Log of OOC Meeting for 9/19/2016

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

Post Reply
Haley Rose

Sat Nov 19, 2016 7:12 pm

Kinaed queries, "(Eld)Today's Agenda is:
- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics
Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today?"
Jozafat clears his throat.
Kinaed questions to Jozafat, "(Eld)Is that a yes? :)"
Jozafat trails off, "I haven't attended in quite a while so..."
Coluber claims, "I've got something I want to ask/talk about."
Jozafat questions, "If I have something to suggest... when would be the right time for it?"
Kinaed says to Jozafat, "(Eld)It's not a worry."
Kinaed nods at Coluber.
Ariadne says, "I've something, though more a reminder than a concern."
Kinaed says to Coluber, "(Eld)I've got Jozafat first to make his suggestion, then you. Please pre-write your introduction so that you're ready when called on."
Kinaed declares to Ariadne, "(Eld)Okay, will put you down after Coluber. Please pre-prep. Thanks!"
Kinaed claims, "(Eld)Anyone else? If not, we'll move to Staff Updates."
Kinaed says, "(Eld)I'll take the silence for a nope."
Kinaed claims, "(Eld)Okay, last week, I worked on assets a bit. Then work picked up and I didn't finish, but I got an incomplete rough draft to staff. I'd like to finish the spec this week and bring it to next OOC Chat for you all to read and comment on."
Kinaed claims, "(Eld)That's it for me. Azarial, you're up (I'll check the changes board also)"
Azarial states, "(Daravi)A few bugs, some typos, stepped on a troll several times. nothing really comes to mind."
Jozafat curses the troll.
Azarial says, "(Daravi)I think we had a crash this week"
Azarial states, "(Daravi)The mudportal ban has been lifted; i'll leave the newbie ban on tmc another day then see."
Jozafat nods at Azarial.
Kinaed states, "(Eld)Changes worth mentioning: Rebirth now clears Regnancy and your whois information completely."
Vicannia claims, "Nice to know"
Gothan states, "Ah so that's why I couldn't get on the Mudportal, I use that someitmes while at work. "
Kinaed claims, "(Eld)I think that's about it - everything else appears to be minor bug fix tweaks most people wouldn't notice."
keepalive command.
Kinaed nods at Gothan.
Kinaed claims, "(Eld)I have a spec in to Az that changes how bans work. If you ever find yourself banned, once that is in, just send me mail and I can 'allow' your character past the ban."
Azarial says, "(Daravi)The initial trolling was pretty horrible; after that it was all caps shouting on visnet and ooc about the unfairness of banning takta. which, afaik, has not occured."
Azarial claims, "(Daravi)Nor have we had any trolls besides this in a while to warrant any bans, so the chances of an overlap are slim to none."
Kinaed states, "(Eld)Oh yeah, the troll seemed to be upset that "Takta's player was banned" - for the record, Takta's player is not banned and never was."
Merick mutters under his breath.
Jozafat asks, "Why would they claim so? Misinformation?"
Kinaed says, "(Eld)I even emailed Takta yesterday to ask if she'd been banned by accident, and she logged in and said nope."
Vicannia arches brow "That seems like a mighty odd thing for a random troll to come in and start shouting about."
Kinaed shrugs, "(Eld)Someone dissatisfied trying to make a fuss?"
Merick says, "That'd be my guess."
Diana says, "Yeah, I know Takta's player wasn't banned, she left TI of her own free will. I remember the board post."
Merick claims, "But I'm a dum dum, aaaaand that's in the log now, shite."
Kinaed trails off to Vicannia, "(Eld)When Takta was asked to resign, it was a huge deal across the game. Chinese whispers being what they are..."
Merick states, "She was asked to resign! HA! KNEW THERE WAS A CONSPIRACY!.... or not."
Merick states, "Ok I'll shut up now"
Kinaed queries, "(Eld)Okay, so is that everything for you, Az?"
Vicannia says, "I remember that Kinaed, but that would mean it must have been some a previous player. It doesn't seem like something a random troll would know about unless they did prior research"
Kinaed nods at Vicannia.
Kinaed says, "(Eld)Probably a friend of hers who hasn't played for ages or something."
Vicannia shrugs
Kinaed says, "(Eld)No idea, not really concerned. Just pointing out that they've got some misinformation that they're harassing us over."
Azarial claims, "(Daravi)I think so. other than maybe turnoing off the internet monday"
Azarial says, "(Daravi)I did not bother trying to talk tot he troll to explain; i wasn;t going to feed the troll."
Kinaed nods at Azarial.
Jozafat says, "Or wanting to frame Takta."
Kinaed says, "(Eld)I plan to re-open Aides though, to handle stuff like that when we're not around. HELP AIDES. Note that there is a 'RP with newbies' requirement in there, so please do not ask to be an Aide unless you actually want to be responsible to onboard and RP with new players."
Ariadne states, "Like Harry Potter mountain trolls. Best way of dealing with 'em is to club 'em upside the head for being stupid and go about your business."
Kinaed says to Temi, "(Eld)You're up :)"
Temi says, "Okay! I... have not gotten a whole lot done."
Kinaed smiles.
Temi says, "I've been working on trying to get through the request board again. Should do some more of that today."
Ariadne states, "Oo. *looks at help file*"
Temi states, "No currently pending big projects.. I did add a terribly bare bones nyxis helpfile after like the...third or fourth person this week asked."
Temi says, "But will probably continue to be pretty busy for a while with work and the upcoming holiday guests."
Vicannia still has no idea what a nyxis is... gave up trying to figure out awhile ago
Kinaed grins.
