you..."

Aldin states, "Pretty sure there wasn't any, but I've had to cnote some crossovers and am still learning how best to treat it :)"

Temi says, "But they still apply, so if you feel guilty about anything.. do feel free to ask."
Temi grins.

Kinaed states, "Assets could be here as soon as this month, but it depends on my work schedule versus TI time, etc."

Kinaed states, "And, er, being reminded that I have to do it."
Aldin nods at Kinaed.
Kinaed nods at Aldin.

Klaetela asks, "What's a solid definition for RP Threads? Knowing the same people? Talking to the same people?"

Aldin states, "Yikes, not with a population this small"
Melania has lost link.
Melania has reconnected.

Temi claims, "Dealing with the same events and related consequences of them. You can deal with the same people on unrelated things."

Aldin trails off, "So for example....if I was part of the raising the alarm on the church square...thing last night, then my alt can't be part of the response to that even if normally he would"

Kinaed claims, "RPing about the same topic with the same people is usually how it's interpreted. Some things are unavoidable with a small pbase, yes, but for example. Let's say Klaetela frames Melania. Now Klaetela's alts may not have anyhting to do with the framing."

Aldin claims, "Even if this guy has already stepped out of the square and away from it"

Melania was framed for... murder!
Temi nods at Aldin.

Aldin is pretty sure Melania did it

Kinaed claims, "Sometimes we get situations where it falls into the 2nd alt's lap. The 2nd alt is obligated to avoid the RP, even if it means saying OOCly "i'm sorry, guys, I have an alt conflict in this one, I can't RP it - can I recuse myself please? Klaetela's, er, been on vacation and will miss everything to do with this.""

Hunapo claims, "Part of that is also if someone says "I can't be here because of cross over" Just try your hardest to be ok with that. It is unfair to hold it against them ICly "

Temi states, "If you need our help with that, we can tell people you can't too."

Kinaed claims, "First alt involved is the only alt allowed to RP in the mix. If another alt makes more sense and the player thinks that it should be taken with another alt, CONTACT THE STAFF and get permission."
Kinaed nods at Hunapo.
Kinaed nods at Temi.

Azarial trails off, "Side note...vote and invite people, so there's more room for your threads"

Merick elbows Aldin and points at Kinaed
Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Azarial claims, "And engage the newbies so they are more likely to stay."

Herim asks, "Attack them?"

Kinaed coughs and laughs.

Kinaed declares, "That's my update. Azarial, your turn!"
Melania grins at Herim.

Azarial states, "Mostly bugs and sick kids"
Kinaed comforts Azarial.

Kinaed claims, "Well, some stuff to share - Pregnancy Messages have been aligned to Anjew's Colic so it's not terribly clear which you've got."

Keaton says, "Oh gods.."

Aldin states, "Unless male"
Keaton muses to Aldin, "Yeah? In TIL?"
Kinaed claims to Aldin, "This is a magical realm, don't get too comfortable. :P"
Aldin grins.

Kinaed claims, "Jewelry worn on arms won't hide indecency."

Kinaed states, "Now if you sit down on furniture, you'll autojoin it as a place."

Kinaed says, "HELP JMOTE."

Aldin questions, "What can physicians do to help distinguish them? Are there IC resources for that?"

Temi states, "Diagnose."
Temi nods at Aldin.

Kinaed claims, "Physicians can diagnose."

Diana claims, "Yes, and no. If you diagnose and shows that they have nothing wrong to the trained eyes, then it's a safe bet that they're pregnant."
Aldin nods.

Kinaed claims, "HELP LIQUIDATION has also been updated."

Aldin coughs

Melania says, "Now they'll think everyone is pregnant."

Kinaed claims, "I forgot to mention, in my policy cases - we had a char liquidate and give all of their worldly goods to someone."

Keaton coughs.

Kinaed claims, "We took them back and are pointing out that liquidation is an OOC action, even if you do it under the guise of death - Reeves execute your will, not you, etc."

