Log of OOC Meeting 8/1/2015

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Discord Handle: Voxumo#7925

Sat Aug 01, 2015 6:12 pm

Kinaed asks, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today?"

Kinaed nods at Mika.

Feamanuslaewyn questions, "There was a topic on the forums I liked. Do we keep forum stuff on the forums?"

Feamanuslaewyn muses, "Or can we bring it up here?"

Temi claims, "We can discuss those things if we like here too"

Kinaed says to Feamanuslaewyn, "No, in this meeting, you can raise anything you like."

Hirnastal stops using a skinny, stick puppet depicting a forlorn-looking commoner.

Hirnastal gives a skinny, stick puppet depicting a forlorn-looking commoner to Azarial.

Feamanuslaewyn says, "Okay. The cultural tokens things. I like the idea if every race starting off with a coded benefit/setback"

Feamanuslaewyn states, "If we could discuss that."

Kinaed wonders to Feamanuslaewyn, "Cool, I'm writing that down to be discussed first thing during Player Topics. Anyone else have anything to add to the discussion agenda?"

Takta asks, "I might ask some skyway stuff. Could do that on my turn or later?"

Kinaed says to Feamanuslaewyn, "Also, can you dig up a link to the post and post it now so everyone can quietly read it in the background to prepare? I haven't seen that post yet."

Rimilde has lost link.

Kinaed claims to Takta, "Your turn is fine."

Takta nods.

Tomas wonders, "I dunno can I suggest a tweak to foraging?"

Kinaed has transferred Galen. [OOC]

Rimilde has reconnected.

Galen pontificates, "Phew, just in time!"

Temi gives a skinny, stick puppet depicting a forlorn-looking commoner to Galen.

Hirnastal rests.

Galen eyes a skinny, stick puppet depicting a forlorn-looking commoner uneasily.

Kinaed rubs her hands together, "Okay, I'll kicks this puppy off. This week, I..."

Mika has returned from AFK.

An extremely ancient man with shocks of white hair nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed claims, "Added some small updates for Azarial to implement, including making inflict work on sleeping opponents (but wake them up), an update so that the 1st, lowest subrank in guilds will prevent a player from having access to gnotes, an update for rumor promotes and quashes that should make them print in order as well as give staff the ability to target and remove particular comments, making entering a room randomly move people close to a person in a doorway rather than bunching people all up on top of one another, and an update on how spells are taught that will probably warrant further discussion."

A bulky, jade-eyed man petitions rights to brand all ruffle wearers.

Galen holds up a sign reading 'Team Ruffles'

Kinaed claims, "Next week, I am still planning to work further on the Roles Specification. I'm still waiting for Az to send me a list of places she wants Roles to benefit/issues to be resolved to make sure I cover them all."

Mika nods.

Kinaed claims, "Though it's not really Azarial that's slowing this down, it's just a big beast, and it needs more love to make sure it's highly functional/useable when installed rather than an unwieldy beast that will ruin people's play experience."

Kinaed queries, "That covers me - any questions?"

Galen asks, "Has there been any discussion staff-side about auto-moving toward targets when you attempt actions that require you to be close to a person or object?"

Gaven asks, "When you say first lowest rank in a guild, you mean the one that's like 'inactive' and all, right?"

Kinaed states to Galen, "No... I forgot after I had to leave last weekend."

Kinaed nods at Gaven.

An extremely ancient man with shocks of white hair holds up a belated sign of the link "http:/ti-legacy.com/forums//viewtopic.php?f=28&t=1079&p=6702#p6702"

Misune questions, "Regarding the spells bit you mentioned, is that for teaching spells to another person, or actually learning spells of your native element?"

Kinaed claims to Gaven, "We're going to change that rank to Restricted, so inactive players will be set "Retired - Restricted". People with "Restricted" will not have gnote access, regardless of their rank."

Temi states, "Let's make sure Kin tacks that one on in player discussions."

Temi nods at Misune.

Kinaed claims to Misune, "Teaching spells to another person."

Misune nods
Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed says to Galen, "Honestly, I don't see changes to movement (automatic ones) happening quickly or soon. Not because that might not be an improvement, but largely because as we mentioned last week, range and movement is a complex system, so making changes to it needs to be carefully considered."

Kinaed says to Galen, "We will certainly discuss it, and I'm pleased for you to bring it up as often as you like to remind us lest we become distracted with other things, but I don't want to upset you if we have a bit of inertia on the topic due to its general priority - it's a working system, if a bit clunky."