Kinaed states to Temi, "(Eld)Thanks"
Kinaed says to Temi, "(Eld)Does that wrap you up>"
Temi nods at Kinaed.
Kinaed declares to Ismael, "(Eld)Your turn!"
Ismael claims, "This week my main focus has been entirely on requests and the like. It has been a busy week for me but I have gotten spats of great activity. I also launched the monthly plot, and it's in effect as many have seen."
Kinaed pontificates, "(Eld)With regards to that - people, when you see this month's RP come out, please make every effort to leave the RP open for people to get involved, or even try to rope them into the plot. Thanks!"
Sansi pontificates, "(Tubori)Yes, ma'am!"
Kinaed asks of Ismael, "(Eld)Anything else to add before we roll into to the next agenda item?"
Kinaed smiles at Sansi.
keepalive command.
Jozafat shakes his heaf.
Ismael states, "Nope! All good for me."
Sansi says, "(Tubori)My little brother gave me a pixie stick."
Sansi shakes her own heifer.
Kinaed wonders, "(Eld)Great. Now for one of my favorite parts - Player Heartbeat. How has the game been this last week, folks? Anything staff ought to know about? Anything shitting anyone that we need to look at improving?"
Jozafat claims, "I've been getting good rp from some good players."
Gothan claims, "I've not been all that active this week due to work picking up the pace, but I should be around a lot more next week and december."
Ariadne claims, "Bit slow. Tilted out of my concept comfort zone a bit so trying to get the feel back."
Kinaed says to Jozafat, "(Eld)Awesome to hear."
Jozafat nods.
Diana pontificates, "It's been good!!!"
Sansi says, "(Tubori)I'm doing pretty okay! I've come back after many months, and I thinkt he player atmosphere has definitely improved? I'm happy."
Kinaed says to Gothan, "(Eld)That happens to us all. Please keep us informed if something comes up and you have to disappear off the radar for awhile."
Jozafat says, "I'm seeing more confrontation again, which I always like."
Kinaed says to Sansi, "(Eld)I'm very happy to hear that."
Kinaed states to Diana, "(Eld)Glad you're having fun."
Kinaed asks of Ariadne, "(Eld)Anything anyone can do to help?"
Vicannia shrugs "It's been generally the same old same old, so it's been ok. Feeling a huge disconnect if anything."
Ariadne says, "I'd like to see more face to face confrontation rather than rumor confrontation, but from what I've seen on the outskirts, does seem like creativity's picking up again."
Kinaed comforts Vicannia.
Kinaed nods at Ariadne.
Kinaed queries to Vicannia, "(Eld)Anything anyone can do to help?"
Merick rubs his chin in thought.
Jozafat states, "I can go and arrest the Queen."
Sansi says, "(Tubori)Do it"
Kinaed states to Jozafat, "(Eld)She's wandering off somewhere outside of Lithmore City, visiting her nobles."
Ariadne claims to Kinaed, "And no, not sure. The rp felt right at the time, but now in hindsight, I'm not sure it really fits what I was going for, so not sure how to fix that."
Vicannia trails off, "Not really. Just been so long since I tried casual rp, and it felt incredibly weird and awkward... But that happens when you don't do something for so long"
Kinaed claims to Ariadne, "(Eld)The glorious (or scary, depending on our mindset) thing about RP is that it's not 100% under our control."
Ariadne smiles.
Sansi says, "(Tubori)Actually, I think making an excuse for your character to go out for a good stroll is probably the simplest thing you can do. Or have your character craft something that they want to show people, or give them a prompt to go make a complaint to the Order with or something."
Ariadne claims, "It was a real incredible scene."
Kinaed states to Ariadne, "(Eld)Just remember, you don't really have anything to lose. Maybe a few pixels of fake something, but it's all supposed to be fun."
Rimilde exclaims, "Yup, and just as people, it's okay for characters to have different reactions on different days:) Sometimes some things go differently but that can be part of the journey!"
Kinaed nods at Sansi.
Merick states, "I'm sure people have said this before, we need orderites, we really really really really do, some of the rp is at a stand still otherwise, we don't have a way around some situations. I know Orderites aren't super powerful or anything but they can make havok all their own, heh."
Kinaed nods at Rimilde.
Jozafat claims to Kinaed, "Exactly. Once you learn to chill, and disconnect emotionally from your char some, the game becomes much more enjoyabke."
Kinaed has transferred Eirian. [OOC]
Temi gives a drawstring pouch embroidered with a stylized treasure map to Eirian.
Jozafat states, "Is why I tend to be pretty ballsy with Joza."
Kinaed claims, "(Eld)I don't have heaps of time, but I can try to get my Orderite active as a stop-gap for immediate problems."
Kinaed nods at Jozafat.
Sansi states, "(Tubori)Hmm! I'll see what I can do about an Orderite character? I find having multiple characters at once keeps me from getting bored or stagnant."
Merick says, "We need inquisitors in particular, anyone with the guts to be creepy, make roleplay, I'm not looking for kill kill kill but, back and forth rp, stuff that builds things"
Kinaed nods at Sansi.
Kinaed has transferred Talg. [OOC]
Gothan pontificates, "Aww! But Gothan likes being the Grand Earl Inquisitor Marshal!"
Temi gives a drawstring pouch embroidered with a stylized treasure map to Talg.
Merick laughs.
Talg nods
Coluber is idle.
Talg sits down on the ground.
Kinaed claims to Merick, "(Eld)My orderite is an Inquisitor. *nod* Jenifyr. I only bring her out when the Order is desperate though."
Sansi laughs. "(Tubori)Wow sounds like Gothan needs to chill."
Talg rests.