Kinaed claims, "So please do not go around giving people stuff prior to liquidating. It's not normal behavior for people to just suddenly, whilst alive, hand over all of their worldly goods."
say Can you give things away as an IC thing if you aren't going to liquidate?

Klaetela asks, "Can you give things away as an IC thing if you aren't going to liquidate?"

Kinaed asks, "Okay, that's all for Az?"

Hunapo states, "What if you Rp it out? Like "I am going back to Tubor. Here, have my clothes.""
Temi nods at Klaetela.

Temi claims, "If you're going to continue playing, and it's an IC decision for you, yes."

Temi claims, "People in Tubor wear clothes."
Kinaed nods at Temi.

Niamh trails off, "Usually..."

Klaetela chuckles.

Temi claims, "Giving away a few heavy cloaks would probably be fine as a part of a 'it's hot there scene'"

Temi states, "Giving away everything is different"

Kinaed says, "We view it as an action that comes as the result of an entirely OOC action. No liquidation, no gift giving. So IC excuses to justify something completely OOC ICly doesn't sit well with us."

Hunapo states, "I was using it as an example. I am not going to schlep my bed back to Tubor kind of thing"

Kinaed claims, "Particularly if it means giving another player an advantage they ought not to have, such as stuff to sell, silver, desirable EQ< etc."

Kinaed claims, "The purpose of liquidation is saying that you odn't want to play a character anymore, can you get XP back to use on another. Yes. But you're not allowed to use that as a reason to give your friends a boost."

Diana asks, "Okay just for clarification though. What if you die, and your will says to give everything to another char? Is that okay? I mean if you died, not liquidated?"
Temi nods at Diana.
Kinaed states to Diana, "Then the Reeves will handle it."
Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed queries, "Okay... Temi, take a turn? :)"

Temi says, "And if you are dead, people don't generally appreciate presents from ghosts."

Merick snickers
Keaton trails off to Temi, "You never know..."

Kinaed states, "Heretics, the lot of you. :P"

Temi says, "Okay! Just normal run of the mill stuff. Some RPA, some requests, some typos, some books, some change testing."

Temi says, "And that's about it."

Kinaed states, "All the really necessary stuff that no one sees happening, but keeps the game going. :)"
Kinaed states to Temi, "Thanks for the effort :)"
Kinaed says to Niamh, "Your turn :)"

Niamh claims, "This week I finished both the Civic Center and Southside NPC revamps - learned this way that there are an INCREDIBLE number of mobs in Southside - added HELP MILESTONE to help folks get a sense for what it means (and what to do) when they achieve one, sorted through a bundle of typos and requests, and gave The Slippery Dolphin a face-lift/redesign. Freemen types who check it out, please give me feedback! If you especially like or dislike something, I'd love to know so I can have a look at fixing it and/or get a better grasp on what's pleasing."
Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed claims, "Nice work. Thank you"

Niamh says, "\o/"

Kinaed questions, "Do we still have people with over 500 hours of RP who haven't provided their IC milestone stuff?"
Niamh nods.

Diana claims, "Yes"

Azarial says, "It seems like people ignore the note."

Azarial shrugs eloquently with more tail than shoulders.

Diana says, "I didn't know what to put in there, and I still don't."

Niamh pontificates to Diana, ""help milestone"!"

Diana claims, "No, I didn't ignore it. But the typo said that the staff were supposed to do it. I didn't know what to tell you guys, waited and then... gave up."

Kinaed states, "Please have a chat. The other thing we can do is put a message that the offer expires after a couple of weeks."

Kinaed claims, "The staff are responsible to put the milestone into the game, but we can't do it without help."

Kinaed wonders, "Maybe we need to reword that text?"
Kinaed questions to Niamh, "Can you re-word the auto generated text and give it to Az so it's clearer?"

Diana claims, "I don't know, I thought it was something that staff only were supposed to do. I wasn't sure."

Niamh states, "Sure can."
Temi nods in agreement.

Aldin says, "Yes, sorry about that. I forgot to come back to it, but I will do it soon"

Diana states, "Then again, I'm particularly daft."
Kinaed smiles.