Galen declares, "All right, I'll hold off on bringing it up again until roles are implemented!"

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed states, "Don't hold off that long! The roles spec is taking its precious time."

Galen claims, "All right, I'll just bring it up in every OOC meeting then, hehe"

Kinaed claims, "Anyway, I've noted that down for staff discussion when staff next officially meet."

Kinaed nods at Galen.

Kinaed says to Galen, "Sounds good :)"

Kinaed pontificates, "Okay, that's me. Azarial, you're up!"

[Action: Shasa quietly signs, "Less lace, more grace." ]

[Action: Galen loudly proclaims, "Save face, wear lace!" ]

Azarial claims, "I've been wokring on assorted projects and bugs this week. some are accumualting on me for a lack of data as to what exactly is wrong. please remember to post a log and explain what the issue is--I do not play, and will not recognize what the issue is in most cases."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

[Action: Tomas regally implies, "More lace, less grace." ]

Kinaed muses to Azarial, "How is the who list fix coming?"

A pale, obsidian-haired woman of slight build declares herself the Switzerland of the Great Lace Debate.

Azarial states, "Not too bad. formatting is coming along."

Kinaed says, "Awesome :) Thanks."

[Action: Hirnastal Hirnastal is sharpening his dagger in case the famine gets -really- bad. ]

A bulky, jade-eyed man consigns agents to work as Gestapo in the Great Lace Debate.

Kinaed says to Temi, "Okay, Temi, you're up. :)"

Temi declares, "Okay!"

Temi states, "I am continuing to work on magecrafting, doing a pretty good job of keeping up with a new magecraft recipe released every day."

Kinaed cheers.

Temi claims, "Based on my current plans, there are 28 recipes still needing to be done."

Kinaed claims, "Not bad, that will be a nice and full craft when that's all done. Thanks, Temi."

Temi claims, "I am also heading up the famine plot, and trying to do regular updates for people on that."

[Action: Mika holds up a sign that says: metal in the duffle i's all about my chips i gets my ruffles joey i got ya ]

Kinaed questions, "Can I just check in - are people enjoying that plot?"

Feamanuslaewyn states, "Yes. Love it."

Hirnastal declaims, "Aye!"

Shasa claims, "I like it. i am especially loving this bandits in the woods thing"

Galen declares, "Yeah! The bandits in the woods is a really nice touch"

Misune claims, "I think it's interesting, an inevitable outcome given the darkest days plot"

Shasa agrees with mis.

Temi states, "One more quick question, is the rate of updates reasonable for people? If my lack of response on those things is preventing your RP from continuing, rather than just focusing it more on what you do have, I'd love to know that."

Margaux states, "Yep. Has kept me very busy the last two weeks."

Kinaed states, "Excellent to hear. I hope everyone enjoys the hunting expedition later on."

Takta claims, "The bandits had a, uh, small problem that is now fixed so they should ACTUALLY be out there"

Takta states, "Within the next hour or so"

Mika says, "It's given me an outlet to play out an awesome antagonistic background connection i've been sitting on with another player"

Kinaed smiles at Takta.

Kinaed grins at Mika.

Sikod claims, "Mika is evil."

Temi says, "It's hard for me to update every day and do the magecraft recipes too, but I'm trying for at least every other day"

Kinaed states, "Good, good. Please let us know if war weariness sets in. Plots are wonderful until everyone is secretly burned out."

Mika states to Sikod, "Yo yo yo dont forget who got you war paints in the charali camp"

Feamanuslaewyn states, "I love how the nobility still has time to fight over fashion in times of famine."

Temi nods in agreement with Kinaed.

Kinaed nods at Feamanuslaewyn.

Mika grins at Feamanuslaewyn.

Margaux says to Feamanuslaewyn, "We really don't. :)"

Kinaed says, "Me too. Whomever kicked that off, give yourself a pat on the back."

Temi says, "And that's me, if no one has any concerns about rate of updates."

Sikod looks blankly at Mika. "I am sure I have no idea what you are talking about."

A pale, obsidian-haired woman of slight build doesn't, for sure.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed says to Takta, "It's your turn :)"

Galen states, "Some things are just more important than whether or not the common folk can eat"

[Action: Feamanuslaewyn shuffles the ruffles. ]

Kinaed grins at Galen.