Ariadne declares, "It's been a lot of fun roleplaying the results of my character's current status. Vomiting at the most inoppertune times, mood swings that confuse people even more than she confuses them ordinarily... so you're right. I think I've been so worried about making everything go right this time, I've tried controlling every aspect of things, and then the character goes and reacts in a way I didn't oocly plan and I was all hey wait! Get back here!"
Coluber is no longer idle.
Merick says, "Gothan's power mad"
Coluber has returned from AFK.
Merick states, "Always has been"
Jozafat claims to Kinaed, "I'd love to get a review from you madam."
Gothan says, "But yes, we definatly need someone to spin up an Inquisitor - if only to scene if we have someone to review, or interrogate. "
Kinaed smiles at Ariadne.
Kinaed states to Jozafat, "(Eld)Anytime *blows kisses*"
Vicannia muses, "Speaking of roles that need to be filled, where is the announcement board note for them?"
Merick grins at Ariadne.
Jozafat giggles like a 12-year old japanese schoolgirl.
Kinaed states to Gothan, "(Eld)If you're okay with it, I'll bring Jenifyr out to play until we get an Inquisitor app or two. As best as I can, I struggle with time myself working full time, etc."
Kinaed nods at Vicannia.
Kinaed states to Vicannia, "(Eld)I think there is."
Kinaed claims to Vicannia, "(Eld)I'll check and make sure though, since Gothan agrees we need more."
Merick stares at Jozafat
Kinaed declares, "(Eld)Okay, is that everything for Heartbeat? If so... we have Player Topics!"
Vicannia states, "There is no board note for it, and it hasn't been there most of the week kinaed. I brought it up on visnet earlier "
Kinaed wonders to Jozafat, "(Eld)And I have you listed first to introduce us to a topic?"
Kinaed states to Vicannia, "(Eld)Oh, sorry. Thanks. I'll put one up immediately after this chat."
Merick states, "We also need more basic priest confessor types, that's all I got for now. "
Jozafat nods at Kinaed.
Jozafat states to Kinaed, "Give me the go."
Kinaed pontificates to Jozafat, "(Eld)Go!"
Kinaed nods at Merick.
Jozafat clears his throat as the spotlights all focus on him. He looks right amd left to make sure he has the audience's attention, and then he says: "I've been giving thought to player help files. I think they could use some improvement. They seem to give way too much info, too easily about people. I was wondering if perhaps some way could be implemented to make these things dependant on guild, or City Lore skill rank, or something."
Kinaed states to Jozafat, "(Eld)I like the idea of city lore rank. *ponder*"
Vicannia arches brow "What? You do realize player help files are written by players right? Or are you talking about things like Help people?
Jozafat says, "Or like, making a player help file request take tim."
Sansi Or perhaps you could purchase pieces of it like a rumor?
Kinaed asks, "(Eld)Is there more to it than just how accessible they are? Maybe also some guidelines about what people provide?"
Jozafat states to Vicannia, "I'm aware."
Kinaed says, "(Eld)I did have a player recently get very upset that they were turned away from a guild when their Player Help file said they were implicated in murder and the like."
Jozafat claims, "I mean for example a new visit to the city can just hear a name like Estone and know all about him via his help file."
Merick says, "I'll be right back, hopefully not long"
Merick has gone AFK.
Kinaed says to Jozafat, "(Eld)The idea is that if you look at someone's help file, you're actually asking around about them."
Diana claims, "But the player help files are written by players. That hardly makes sense. I mean writing a help file is that you can find things out about them, so the player has the discretion to write what they like."
Kinaed muses, "(Eld)Maybe that should cost some IP or something?"
Temi asks, "Maybe a rank in city lore inverted to the familiarity with the person, with a bonus for same guild?"
Temi ponders.
Jozafat states, "Exactly Kin. So. Like I said, perhaps make it cost time or a little silver."
Kinaed nods at Jozafat.
Vicannia nods "Ok just making sure... and I'm kind of in the same boat as diana... this makes no sense
Coluber says, "If we pay for them, it sure would be nice to have permanent access."
Kinaed says, "(Eld)I think I take your point, Jozafat - I'll discuss with staff what it actually might cost, but I like the idea and the point."
Jozafat says, "Or make levels. Like one intro and make another paragraph that requires more time/money/influence/lore."
Sansi says, "(Tubori)And I think perhaps some secrets should be more expensive than others? And maybe the expense decays over the amount of time that person's been in LIthmore."
Jozafat bows to the audience and sits on Rimilde's lap, crushing her.
Sansi makes finger guns at Josafat.
Diana claims, "But the whole point of the help file is that it is the person's background. A player could write as much or as little as they like, because it is what that person wants others to know when you ask around about them. I don't understand, it isn't as if these things are being made for us, we are writing them. I'm so puzzled right now."
Temi claims, "We don't want to make anything too tough for players to write them, though."
Kinaed states, "(Eld)I wonder if we can give players 'hooks' about their character separate to their help files or something, and how that might work."
Kinaed sinks into brief rumination.
Vicannia looks around in confusion
Kinaed nods at Temi.
Ismael states, "I really like the idea of letting players have optional sections for city lore."
Diana says to Vicannia, "Glad I'm not the only one confused."
Kinaed states to Diana, "(Eld)The issue is that they're extremely accessible."
Ismael claims, "Like, if they add a section after @lore_25: they would only be visible to those with 25 of city lore or more, pretty much like it works for staffers."
Vicannia says to Diana, "It feels incredibly stupid is where my confusion stems from"
Jozafat states to Diana, "I am thinking of encouraging rp for room fr disinformation "
Gothan claims, "I think that might be a good idea, Kinaed. I'd like to see a list of Player hooks for a person so I can easily wiggle my way into a scene."