Aldin claims, "Thank you for writing a help file since I iddn't really know what to put since i never read city lore around town"

Kinaed declaims, "No worries!"
Niamh nods at Aldin.
Kinaed nods at Aldin.

Kinaed says, "We just want to preserve people's characters and start to build a game history that's about you guys into the game."

Kinaed says, "It's fine if you don't want to participate, so we can also add some opt out text."

Kinaed wonders, "Anyway... is that all of the staff? If yes, it's time for the Player Heartbeat! How was the game for the last week, folks?"

Aldin says, "Feels quieter. I think folks are recovering from holiday playing binges. But that was relaxing as someoone who felt like the late december rush of stuff was making it into an OOC job to reply to all the messengers and keep on top of investigations and reports"

Teagan claims, "Super good. Had some fascinating encounters."

Gothan declaims, "Not a lot was going on for me, but it was nice to have a little time to catch my breath and get all the paperwork side up to date!"

Keaton exclaims, "The game has been sloow to me but pleasant!"
Kinaed smiles.
Keaton trails off to Gothan, "Can take care of all your paperwork bruh...."
Aldin nods at Gothan.

Teagan swats Keaton.

Kinaed questions, "Anything bothering anyone that they want to staff to consider or wish we could do something about?"

Klaetela raises a hand.

Aldin claims, "I do but I didn't know what to put and and then things got busy and the note isn't 'unread' any more and I forgot"
Kinaed questions to Klaetela, "Yes? :)"

Gothan makes liberal use of the consign command

Kinaed laughs.

Aldin states, "I do *want to participate* that is, from the earlier 500hr topic"

Kinaed claims, "That's one way to take care of paperwork - burn it all."
Kinaed nods at Aldin.
Kinaed says to Aldin, "Just have a chat with a staff member. We'll help."
Aldin nods.

Keaton claims, "Someone still has to take care of all the ashes and soot too.."
Kinaed has transferred Rothgar. [OOC]
Niamh gives a cobalt glass stacking doll shaped like a grinning dolphin to Rothgar.
Rothgar smiles.

Keaton tackles Rothgar.
Kinaed claims to Rothgar, "We're at Player Heartbeat, asking how the game went last week and if anything is shitting anyone."

Rothgar declaims, "Hehe. Hey errybody. Okai!"
Kinaed says to Keaton, "That's what squires are for."

Merick states, "That's what PAGES are for."

Keaton claims, "I always wondered why there were all dirty, squires and pages."

Keaton states, "They*"
Kinaed questions to Merick, "*suspicious* are you a squire?"

Merick claims, "Yes I am"

Kinaed says, "Hehehe"

Merick cries

Azarial says, "Pages are thwta end up burned for the squires to sweep up"

Keaton snickers.

Rothgar says, "Oh! Actually, I -did- want to bring up a brief point, just as kind of an OOC aside"
Merick says to Azarial, "You have no idea, or maybe you do"

Keaton states, "Now we know why they have no squires."

Keaton says, "Oh.. i mean pages."

Keaton >.>

Kinaed says, "Classic delegation: Knight to Squire, "Clean up this mess." Walks away. Squire to Page, "Clean up this mess!". Walks away. Page cries."
Kinaed wonders to Rothgar, "What's on your mind?"

Merick claims, "I agree with Aldin as far as it being quieter, I think people could spare getting out and about a bit more. I'd like a bit more progress on a plot I started but I should likely send out more requests for that. Honestly? I'd like to see a demon about, not a RAH RAH I'M GONNA KILL YA demon but something that'll mess with people, either sinister or playful mucky muck and I'd like to see a response from the Order. I'd also like a bit more face time with people."

Kinaed questions, "Is face time with people hard to come by?"

Rothgar says, "I just wanted to put out there that anyone who plays Mages or has Mage alts, don't be afeared to corner me somewhere! I'm down for RP'ing with anyone, and I'm trying my best not to kill nobody. And for anyone that wants to derp around with Orderites, I'm down for that too! I'm trying to not be a scurry inquisitor. More a big poppa inquisitor who doesn't get mad, just disappointed."