Addienna muses, "Rawr.. I have to serve dinner.. Trans me out?"

Addienna has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Takta states, "I did very little this week as Takta, I'm afraid, due to being very busy on the player side of things. That said, I did seed the countryside with hopefully nicely-programmed bandits, and maaaay have put a certain special mob out there for the plot tonight. Good luck finding it! Other than that, only minor Requests, Typos, and player helping as usual."

Shasa states, "I like the rate of updates"

Sikod . . . may or may not have accidentally almost attacked it already Takta.

Takta claims to Sikod, "You will regret your life choices if you fight it alone."

Takta says, "(just sayin')"

Kinaed laughs softly.

Shasa says, "Guess that settles which char i'm bringing tonight"

Kinaed asks of Takta, "That cover you?"

Takta states, "I do want to ask about the skyway, though. I believe if we leave air exits to function just like other exits, we will constantly have people falling out of exits by mistake and hurting themselves pretty badly. My current thought is twofold.

1) Have air exits, if possible, display on a separate line. So you get:

Exits: north west

Air exits: south."

Blake says to Takta, "I want to find it..and tame it."

Feamanuslaewyn trails off, "Tell that to Maxwell..."

Mika queries to Takta, "Would it be too much to put in on the same line but in separate brackets? like,"

Takta states, "And 2) no ability to use conventional exit commands on sky exits if you cannot fly. That is, you cannot just type 'south' and go south to fall into a sky exit."

Kinaed claims, "Eeew re separate line, imho."

Takta states, "You have to type 'jump south' instead."

Kinaed states, "That seems better to moi."

Galen claims, "I like 'jump/fly' a lot"

Mika says to Takta, "exits: north east south ] air exits: west up ]"

Mika queries, "But pretend i didnt messi t up?"

Takta states, "I'm open to any different format, I just want it clear for screenreader players."

Takta says to Mika, "That would be fine by me."

Kinaed claims, "Yeah, separating them on a single line is cool too."

Takta asks, "People like that better, separated but on the same line?"

Galen declares, "Yeah, that works for me!"

Vistarch asks, "Would display toggling be an option there too?"

Takta questions to Vistarch, "How so?"

Vistarch claims, "Turn off seeing air exits for people who have no interest in them."

Takta states, "Hmmm."

Kinaed states, "I'm not sure, Takta - it may be worth experimenting with both to see how it feels to a user."

Takta states, "I suppose I can't see why not if Az can do that."

Kinaed nods.

Shasa states, "I like the one line thing because i'm on my phone a lot these days"

Takta wonders, "What do people think of requiring 'jump south' or 'fall south' to enter sky rooms without flight?"

Mika states, "I like that"

Shasa states, "I like that"

Kinaed states, "I'll add this as a topic for staff discussion. I'm highly conscious that we're 30 min in and the staff haven't completed updates."

Galen says, "I like that, also, too"

Takta claims, "Sweet. Okay, since we're low on time I'll not solicit other comments yet but will do a Sky Spec for a later week."

Takta exclaims, "I'm done!"

Kinaed says, "Thanks, Takta :)"

Kinaed claims, "Mika, I think it's you :)"

Mika exclaims, "I've done a little filling requests, but mostly i've been wrapped up helping new players because we have so many new players!!"

Sikod claims, "And also being evil."

Kinaed says, "That's a wonderful problem to have. :)"

Kinaed nods at Sikod.

Mika claims, "And you should vote using the link in 'who' so that i keep having things to do and can hand off building requests to vistarch, who enjoys them"

Mika claims, "So pile on me for help while the others are doing grownup stuff. thats all for me"

Takta says, "(Activity numbers at the moment are -crazy high-, y'all, 873 hours this week compared to a rough historical average around 500)"

Blake states to Mika, "Challenge accepted."

Kinaed claims, "Yes, voting should reset today for TMC - it's already reset for Mudverse and Top Mud Sites. Please vote to help us increase our numbers, and therefore the people you can RP with: http://ti-legacy.com"

Galen exclaims, "This is the month we take #1 on MudVerse!"

Mika states, "Thats http://ti-legacy.com for those of us whose dumb clients strip the last letters off because of colour formatting"

Kinaed states, "That's why noble apps are open. Get yours in! Noble apps close about an hour after the OOC Chat, and we only have two apps thus far. I may need to extend nobles being open."

Mika nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed wonders to Mika, "Anything else to add?"