Sansi wonders, "(Tubori)Maybe the problem is that there should be a warning about what people put in their help files?"
Kinaed claims, "(Eld)Right now, we have codes for city lore that make things visible at higher levels of knowledge. Maybe we can just make those codes available for use in player help files."
Ismael nods at Kinaed.
Kinaed nods at Sansi.
Azarial claims, "(Daravi)It;d have to be a new set of codes."
Coluber questions, "Why aren't we asking other characters in actual RP for these hooks?"
Kinaed says to Sansi, "(Eld)I think it might be wise if when people go into the desc helpinfo editor that they get a warning about what they put there."
Azarial says, "(Daravi)The way city lore is written, it won;t work in a string block like that"
Kinaed claims to Coluber, "(Eld)Good point."
Jozafat questions to Azarial, "Do you hate me for bringing ths up?"
Kinaed wonders, "(Eld)Are player help files even worthwhile then, or are they a way to skip IC 'getting to know you' legwork?"
Diana says, "Yes, and when you look in help info thing, it does say what they are meant for. So then... oh... I don't know."
Azarial states, "(Daravi)Only in that it may not get written. like i said, prolly turning off the net on monday. we'll see."
Temi claims, "I think they are definitely important for very high profile people that you'd have heard things about."
Sansi says, "(Tubori)Perhaps "player hooks" shoulds simply replace "player help files." The concept should simply be thought of differently."
Jozafat says to Kinaed, "Exactly my point. Perhaps they could be more basic as intros. And have some other string to have more stuff. That costs something."
Kinaed nods at Azarial.
Diana claims to Vicannia, "I know, I don't understand either. if I say anymore, I'll just repeat myself."
Azarial says, "(Daravi)The helpfiles are pretty old; it is about time for their concept to be touched upon as we circle around impriving things for rp"
Kinaed nods at Sansi.
Vicannia says, "Your question kinaed comes down to person to person, some write a bloody novel, others write a small snippet. "
Jozafat nods at Vicannia.
Kinaed nods at Vicannia.
Azarial claims, "(Daravi)They are basically a single purpose single strinbg flatfile that persists after you die."
Vicannia claims, "Vicannia's help info is short and sweet, but if you saw her background it's a bloody novel"
Diana says, "Yes, and the limit for a help file is five hundred chars. That's hardly anything, so if a player writes more, it is because they're choosing to."
Kinaed claims, "(Eld)I'm not sure that any immediate answer I'd say here would be the right one. I think it deserves thinking about before any decisions are made."
Ariadne says to Kinaed, "I'm late, but I like player helpfiles."
Kinaed nods at Vicannia.
Kinaed nods at Ariadne.
Temi nods at Kinaed.
Jozafat nods.
Maerilin states, "I mean, I use my own helpfile to list out my bard's plays which have been performed out of the city."
Vicannia wonders, "Exactly diana! Where is the issue with helpfiles? Are we seriously the only two baffled by this conversation"
Maerilin says, "So it has been really useful for myself."
Ariadne states, "If you look at Aria's helpfile, there are ways to give enough away without really telling anyone anything. It's supposed to give away what is common knowledge, and that is up to the player writing the file."
Diana queries to Vicannia, "It feels like it doesn't it?"
Kinaed claims to Vicannia, "(Eld)Honestly, I wasn't remotely baffled :)"
Kinaed nods at Ariadne.
Diana says, "Exactly, help iles as is now, is in the player's discretion. So whatever info people glean from said help file, is because the player wants you to."
Jozafat states to Vicannia, "Not exactly an issue. I'm just thinking that having the information so readily, accurately and freely available is perhaps not conducive to rp, much in the way gnotes were deleted for."
Kinaed claims, "(Eld)There are, but I think it still feels a bit jolting to check someone's help file and learn what their favorite bath soap is. Some people do go a bit too far, and we don't really have help file police there, nor do I think we want to."
Eirian states, "Even if there are hooks, or different levels of access for player help files, I think that if you list something negative in there, you shouldn't cry foul if another player happens to use that as a point during RP."
Vicannia states, "I'm baffled kinaed because raising a stink about helpfiles is utterly foolish. If you don't want to know what a character is revealing about themselves, don't read helpfiles, but if you are fine with knowing something about them, then read helpfiles"
Talg chuckles.
Vicannia states, "Why does it need code to support people simply making a choice"
Diana says, "Yes, and since the players themselves are writing them, any info gleaned from it, is fair play as far as rp goes."
Kinaed states, "(Eld)It might be something where just spendign a bit of IP or having city lore skill to get information on someone like that is enough to ammke it seem more realistic thn 'I typed a command on a person I just met, and now know everything about them that they want to share'"
Ariadne says, "I'd not dismiss someone's concern merely because we don't share it."
Kinaed nods at Ariadne.
Sansi trails off, "(Tubori)Getting into a guild based on a help file does seem a little counterintuitive to the system, though. I mean, a lot of the fun of the game has to do with keeping secrets. But if you simply have a sort of job interview or a disply of talent..."
Jozafat nods.
Kinaed nods at Eirian.
keepalive command.
Kinaed says to Eirian, "(Eld)Exactly the point that upset someone last week - not getting into a guild because their Player Help suggested they might have been involved with a murder."
Rimilde says, "I do think they could use some guidelines on what is reasonable to claim."
Kinaed trails off, "(Eld)IRL, I know I'd fail a job interview on that, so..."
Kinaed nods at Rimilde.
Gothan says, "In my experiance I've only ever read someones helpfile if they're an Order seeker, to try and work out if they're looking for the Knights or the Clergy."
Kinaed nods at Gothan.
Rimilde states, "I think if someone put that in their help file it would very much impact them."