Merick trails off to Kinaed, "I think my guy has seen way more as a page and squire than ever intended... lol"
Teagan states to Rothgar, "Cornering you is fun."

Rothgar states, "Well, I <3 you guys. So if you need some Orderite lovin I'll be around."

Kinaed states to Merick, "Yes, you're supposed to ask for permission to court first. :P"

Azarial claims, "Heh. traumatizing characters and players by frowning and saying, 'we need to talk.'"

Merick trails off to Kinaed, "Sometimes, particularly when everyone seems to be in private rp, whererp off and all, whoinvis people I can understand if they're mages and what not, though a brief run in now and then would be nice.... if I'd stop gettin HIT IN THE FACE..."
Rothgar nods at Azarial.

Melania states, "RP with you has been fun, Rothgar. Welcome back"
Kinaed nods at Merick.

Merick claims, "And don't get me wrong I know there's a lot of political stuff going on right now that my guy would not be privvy to, I don't fault anyone for that"
Kinaed nods at Merick.

Rothgar states, "It's a select few that have a head for politics in TI. RIP in peace, your sanity."

Azarial states, "Which makes the ;ace versus ruffles argument an amusing game."
Kinaed tells you, "I'll bring it up in player topics so people don't connect it with your earlier question."

Merick questions, "I could likely do it, do I wanna? not yet, I still feel like a baby player lol"
Kinaed nods.

Azarial wonders, "Do you talk to them directly....or just lace their wine?"

Merick laughs.

Teagan declares, "Both!"

Rothgar states, "Well, you know what they say, Az. A dagger in the eve is worth a thousand swords at dawn."
Azarial grins.

Kinaed claims, "Now that has to be a quit quote."

Klaetela states, "Everything is permitted."

Rothgar smiles at Kinaed.

Kinaed says, "Okay, moving on to Player Topics - I have one sent to me in tells earlier, and Teagan's."
Kinaed says to Teagan, "You're up first. :)"

Teagan declares, "Just a general plug: Wrote a couple IC books this week, one that gets into diseases and the cures common herbalists use to treat them, and one that acts as a guide to foraging in different types of terrain. Check them out!"

Kinaed questions to Teagan, "Have staff put them in game yet? Where are they located?"

Klaetela wonders, "Are these in the library or for sale somewhere? Or is it a super secret find them somehow kind of thing?"

Keaton muses to Teagan, "DO they have Hidden heretical references? :)"

Teagan says, "Maladies and Cures is at the Grand Library in the Archive of Natural Sciences"
Teagan grins at Keaton.

Teagan declares, "No!"

Temi claims, "Both are."
Temi nods.

Rothgar states, "Good thing I can't read."

Keaton declares, "Yes, I am reading them!"
Kinaed claims to Temi, "Thanks :)"
Teagan says to Temi, "Yes, thank you very much. Really quick response time."

Kinaed states, "Very cool. Thank you, Teagan, for enriching the game."

Keaton declares, "Ooh, Thanks to all the players writing the good books out there!!"

Aldin muses, "Foraging one is in another wing of the library?"

Keaton loves reading them.

Kinaed exclaims, "Staff offer quite a few QP to people who write books, by the way. Please consider adding to our library!"
Kinaed nods at Keaton.

Temi says, "No, same place. The foraging one just only got added last night."

Aldin claims, "Right"
Aldin nods.

Kinaed claims, "Okay, our private tells Player Topic. It's about regency."

Aldin says, "Ain't nobody got time to write books when they're trying to gain 400k more xp"

Kinaed claims, "From the tell "While I know that a big part of magic is inding out stuff IC, it can feel sort of rough that as a mage, you can't see that helpfile until, basically, it's too late. Until someone casts the spell on you, or you branch it youself. Which from an C standpoint has really brought some interesting stuff for my PC, like recommend level RP, but as a player OOC, I won't wonder if mages shouldn't have some basic idea that's a thing. Even if it's not the ull scope helpfile until you branch or have it cast on you, but just general knowledge that's a possibilty.""
Kinaed says to Aldin, "No pressure. If writing books isn't for you, that's fine. But QP can be translated into XP."