Mika exclaims, "Nope!"

Kinaed says to Vistarch, "It's your turn :)"

Mika says, "(we're #1 on mudverse right now)"

Kinaed pontificates to Mika, "Nice! :)"

Kinaed claims, "Just a reminder - you can turn autovote on if you would like a reminder to vote to pop up occasionally."

A youthful, slate blue eyed man wonders where all that 870 hours of activity originates from.

Kinaed claims to Hirnastal, "It's measured on the RP hours of all active players."

Kinaed says, "So if you're active, the RP hours you put in this week are added to the pool."

Tuan muses, "Can existings players app for nobility? Ie... someone who rp's as a bastard child?"

Takta says, "76 active RPing PCs averaging 11 hours each, total 873."

Vistarch states, "In the face of the famine I've been building and upgrading houses. Also been hacking away at the changes board but that thing is like a hydra, been a lot more active on visnet as well which has hopefully been good."

Kinaed says to Tuan, "You can app, but that's not hte kind of char that you're looking for, so we'd probably reject it."

Azarial says, "Coudl also pester tomas and see if would grant one. icly, of course."

Vistarch says, "Oh! got to run around as a demon too, that was fun! Lets do that again sometime."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Temi states, "Applications for nobles are generally aimed at established nobles coming in as new characters."

A bulky, jade-eyed man sadfaces.

Gaven is idle.

Kinaed says, "Everyone needs more reason to pester Tomas... and Margaux. I hear she's a GL of Court these days also. *checks Guildleader*"

Gaven is no longer idle.
Gaven has returned from AFK.

Galen says, "How many QP do I need to burn to be a secret prince"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Tomas claims, "I will say that there are plans in the work for an ennoblement quest. not sure on an ETA just yet, but there will be an IC ennoblement available"

Vistarch says, "And that is me really."

Mika hugs Galen.

Kinaed claims to Galen, "... we don't tend to give roles out for QP, alas :)"

Kinaed claims to Tomas, "Cool."

A pale, obsidian-haired woman of slight build can also ennoble, so if Daddy says no, ask Mami I guess? (Who will probably also say no...)

Takta trails off to Galen, "In other words, what you have at any given time +1..."

Galen will never be a secret prince C

Takta grins.

Tuan states, "I just don't know how much longer I'll be active for"

Kinaed wonders, "Okay, I believe that wraps up staff updates. Next: Player Heartbeat! How's RP been this week, folks?"

Galen declaims, "RP is great!"

Shasa says, "Interesting"

Blake trails off to Galen, "Abduct Kinaed and demand that as ransom? Just an idea..."

A green eyed lithmorran man with carbon black hair eyes a pale, obsidian-haired woman of slight build, "RP has been -splendid-."

Feamanuslaewyn says, "In the words of Jimmy Fallon: Sooooo great."

Galen declares, "Lots of new people around. Things moving and shaking in the background a lot!"

Misune stares at Vistarch "The leftovers of your demon what not what I was expecting to run into at 5 am... but it did lead to some interesting rp." is a little late in responding

Tomas claims, "Rp has been crazy. I've been drowning people in mail and scenes. I hope I've not pissed off anyone with all of the delegating I've been doing"

Galen says, "Making progress both as Galen and my alt."

Koralie claims, "Thumbs way, way up! (Faemanuslaewyn helps.)"

Takta says, ":D"

Mika claims to Tomas, "I appreciate the prompts because my imagination died long ago"

Feamanuslaewyn states, "Stop. Making. Me. Blush."

Rimilde says OOCly, "It's okay Tomas we just keep delegating it down:) "
Kinaed states, "So good to hear everyone's enjoying themselves. Is there anything broken or problematic that staff should have a look at"

Kinaed questions, "?"

Shasa claims, "I am trying to get things together as prime, but i don't know that i'll ever quite get there"

Tomas declares to Rimilde, "Yeah you delegate it right back down to me!"

Vistarch states to Misune, "The Cyans that had the run in seemed to enjoy it, I was a little sad the graffiti didn't last too long though."

Gaven states, "Feamanuwhatsit has become one of my favorite characters ever."

Kinaed smiles.

A tall woman with sun-bleached hair and a scar tells Faemanuslaewyn, "You had me at 'savage'." With a waggle of her eyebrows.