Ariadne states to Sansi, "If there are questionable things in a helpfile, it makes sense that the guildmaster would look into the people he / she is admitting and be understandably hesitant."
Vicannia asks, "But they chose to put that there themselves... that's like if I wrote I was a mage in my helpfiles and was pyred... whose fault is that?"
Kinaed nods at Vicannia.
Kinaed claims, "(Eld)Exactly what I told the player."
Diana states to Vicannia, "Exactly!!!!! My point precisely!!! They put it in there, so then it should be fair game."
Kinaed says to Vicannia, "(Eld)But we could avoid it with a few warnings or notes."
Vicannia claims, "If you have controversial info, keep it in background.."
Eirian claims, "But I'm not against the idea of layers or hooks to spice things up. I'd use a system like that."
Kinaed nods at Eirian.
Sansi claims, "(Tubori)So this simply goes back to the point that people need to be very specifically warned about what they put in their player help files."
Vicannia says, "Doesn't the helpfiles already say "Don't put stuff you wouldn't want others knowing""
Talg states, "I have never read anyone's helpfile. I prefer to learn about them RP."
Kinaed nods at Sansi.
Rimilde says, "Same for stating you are the most notorious criminal when you aren't, but I wouldn't even know how to deal with that."
Kinaed says, "(Eld)That and the consumer's feelings about the type of information dump they get."
Maerilin claims, "What if there's things your character doesn't want to give, doesn't get you in trouble, but not a lot of people would know? I think adding city lore would be very helpful so that someone coming from the Daravi Encampment by Edessa doesn't know, for example, the plays of my PC."
Maerilin claims, "And someone with a lot of city lore could just have heaps of fun cycling through the helpfiles of those they know. It could be a fun addition, excluding the 'omg, I was screwed for my helpfile' part."
Ariadne states, "I agree with Kinaed though. Soaps? Why would people know that about Susie Jane who just walked into Lithmore? I tend to like to alter my helpfiles slowly over time to include things people naturally learn throughout the course of rp, but general things. Even if Vicannia knew what soap Aria used, doesn't mean Diana would."
Kinaed states, "(Eld)A lot of people get a player help file because they remembered someone, but perhaps it shouldn't be so easy or simple because the info in those often isn't just 'acquaintance' stuff."
Sansi says, "(Tubori)Perhaps the player helpfile should be spun as a tool you want to use for your character - What kind of conflicts do you want to make for them starting out? And you leave out the ones you want to keep quiet until later."
Kinaed nods at Ariadne.
Vicannia claims, "Then restrict what people can put into the helpfile, not make some code changes to make it harder to get said information when it's easy to just not look at a helpfile"
Kinaed nods at Sansi.
Rimilde trails off, "I think the info should be what would be reasonable to hear if you just asked a few people on the street. Some people would certainly have more information out there about them, but little details seem like something that should be layered to show further digging..."
Kinaed states to Sansi, "(Eld)I like that, but would have to think on best method to implement."
Kinaed nods at Rimilde.
Rimilde trails off, "But then there is personal perception and opinion people have about their own PCs which sort of dilutes it all, which makes it complicated, and I'll digress here..."
Kinaed nods.
Kinaed states, "(Eld)Let's not digress too much. I like the thoughts, but as I said, I think this will take some rumination."
Diana says, "Well that's the thing though. if you look at the helpinfo thing, it does tell you, what the help file is for. So if a player goes outside of that line, and choose to write more than the minimum five hundred char, then that's their discretion. I don't know, I'm repeating myself, shutting up now."
Kinaed claims, "(Eld)I'd like to hear Coluber's topic. :)"
Kinaed comforts Diana.
Kinaed states to Diana, "(Eld)No need. :) I'm only moving on for the purposes of time."
Coluber claims, "Okay. I wrote out a bunch of stuff, and I'll dump it all. Bear with me."
Sansi says OOCly, "Guess I was just saying it should be even more explicit"
Coluber says, "My topic concerns the disease code. I mentioned something briefly in the forums -- asking if participation could be made toggleable, but never had a chance to put down my thoughts. Anyway. We're all here. I'll air them out a little bit."
Sansi gets ready.
Coluber claims, "I want to preface by saying that I think it's a really cool system, and you guys -- staff, obviously put a lot of great creative work into it. So, thanks for being awesome, as always. I'm personally having some trouble adjusting, and hoping the severity of the code effects can be toned down. "
Coluber states, "My trouble with it is that the effects target passive characters. Typically when I play this game, I like to keep one character active in a scene in one window, and then have another character window open for who/where/what/ooc channels etc. I've got characters that I shelve and rarely play, then when I go to pull them out for a scene realize that they've got lice or something."
Coluber says, "It really disincentivizes me from playing them. No offense to physician characters, but hospital RP is not my favorite thing. I don't want my fancy pants former member of the royal court lady to have to roll back into RP trying to get rid of lice because I forgot to bathe her when I wasn't even playing her. Wouldn't she, ICly, be taking care of her personal hygiene? Just like paying her taxes and feeding and clothing herself every day? One of those out of scene things? It doesn't feel like I'm in charge of my own RP there anymore, and have been penalized into a whole 'nother line of play simply because I was inactive. RP I don't enjoy."
Coluber claims, "For me, it's a weird precedent to see implemented on TI. The only other things I can think of that penalize a character for inactivity are losing a phome, or losing a guild slot (are there more?). Those are rough, sure, but they're not dictating my RP scenes in such a personally invasive manner. The mofidied app score, etc."
Coluber states, "Anyway. This is my feedback on the system, take or leave it! I'll always putter back around to play here, even if I don't like this particular aspect of the disease code, and you guys don't change it a bit. That's all I got."