Niamh questions, "Sort of a general knowledge helpfile?"
Aldin nods.
Kinaed nods at Niamh.

Kinaed says, "Maybe a help file is good enough."

Temi muses, "About regnancy? Or just in general?"

Aldin questions, "We mean regnancy not regency? I have no idea what it is"

Keaton muses, "Don't we have a general knowledge regnancy helpfile?"

Kinaed states, "Er, Regnancy, not regency. Gah."

Temi claims, "There is a help magic regnancy that's ont the spell file"

Rothgar wonders, "It's been a long while since I played a Mage in earnest. That's the bit where if you Awaken another, you kinda sorta gain an element of control over the awoken?"

Aldin trails off, "No, but it shows up on match for mudsex, pregnancy, breed, sexuality, and House Toulour...uh"
Kinaed states to Temi, "I think it's not broadly known enough by non-mages to know what they're getting into or what the dangers out there are."

Rothgar says, "Am I saying too much? You can shut me up about it."
Temi nods at Kinaed.
Kinaed claims to Rothgar, "It is like that, but it's much more... I dunno. It's changed."
Temi claims to Kinaed, "Is that a complaint or a state of affairs? Because yes, I find that is true."

Aldin states, "Well just from etymology, right"

Rothgar queries, "I recall that we had one very high-profile case about that ages ago. It's supposed to be reletively esoteric, isn't it? It's a high level spell AFAIR"

Keaton asks, "Maybe it should just have an alert? Like compulsion?"
Kinaed says to Temi, "Probably a bit of both. I do think we would be wise to put a general information help file out there warning people that one of the reasons mages are hated and feared is that they can literally control other people."

Niamh claims, "I think as long as we kept it fairly vague, a description of what each element is capable of wouldn't be unreasonable."
Kinaed says to Rothgar, "It has steps and levels."
Rothgar nods.
Kinaed nods at Niamh.

Azarial says, "But no layers; it;s not an ogre."

Azarial shrugs eloquently with more tail than shoulders.
Niamh grins at Azarial.
Temi nods.

Temi says, "A fear of mages helpfile sounds great."

Temi exclaims, "We could even put things spells can't do in it!"
Temi grins.

Niamh states, "Yeeees."

Temi states, "Yay misinformation spread by a panicked populace."
Temi grins.

Rothgar states, "Agreed. I could bring it up at this Mass that I'm prepping, but it'd probably be easier to write a helpfile rather then 'remind' people every week."

Gothan pontificates, "He turned me into a newt!"

Azarial asks, "Along with a list of things that aren;t unusual, so people know what to freak out over?"
Kinaed muses to Niamh, "Are you happy to take an action item to write a general knowledge help file on regnancy, or at least to update any existing 'why we hate mages' lore with that information?"

Keaton laughs.

Niamh nods at Kinaed.
Niamh claims to Kinaed, "I'd love that."

Kinaed states, "I'm not sure I'm keen to write out what different kinds of mages can do, even in a vague sense. I think that wouldn't be common knowledge."

Keaton declaims, "Hate mages because they steal your muffins!"

Hunapo states, "I totally heard that mages eat misbehaving children."

Kinaed states, "To most people, all mages have the capability of being demon summoners, getting into your head, etc."

Rothgar claims, "Eggs into boats, cats into demons, crows are spies, etc etc."

Temi states, "I think writing about common knowledge things that have happened to people, or things commoners believe mages can do, makes sense."
say It might help too for people new to the game/lore that they might have no idea why people fear mages.

Kinaed says, "Another tell: Maybe just a general one of the reported fears about mages is their ability to control other people, I mean there's been high profile cases of that happening in public, and put on rumors so I'm guessing people would know. And maybe one in like the mage faq/mage noobie section letting people know that a risk of meeting up with other mages outside of Astral is indeed them asting spells on you."

Klaetela says, "It might help too for people new to the game/lore that they might have no idea why people fear mages."