Takta claims to Shasa, "You're doing great. :)"

Shasa states to Takta, "Thanks"

Galen states, "Same, Feamanenfusawaeylyn is the breath of stale, crusty air this game needed"

Takta says to Shasa, "Really appreciate all the activity from you."

Feamanuslaewyn says, "Awww"

Gaven asks, "As Prime Shasa?"

Hirnastal declaims, "I saw that graffiti! Hehe!"

Gaven muses, "What's that?"

Margaux states, "RP has been good! Famine has been great for my character's role."

Kinaed says, "Yeah, I see a lot of recommends in the system. Please, remember to recommend people, particularly if they give you RP that gets an IC response from you, positive or negative."

Misune shrugs to Vistarch "Papers do wonders for covering things knights don't want others to see."

Kinaed says, "Particularly, please recommend people when the response is negative because TI thrives off IC conflict."

Mika says, "Recommend me for having you whipped, is what kinaed is saying"

Mika folds her hands on the desk.

Takta claims, "It's very good to know there's no OOC animus after IC conflict."

Kinaed nods at Mika.

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Feamanuslaewyn claims, "Evil Mika."

Sikod doesn't really get that many reccs >.>

Galen claims, "Conflict, such as: ruffles vs. no ruffles"

Shasa says, "I'm having trouble sometimes targetting people lately"

Takta grins at Galen.

Kinaed declaims, "TI has very mature players, so grateful for you guys being that way. Thanks!"

Hirnastal claims, "Been telling colored truths all around to sow dissent.."

Tuan claims, "I actually need to recommend Haizea. I just keep.forgetting"

Temi finishes abruptly, "If you don't know who did something that caused RP for you - feel free to request board asking for staff to recomend 'the person who did X' with the recommend you want to send"

Kinaed asks, "Okay, I think we can move on to our player topics now? :)"

Mika has transferred Moxie. [OOC]

Temi gives a skinny, stick puppet depicting a forlorn-looking commoner to Moxie.

Moxie exclaims, "Hello all!"

Misune loves the rumor system as of late.... has been his best friend

Galen pontificates, "Hi Moxie!!"

Margaux exclaims, "Hey Moxie, welcome!"

Moxie states, "Thank you, Temi :)"

Feamanuslaewyn states, "Hey Mox."

Vistarch waves to Moxie.

Shasa says, "I am loving the rumors as well"

Galen declares, "Moxie is one of our really great new players, too!"

Kinaed asks of Feamanuslaewyn, "You wanted to discuss cultural token things... can you introduce us to that please?"

Kinaed smiles at Moxie.

A pale, obsidian-haired woman of slight build hugs a petite young lady with a formal posture. Yes, Moxie has been a great newbie.

Hirnastal says, "Hi Hi"

Kinaed declares, "Welcome!"

A petite young lady with a formal posture jumps up and down in excitement. "You guys, I'm so happy to see you all together here!"

Galen states, "Sometimes we get a new person who fits in right away and really digs into the RP right off the bat and Moxie is one of them"

Feamanuslaewyn wonders, "/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=1079&p"

Kinaed says, "I'm looking for the cultural tokens link on the forums so we can discuss it."

Kinaed pontificates, "Oh, thanks Fea!"

Galen says, "Ofelia and Feamanuswaelyn are a couple others I can think of that were like that"

Feamanuslaewyn states, "Np"

Moxie claims, "Hey Hirnastal, Margaux, Galen, oh gosh, everyone."

Tuan begins to descend.

Tuan leaves down.

Feamanuslaewyn claims, "Ofelia is great."

Feamanuslaewyn claims, "I cry for scenes with her"

Mika says, "Checking this forum link nowww"

Galen claims, "It finally happened, I memorized 'Feamanuswaelyn'"

Vistarch says, "More recommends IMO if all these people are great."

Galen declaims, "I'll do that once the meeting's over!"

Galen queries, "Can you recommend multiple people with one rec?"

Kinaed claims, "Okay, I had a read."

Kinaed states to Galen, "Sadly, no - but you can use the same text and just copy/paste the command in a few times with the minor change of the character's name."

An extremely ancient man with shocks of white hair crowns Galen Queen of Memorizing

Galen states, "Hehe, ok, hopefully nobody has their feelings hurt by getting a cookie cutter rec"

Kinaed states, "Okay, on cultural tokens - staff have actually planned for chars entering the game to have their region's clothing on startup as a cosmetic thing."