Merick has returned from AFK.
Merick slides back
Coluber crumples up her essay and tosses it in the corner.
Kinaed claims, "(Eld)I think those are valid comments, and certainly when we were developing disease code, we weren't considering idle characters."
Coluber nods at Kinaed.
Ariadne asks, "Something similar was being discussed regarding wounds; perhaps changes can be implemented at the same time if staff wishes it?"
Eirian states, "I echoed some of that in my own feedback, about getting disease while passive or not actively engaged in RP, so I sympathize with that."
Kinaed says, "(Eld)That said, disease code was implemented for a few reasons - in one way, it's a negative downside for city metrics - people don't get ill if the City Health metric is high."
Temi claims, "We do have some changes in the pipeline as well for things that we didn't account for well, like how long they've been dirty, etc. Though I do worry the chances are rather high at the moment."
Kinaed states, "(Eld)Diseases being silent (this is another comment I saw on the forums but didn't get around to posting a response to) is just mimicing IRL."
Kinaed nods at Temi.
Ariadne says, "I truly love the disease code, but yes, for inactive characters, I can see how that would be very, very aggrevating."
Kinaed claims, "(Eld)But diseases were also generally requested. It's not really about giving the physicians RP so much as drawing people's attention to the state of their environment."
Rimilde asks, "Just to clarify I understand, can a non-active PC get a disease?"
Vicannia trails off, "It definitely does feel like it should be a requirement that to get a disease you have to be in rp, or in a room flagged with a high disease rate, such as a sewer..."
Kinaed claims, "(Eld)You can get a disease if and only if you participate in behaviors that make you sick."
Coluber claims, "I don't think this is a necessarily a fun way to mimic RL. But, there are a lot of factors going into the grand scheme of things. I definitely get that."
Kinaed claims, "(Eld)You sort of have to be around for that to happen."
Temi states, "I think it needs to be less silent, honestly. Maybe not right when you get it, but I've had characters advance to mid-stage without realizing they were even sick."
Jozafat nods at Temi.
keepalive command.
Kinaed says, "(Eld)Getting dirty and not bathing is an example of one that will give you lice. Going out uncloaked in a blizzard can also get you sick. But most causes of illness aren't hidden."
Kinaed claims, "(Eld)They're in a help file."
Merick wonders, "Do certain diseases have telltale signs at all, coughing and the like?"
Vicannia states, "If you were sick you would know.. for example coughing, feeling rather weak, etc"
Kinaed nods at Merick.
Ariadne nods.
Temi claims, "So, want to balance that natural silence and the fact you really would notice when symptoms are occurring."
Ariadne says, "Those would add to the realism of it."
Rimilde asks, "Yeah, maybe some sort of warning system... like something before getting sick, like a 'you aren't taking care of yourself' sort of nudge?"
Kinaed says, "(Eld)There is only one deadly disease, and health has to be very low for it to even make an appearance."
Ariadne says, "Kind of how I wish pregnancy symptoms appeared not just on log in. Makes everything feel more real."
Kinaed claims, "(Eld)For the most part, it's annoying to be told you have lice so go take a tonic."
Diana muses, "How about linking the disease with the ten hours of rp or whatever the lower limit is to being active?"
Merick declares to Kinaed, "I do NOT have lice, how dare you!"
Merick grins.
Coluber grins at Merick.
Diana states, "So that if you are under that, and considered inactive, then you wouldn't get the disease."
Kinaed says to Diana, "(Eld)I'm not sure I follow, but I would generally be against penalizing people who actually play with more disease than anyone else."
Merick nods at Diana.
Temi claims, "We have added protections against cyan characters."
Jozafat nods at Kinaed.
Temi claims, "Newbies shouldn't be getting sick until they are settled in and can understand things a bit."
Vicannia says, "That is good to know"
Eirian claims, "I appreciate that change."
Jozafat says, "It's welcomed."
Diana queries, "No I mean... since we don't want inactive people getting disease, or so it seems, so that if you're under the lower limit of ten rp hours or whatever it is, then you wouldn't get any diseases, since you're clearly not active. Does that make any sense?"
Merick trails off, "Not even hangovers? tsk..."
Kinaed states, "(Eld)I don't think this really touches on Coluber's problems with having multiple alts in and idling."
Kinaed states, "(Eld)I don't see why we'd protect inactive people from diseases."
Ariadne says, "Oooh, I get you now."
Azarial says, "(Daravi)I imagine a big part is the disrty-instaly ill issue at lower mterics"
Jozafat states to Azarial, "Go home u drunk"
Rimilde claims, "I'm not sure I like the hour things... you don't know that the person under 10 isn't just looking for more, or that the person that is over ten has the time... I like that it's linked to actions but I think there needs to be more clarity and notice that they are in those conditions."
Ariadne questions, "Huh?"
Merick asks of Azarial, "You drinkin? rofl"
Kinaed says, "(Eld)I do think perhaps it'd be good if we put in a delay on dirty and lice, for example, and maybe gave people a notice that they're not feeling perfect earlier."
Coluber says, "It's certainly not an incentive to make inactive characters active again."
Ariadne snickers at Merick.
Azarial claims, "(Daravi)No; i am an teetotaler"
Temi nods at Kinaed.
Diana says, "Oh well touche, never mind then. out the window it goes."
Azarial says, "(Daravi)'a' rather"
Ariadne wants her adult eggnog now.
Rimilde claims, "Maybe something like lore that you can see to know that it's a place where you could get a disease (I'm not sure if that makes sense its the code)"
Temi says, "Yeah, we do right now have it so you can get it the instant you're standing around dirty, or wet outside."
Kinaed nods at Temi.