Temi claims, "I don't think knowledge about what type of mages can actually do what is appropriate for general consumption"
Kinaed nods at Klaetela.
Kinaed nods at Temi.
Rothgar nods at Temi.
Diana is idle.

Kinaed states, "Okay, anything else to discuss on this? I think we're all in favor of fleshing this out a bit."
Diana is no longer idle.
Diana has returned from AFK.

Rothgar says, "Nada. It'd be reasonably easy to make it a one-two punch of Orderite ramblings and helpfiles."

Kinaed trails off, "All good. Well, I have no more topics and 15 minutes left..."
say I remembered a question for earlier, about books.

Klaetela states, "I remembered a question for earlier, about books."

Kinaed queries to Klaetela, "Yes? :)"

Merick asks, "I disagree to a degree, especially if people have experienced things first hand and have taken the time to study things or at the very least take note. There is some knowledge out there about the elements, what they do, so on. Are you also gonna destroy all the books that are IC that are basically part of the knight trainings?"
Temi says to Merick, "That's not general consumption. That's knight knowledge."

Teagan claims, "An IC book Knights have isn'--- yeah"
Rothgar states to Merick, "To be realistic, you can't erase experience. There are always going to be people who've brushed with Mages more then others. Knights, Orderites, obviously - but maybe there's an attractive sort who garners special attention. They'll know better about Mage properties then most."

Rothgar states, "But that said, Joe Blow just entering from Chargen will know Mages are evil, but not neccessarily why. But if he asks about it IC, it's super suspect."

Temi claims, "We similarly wouldn't publish those in the grand library though."
Rothgar nods at Temi.
Kinaed nods at Temi.

Klaetela queries, "I mentioned once writing up a fabulous book on fishing, which probably won't be a hot read, but could go in the life sciences section as an amusing read. However, as types of fish are randomized, is there any way for the purposes of writing said book I could get a list of the fish that exist?"

Teagan says to Klaetela, "I would read that."

Kinaed states, "Yep, ask a staff member via Request Board"

Temi says, "I don't know if there's currently a lot of sense to it."

Kinaed claims, "I don't feel that information is terribly secret, though maybe we'll drop anything particularly uncommon/special."

Kinaed trails off, "So..."
Temi nods.

Kinaed trails off, "Anything else? We have 10 minutes. We can socialize, then go back? No orgies, my sensibilities are too delicate. Other than that..."

Rothgar chokes on his coffee a bit.

Gothan gasps in Lithmorran!

Kinaed claims, "Vomitorium is that-away."

Niamh trails off, "Well if there's no orgies..."
A flurry of fiery-colored leaves whirl around Niamh, and when they scatter she's gone. [OOC]

Kinaed points towards Azarial's garden.
A flurry of fiery-colored leaves sweep across the area, rapidly coalescing into the winged shape of Niamh. [OOC]

Niamh states, "Kidding."

Hunapo looks at the Vavardi and shrugs, "We can only hope."

Klaetela says, "I might make a statement/suggestion, but there might be no way for me to do so without sounding like a terrible person."

Niamh's bluff is called, runs for her life.
Kinaed says to Klaetela, "Be terrible. We all are inside."

Temi claims, "The orgy is at the neatly spruced up dolphin."

Keaton declaims, "Oh come on!"
Niamh grins at Keaton.

Aldin says, "Can't go :'("

Rothgar claims, "We're all horrible people."
Niamh declares to Temi, "Yes!"

Keaton pontificates, "I should go to the Dolphin and see its revamp!"

Temi states, "And the second orgy is at the peacock."

Keaton says, "Oh dear god."
Kinaed nods at Keaton.
Kinaed claims to Keaton, "You should."

Kinaed declares, "And everyone else too!"

Rothgar claims, "I still remember my peers dying at the Peacock. What a scandal."
Kinaed asks of Rothgar, "Literally or figuratively?"

Teagan trails off, "It sounds like Rothgar should write a book..."
Hunapo claims to Klaetela, "There is little that offends this group any more"

Rothgar states, "Both, probably."