Galen claims, "I thought that 'Zaerieth' was going to be the worst of it then this geezer rolls in"

Vistarch pontificates, "You can even rec us if you really want to!"

Margaux says to Galen, "You can even rec yourself. :)"

Mika says to Galen, "It makes it easier for me too cause i can copy paste the rec accept syntax just changing the number : ^ )"

Vistarch asks of Galen, "What about Miss von Reivirkrintz?"

Takta claims, "The clothing just needs a little brainstorming."

Temi nods in agreement with Takta.

Takta claims, "Just a few more races left to do, really."

Margaux says, "In the dark, when nobody is watching of course... this is Lithmore, after all."

Kinaed states, "In the sense of functional items (or really desirable ones, like a horse) - I have to agree, we don't want to encourage people selecting the race they'll play for a long time for the wrong reasons."

Takta nods at Kinaed.

Mika nods.

Sikod asks, "These are just cosmetic things, yes?"

Takta claims, "And I think it works -great- for Charali but... less well for other races."

Galen claims to Vistarch, "You mean "Miss Rimilde" right"

Kinaed muses, "But it might not be a bad idea for us to look at census stuff and throw in a bonus where we want more players. Like... we have so few hillmen, should we consider sweetening the pot?"

Feamanuslaewyn muses, "And quotas on playable races wouldn't really be fun, right?"

Moxie claims, "I agree, it should be based on the kind of role you want to play, otherwise the races may become blurred"

Takta claims, "I really can't imagine something that makes sense for all Lithmorrans regardless of class."

Vistarch declares to Galen, "No, I remembered that name spelling and all so I'll use it!"

Takta claims to Feamanuslaewyn, "Probably not."

Kinaed says, "Honestly, though, I think the hillmen concept is just not well liked, and I've considered just removing the 'race'."

Vistarch grins at Galen.

Mika states, "What i suggested in this particular case was that the guy spend starting exp on silver and purchase a horse and act like he brought it with him"

Galen says, "Heck no, my best pals are hill"

Koralie asks, "Could be a free skill that makes sense? Ride for Charali, Swimming for Tubori, Something... miltary for the Farin, since they are suppose to have compulsory military service?"

Temi trails off to Kinaed, "That's a good idea. "Hey, we have no Charali... bounty of a free horse for the next three Charalin to create""

Kinaed states, "Not inclined to put quotas on playable races at the moment. I'd only do that if there was a problem."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Galen muses, "Maybe a free learn adept slot?"

Mika says to Kinaed, "Fwiw i love my hillman and rping her weird cultural hangups"

Moxie states, "While we're on the topic of race selection, as a new player I'd like to add that I found them 'much of a muchness', and it'd be beneficial if there were some better distinction for each in the overview."

Kinaed nods at Mika.

Takta states, "I think the Hill concept would be much better-loved if it were fleshed out more."

Takta nods at Moxie.

Mika wonders to Takta, "I could add this to my giant pile of things i want to do but dont have the time for?"

Galen claims, "Chargen can be pretty intimidating, I think we can probably have a look at a better way to prime people"

Kinaed muses to Moxie, "That's good to know. May I catch up with you directly about that a bit later to get more detail?"

Takta says, "Some ideas previously discussed about Hillmen as 'land vikings' with ceremonial battles every year and family heirloom weapons and long sagas in song -really- intrigued me."

Moxie claims, "Just in general, I found the introduction to be a BIG ask for someone who wants to get into roleplay. My new friend who just joined did not even know how to EMOTE or SAY, and I felt it left a little to be desired."

Mika nods.

Kinaed nods at Galen.

Moxie claims, "To kinaed certainly"
Mika nods at Moxie.

Shasa claims, "I would honestly vote making them the border guards of orkin like the farin are the guards with the daravi"

Takta claims, "Yeah, we've heard the problems with chargen a lot. Gotta figure out a better way to do it."

Kinaed queries to Moxie, "Oh dear, I think we might have a few topics to discuss. Is it possible for you to jot down a list of areas that new players are having problems with, and we'll catch up and I'll start trying to resolve them one by one?"

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Moxie claims, "I would be happy to suggest or maybe even script some solutions to chargen - though I did find it refreshing not to be bought into the game by a guide NPC. I don't usually like those scripted openings"

Kinaed nods at Moxie.

Galen states, "To be honest, I think with all the new people we're getting, revamping chargen should be a priority"

Kinaed claims, "Same here, hence not having them."