Diana claims, "Is it really the instant? I've been dirty and wet, and not caught it."
Temi says, "Whereas if they are idling in another window, and you could get back to them in 20 minutes and take care of that, you may never get sick."
Ariadne claims, "So no going outside naked in a blizard without bathing."
Temi states, "It shouldn't be instant, but it can be."
Merick states, "I've never got lice myself"
Merick says, "Or much of anything else"
Kinaed states to Diana, "(Eld)You probably also got dirty and wet when city metrics didn't support diseases being rampant."
Sansi claims, "(Tubori)Tagging areas with disease does seem like a thing that should correspond with survival skills."
Vicannia muses, "That wet outside thing is really weird... I've seen scenes that start in church square and can go for Hours! yet just because it might start raining you interrupt the flow of rp just for an ounce of realism?"
Kinaed states, "(Eld)Remember, if players are taking care of the City Health metric, then disease will be non-existent."
Sansi claims, "(Tubori)Though admittedly I don't know which ones."
Azarial says, "(Daravi)Put on a cloak and hood up to keep the rain off"
Ariadne says, "I do like the idea of periodic messages. $n coughs. $n feels both hot and cold. $n feels suddenly very tired. Etc."
Merick claims to Sansi, "Well they have tags for infested corpses, that sort of thing"
Kinaed claims to Vicannia, "(Eld)Seems realistic to me for people outside to go inside when it starts to rain on their heads."
Sansi nods at Ariadne.
Vicannia trails off, "Realistic, yes, but this is a game kinaed... "
Merick queries, "Maybe buzzing flies and the like in areas of plague?"
Kinaed claims to Ariadne, "(Eld)Those things are supposed to be in place, but I'm not sure if they are because I didn't actually list messages for Az, just said 'put some random messages in here'"
Temi wonders, "Oh, hey, it's raining, let's step under the cover right next door?"
Rimilde asks, "So if you are outside, it rains, you get wet and put up your cloak that solves it?"
Talg claims, "Plague comes from fleas not flies. snicker."
Ariadne mumbles about liking realistic games. The moreso, the better.
Sansi trails off, "(Tubori)No one has to wait for buses in the rain in Lithmore..."
Kinaed says to Vicannia, "(Eld)And part of the game is about a simulated environment. It's a tough call what will be enjoyable for some and not others."
Merick claims to Talg, "I know I know I'm just putting out an idea"
Kinaed nods at Rimilde.
Merick questions to Sansi, "Wagons? "
Merick grins.
Diana says, "Well I'm in agreement with Kinaed here with the wet thing. But okay so... here's my two cents. That yes, that you should have more message letting you know you've gotten a disease. Because there are too many people from what I've seen, that let a disease escolate, just because they didn't see it till then. That is all."
Temi claims, "You don't have to stop RPing, but it's reasonable to expect people to be aware of their environment and react to it. That's why we have it."
Ariadne claims to Kinaed, "It's probably good I'm not your coder. The base would hate all the realistic tediums I might add. :D"
Coluber states, "Another character of mine stepped into a room with a rotting body and was -instantly- infected with corpserot. Not even a chance to turn around and run right out."
Sansi states to Merick, "(Tubori)XD Yeah! Interesting idea."
Kinaed chuckles.
Vicannia shrugs "Just was stating my opinion."
Kinaed states to Vicannia, "(Eld)And it's welcome :)"
Kinaed claims to Vicannia, "(Eld)Please don't be put off."
Kinaed nods at Coluber.
Azarial says, "(Daravi)Random messages got a few i made up, but that was about it. still need the random magical effects for low piety, for that matter"
Diana says, "I mean we already have a mechanism that makes us sneeze and itch. So why not link them to certain diseases, and add a few more? Like coughing? Then the itching can be linked to a rash or something. Because there really should be more notices."
Ariadne wonders, "Can you even tell when a corpse has started to rot? Is there a flag?"
Coluber nods at Ariadne.
Merick claims to Ariadne, "I believe so, the last one I dealt with was marked as infested"
Merick shudders.
Rimilde muses, "I am pretty sure there was but I have gotten corpse rot from corpses that didn't, but that could have been a bug?"
Kinaed states to Diana, "(Eld)I think those things were planned for, just light on in implementation. I'm taking notes."
Maerilin says, "It is the realism really what draws me to this game."
Maerilin says, "IT puts it aside from other games that do not simulate this kind of things."
keepalive command.
Azarial states, "(Daravi)I know it messages when it happens; not sure otherwise. best to wear a mask around corpses to be safe"
Ariadne nods at Maerilin.
Talg claims, "I think the bottom line is don't be stupid or you get sick. "
Merick states to Azarial, "Thanks for the tip"
Merick laughs.
Ariadne grins at Talg.
Diana says, "And come see your friendly local physicians if you do get it."
Rimilde muses, "Masks help with corpse rot? Full ones I'm guessing?"
Kinaed says, "(Eld)Okay, we have four minutes, but we have another topic. Let's move on? I've got some notes on this one, and I'll think a bit more about Coluber's other comments."
Talg smiles at Diana
Kinaed muses to Ariadne, "(Eld)You had a topic?"
Ariadne states, "I just wanted to remind everyone that I've got a website that is attempting to promote TI. I say attempting because it can take time for a site to pick up much in the way of traffic and I'm still learning how to maximize SEO while not letting it ruin the fun of the entire thing. Wordpress says they have some built in SEO, but mine is a wordpress.com site with a paid domain, so not quite as vercitile as wordpress installed on my own server or anything. So there's a good chance nobody's actually seen it yet. But anyway, all that aside, I'm still totally open to linking to blogs, be they character blogs or writing blogs, etc. Anything related to writing, roleplaying, TI, etc is welcome. If I get enough interest, I can make a page where all the blogs can be linked from rather than jamming the main menu with them all. Also, I'm still totally open to artwork, reviews and anything else you guys may want to flex your creative muscles on regarding TI. Even if the site's not getting too much exposure right now, I'm having a lot of fun doing it, so anyone who might be interested in contributing, either for promotion or just for fun, please feel free to either pboard me or email me at ariatijournal@gmail.com."