Azarial claims, "If they were lucky, figuratively before literally"

Keaton trails off, "Dying in a brothel should be... the most satisfying thing in the game..."

Keaton says, "NO PUN."
Kinaed states to Keaton, "Well, we can arrange-"

Aldin states, "Don't make me make a dirty freeman just to see the improvements"

Kinaed states, "Wait, nope. I'm OOC."
Melania is idle.
Teagan exclaims to Aldin, "Hey!"
Keaton claims to Kinaed, "Can still be arranged."
Aldin grins at Teagan.

Keaton waggles eyebrows.

Klaetela says, "Could we potentially remind people or put out the idea of like looking at one's equip before they finalize it? Or considering using the bold colors for good not evil? Accent good, face melting bad."

Kinaed muses to Temi, "So do we get to tell everyone who didn't attend OOC Chat this week that they missed an orgy, and this is why they should come to all OOC Chats?"
Aldin claims to Teagan, "Your freeman is a clean freeman"
Teagan nods at Aldin.
Rothgar laughs.

Keaton eyes Aldin suspiciously.
Kinaed says to Klaetela, "I'm sadly convinced that there are several people unable to detect face melting."

Temi checks help staff standards.
Temi claims to Kinaed, "I don't see anything against misleading statements."
Keaton claims to Teagan, "ALL freemen that have been told that ended up on a slaver's caravan. >.>"

Kinaed high fives Temi.
Rothgar states to Klaetela, "Agreed. But anyone who's seen my stuff knows that face-melting is my specialty. More magenta, hoi."
Teagan exclaims to Keaton, "I hate you!"

Aldin claims, "Nah, just locked in my estate with my singing furniture and a rose"
Keaton pontificates to Teagan, "I love you too!"
Hunapo says to Klaetela, "And that is hardly offensive"

Teagan says, "Also, one person's face melting is another person's preference."

Kinaed stops eating a melted face whilst everyone was distracted and tucks it innocently behind her back.

Aldin states, "this hurts so bad though"

Keaton says, "Uhmm"

Kinaed burps.

Temi states, "If you guys don't do anything exciting this week, we'll have to make face candles for next week's gifty."
Keaton queries to Kinaed, "Can You please review my next mage to be caught!?"

Teagan states, "Not a fan of it either, but... seems mean to criticise how other folks do it. :("

Kinaed toes the dirt and says in a child-like voice, "Excuse me."

Rothgar says, "Pfft."

Klaetela states, "What's why I said I felt bad for saying it."

Kinaed muses, "What trouble can you guys get up to in three minutes?"

Teagan pontificates, "Tons!"

Kinaed eyes the clock.

Kinaed states to Teagan, "Prove it."

Kinaed grins.

Keaton coughs and backs away.

Teagan panics and starts mooning people?

Rothgar opens his cloak and motions inside. "Ey. You kids want to buy some heresy?"
Teagan states to Rothgar, "Rofl. Dude, ew."

Kinaed laughs and cheers, "Rothgar totally wins."

Klaetela runs around using too many necklaces as a substitute for a shirt, like every other girl and Coachella.

Kinaed claims to Klaetela, "I need a char who does that."

Keaton declaims, "There is one already..!"

Niamh claims, "Oh god."

Rothgar claims, "But no seriously, do come visit me at the Cathedral. You just never know what kind of trouble I can inadvertantly get everyone into. It's a great time. Plus, old man stories."

Aldin says, "To teagan Put those moons away"

Kinaed states, "I'm putting together this char idea - a woman named Griselda that goes by Gloom, and wears necklaces in substitute for a shirt."
Aldin says to Teagan, "Put those moons away"
Teagan claims to Aldin, "NEVER."
Aldin says to Teagan, "Waxing gibbous :("

Keaton trails off, "I missed the joke..."

Hunapo states, "You haven't lived until you sit completely straight faced in a meeting with the Regent wearing no pants"

Rothgar sputters a bit.

Kinaed exclaims, "And on that note - thanks for attending this week, everyone!"

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