Kinaed nods at Galen.

Hirnastal claims, "Chargen is not a problem if you are a MUD veteran though."

Moxie claims, "Yes, certainly Kinaed. I'll send you all a note of some sort. Perhaps make a post on your forums I've just learned about"

Feamanuslaewyn says, "A little change wouldn't hurt."

Mika nods at Hirnastal.

Azarial says OOCly, "Could move the last few chargen options to purchase? >_>"

Moxie states, "I agree with Hirnastal, it's good if you're a MUD veteran. It just depends on if you want to 'shift out the chaff'."

Galen says, "If we want to meaningfully grow our audience, I think we should start to try to reach out to people who are into roleplaying but unfamiliar with MUDs"

Gaven says, "You could always just do the horses for the charali because they make sense and not bother with the others."

Mika states to Hirnastal, "Its always good to open it up and make it easier to brand new people though so we dont all die out"

Gaven says, "Charali have a bit of a handicap already as being socially unacceptable."

Takta states, "People love being socially unacceptable, though."

Feamanuslaewyn wonders, "Maybe give benefits to less desireable characters like hillmen and charali only?"

Mika trails off, "I love being socially unacceptable ..."

Shasa states, "I know i do"

Takta says, "I think it's actually more a benefit than a hardship."

Sikod hasn't really suffered for that much, actually...

Koralie muses, "How many people really play the rejection angle, though?"

Mika says, "Actually i would consider not being expected to be socially acceptable a bonus"

Takta nods at Koralie.

Mika states, "Oh takta got there first"

Tomas states, "Yeah they really love it. Socially acceptable and proper is the harder sell"

Kinaed states, "The problem is, originally TI was 'the game people went to after they played H&S games and got bored". Generally everyone coming in knew how to MUD. With MUDs dropping like flies, particularly H&S muds, we've become far more reliant on advertising to the general populace... who has no idea what a MUD is and comes in off the back of an advertisement not even knowing what RP is."

Takta nods at Kinaed.

Feamanuslaewyn says, "Sikod, I don't thonk you're savage :)"

Kinaed says, "So I do think we need to be looking at the new player experience quite a lot."

Margaux nods at Tomas.

Galen claims, "I think we could do really well going for the tabletop audience, which has been growing"

Vistarch states, "Two chargen streams might be nice to have."

Kinaed says to Moxie, "Thanks, re: the note you'll send :)"

Takta wonders, "First room: What the hell is this game?"

Sikod makes a note to walk through the streets with deer guts on him more often from now on.

Takta claims to Vistarch, "Oh brilliant idea."

Kinaed nods at Galen.

Moxie states, "I agree with Kinaed. I'd be worried about 'tainting' the RP with new users, but I think with a good introduction it could work"

Kinaed states to Galen, "They have to hear about us first."

Takta claims, "Short chargen or long chargen depending on MUD familiarity."

An extremely ancient man with shocks of white hair grins at Sikod.

Galen claims, "I think we should maybe try putting Project Wonderful ads up on Giant in the Playground"

Mika nods at Vistarch.

Takta states, "I honestly would kill someone if I had to go through a long scripted intro. *grin*"

Takta says, "But it might be exactly what 'true newbies' need."

Galen says, "It's a huge forum for D&D folks which I usually don't go to because they all think 3.5 edition is great"

Vistarch states, "I'm also not averse to dropping things if new players need help in chargen."

Kinaed says to Galen, "I have some project wonderful ads, but I'm not familiar with Giant in the Playground. I'll be happy to look at that comic in specific."

Shasa asks, "Can i make a suggestion on it re:chargen?"

Moxie states, "I agree with Takta, there should be a short intro with a long option, and the option to switch between or go back to both whenever the player feels like it. It doesn't seem to make sense that the admin should physically send them back each time"

Takta questions to Shasa, "Yeah?"

Kinaed nods at Shasa.

Vistarch claims, "I'd rather stand there all day myself than let a scripted NPC do it."

Galen says, "Everyone is super helpful on visnet which is good for sure"

Takta says, "Scripted NPCs could be useful for testing commands and saying if you did it right, for example."

Moxie nods at Vistarch.

Feamanuslaewyn wonders, "Maybe an option before entering chargen like: have you played TI before? For people who don't want the intro and just normal chargen?"

Kinaed says, "Maybe we can re-enable 'recall' to take cyan players only back to chargen."