Kinaed smiles.
Kinaed claims, "(Eld)Thank you Aria"
Maerilin asks, "What's the link to it?"
Jozafat thumbs up Ariadne.
Ariadne says, "Http://tilegacy.com"
Ariadne claims, "No dashes"
Gothan is idle.
Kinaed nods.
Gothan is no longer idle.
Gothan has returned from AFK.
Kinaed says, "(Eld)That help is deeply appreciated. We are always looking to attract players to help make our world more bountiful and fun."
Coluber says to Ariadne, "Cool. Thanks for the heads up. :)"
Ariadne smiles.
Ariadne grins at Kinaed.
Gothan states, "Thats awesome :)"
Vicannia wonders, "Hopefully it has a link to the actual TI Legacy mainpage? since a random person could stumble upon your site instead of the main site because of forgetting a dash?"
Kinaed claims, "(Eld)With that in mind, please vote for TI on the various websites, and leave reviews wherever you think might interest people. Thank you sincerely for that help."
Kinaed nods at Vicannia.
Ariadne states, "It does. Has a link to the main page, the forums and the wiki in the menu which appears on every page."
Kinaed claims to Ariadne, "(Eld)Thanks again for going through that extra effort for us."
Vicannia nods "Just was asking, since I'm not in a position to check it right this instant."
Kinaed nods at Vicannia.
Ariadne claims, "No, it's ok, totally get it. And anytime, Kinaed. I'm having loads of fun with it."
Maerilin says, "It looks really neat."
Kinaed smiles.
Ariadne grins.
Sansi exclaims, "(Tubori)Yeah! Great design!"
Talg claims, "Very cool, Aria."
Ariadne states, "Thank you. Oh, fanfiction stories are totally welcome too. They can be fun."
Ariadne states, "Ti fanfiction"
Kinaed says, "(Eld)Okay, anyone else have anything they want to add or discuss before we wrap up for the week? Sorry I didn't have quick, easy answers for Player Help files and diseases, but I do have some notes and will be thinking about them in the near future. Please feel free to ask about them again next week or in the future if you don't see movement on those items."
Coluber claims to Kinaed, "Thanks for hearing me out. :)"
Kinaed claims to Coluber, "(Eld)Of course :)"
Kinaed states, "(Eld)Okay, if there's nothing else - thank you for attending everyone. As always, it's a pleasure."
Diana pontificates, "Thanks for the riddles!!!"
Vicannia shrugs "I've got nothing to add, besides soon, as in like 3 days, I'll be hitting my 4 years of having played this game... and boy has it changed."
Kinaed smiles.
Kinaed nods at Vicannia.
Kinaed says, "(Eld)Looking forward to seeing you next week. I'll trans everyone back."
Talg stands up.
Merick pontificates to Vicannia, "Not for the better huh?.... I'm KIDDING!"
Coluber waves.
Gothan has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]
Coluber has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]
Talg has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]
Eirian has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]
Esmerelde has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]
Vicannia has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]
Maerilin has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]
Diana has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]
Rimilde has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]
Sansi has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]
Jozafat has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]
Merick has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]
Kinaed has transferred Ariadne.

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Tue Nov 22, 2016 3:38 am

2 cents:

There's a very nifty system I've seen that allows you to spend money to look up information about a character. This information is made by that particular character, and varies in price depending on the triviality of the information. So players can put things like "Was born in Vandago in Mozenk in the year 358 to gentryfolk" on the bottom tier. This would be free, while things like: "Has a brother who is an outlaw, with a bounty on their head" would be higher tier. It could be adopted to, as said, use city lore, IP, money, or any combination of the above for a sort of simulated 'spying'. I certainly would take advantage of this. It would allow those truly interested to get some quality information that maybe that person doesn't want to share unless there's obvious work/interest being put in.

Also, just because you don't understand an idea, or its uses, doesn't mean you should dismiss it outright, or worse, call it stupid.
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Tue Nov 22, 2016 4:18 am

Leech wrote:2 cents:

There's a very nifty system I've seen that allows you to spend money to look up information about a character. This information is made by that particular character, and varies in price depending on the triviality of the information. So players can put things like "Was born in Vandago in Mozenk in the year 358 to gentryfolk" on the bottom tier. This would be free, while things like: "Has a brother who is an outlaw, with a bounty on their head" would be higher tier. It could be adopted to, as said, use city lore, IP, money, or any combination of the above for a sort of simulated 'spying'. I certainly would take advantage of this. It would allow those truly interested to get some quality information that maybe that person doesn't want to share unless there's obvious work/interest being put in.

Also, just because you don't understand an idea, or its uses, doesn't mean you should dismiss it outright, or worse, call it stupid.
A system like that I could see making sense, versus making an entire help player file restricted. because again some people don't put alot of info in their helpfiles, while some may put too much. A blanket solution would not be a proper solution in this instance.

And franly that was on the lesser scale of what my actual opinion on it was. Though yes I should have used different terminology at the time, but my initial stance on it remains the same. It seems like an incredibly nitpicky thing undeserving of new code being implemented when that time could be spent on more important things. If someone does not want to see information about a player, than they should not read their help info. Code does not need to enforce such a simple thing.
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