Takta says, "Or ask the NPC how to do something and it answers, if nobody's on visnet."

Takta says to Kinaed, "I think we ought to, at this point, with some careful restrictions about timing of use."

Kinaed nods at Feamanuslaewyn.

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Shasa trails off, "If we're going to bring in new people, maybe make analogies to stereotypical gaming archetypes? "warriors usually go reeve/knight...here are some good skills for that""

Moxie finishes abruptly, "I think 'recall' is good - but I'd also like to point out that some of Inquisition's commands aren't quite as player friendly as you think"

Kinaed nods at Shasa.

Vistarch asks of Moxie, "What like?"

Takta says to Moxie, "Oh, we know it. The sheer depth of our commands is a problem."

Moxie nods at Shasa.

Galen pontificates, "Moxie, your input as a new player is going to be very valuable here!"

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Takta claims, "Purchase is a bear, I've always though-"

Takta questions, "Purchase as a POLCA?"

Moxie states, "Thank you"

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Azarial claims, "That would make sense."

Kinaed agrees with Galen.

Takta asks, "One single easy menu where you fill out all that stuff?"

Moxie says, "I really liked the purchase aspect of the skills, but I did find them very difficult to grasp"

Kinaed claims to Takta, "We were hoping to just have it all integrated into the nanny, honestly."

Takta asks of Moxie, "Using the skills or purchasing them?"

Kinaed nods at Moxie.

Moxie says, "I wouldn't mind a 'character sheet' which you are prompted to fill out."

Kinaed nods at Moxie.

Azarial says, "Eh. if it;s not int he nanny, players can use visnet."

Takta wonders, "Can we put visnet in the nanny?"

Takta asks, "Like is it ever possible?"

Kinaed says, "That would be involved (ie, don't expect it quick), but it sounds like a great idea, Moxie."

Azarial states, "Not really."

Vistarch says, "It is pretty rare that nobody is around on visnet at the moment."

Moxie wonders, "What is the nanny?"

Takta claims, "Damn. Then we might need to leave stuff out of nanny when people have so many questions."

Takta says to Moxie, "The original process where you set name, race, etc."

Galen says, "I do think we should also emphasize in chargen that the RP is the focus of the game, and that you don't need your skills to be just so in order to have fun here"

Takta states, "Before you're fully 'in game'."

Kinaed states to Takta, "Not without some fundamental connection code rewrites, and that's not a place we want to muck. It was a big deal making help files available in Nanny."

Kinaed nods at Galen.

Moxie nods at Galen.

Galen says, "I came in here aspiring to be a mostly useless commoner, but I think I'm the exception there"

Moxie asks, "What the heck is Nanny?"

Takta claims, "Y'know, I have some thoughts based on my old game that could help."

Takta claims to Moxie, "The original process where you set name, race, etc."

Vistarch says to Galen, "I wanted to be a mundane hunter... That didn't work out though."

Takta says to Moxie, "That's nanny."

Kinaed says to Moxie, "Nanny is the 'process' that gets you rolling stats, etc, when you initially login/create."

Mika hugs Vistarch.

Moxie nods.

Vistarch hugs Mika.

Galen pats Vistarch.

Shasa questions, "I don't think that the nanny is that hard to understand, honestly? or am i mistaken?"

Temi states, "It's not."

Kinaed says, "Okay, we have ten minutes left... and I have a request emailed to me this week."

Azarial states, "A limited response state machine. you skirt the edges of it logging in with the pasword and motd"

Temi claims, "We were talking about adding more to it, which would be."

Takta states to Shasa, "No, but if we put social class into it, it could be trouble."

Temi grins at Shasa.

Moxie says, "Is it possible to make character 'templates' for different jobs like knights, reeves, commoners... and then let players make custom things? I'm spitballing here, there might be more efficient ways for the coders."

Shasa nods.

Takta trails off, "If we have newbie chargen involving lots of branching rooms that come together at the end after guiding you through each step specific to your race, class, and maybe desired guild optionally..."

Misune agress with shasa "I kind of have to agree... it seems perhaps one of the simplest things to understand when just starting

Galen states, "Optional skill / ability templates is a good idea, I think"

Margaux says to Moxie, "I like that idea."

Takta says, "But right, I'll blather about this latter."

Takta says, "*later"

Kinaed claims, "An old player who left and is recently returning emailed me to ask us to remove Learn By Use as a skill mechanism, and to bring this up at the OOC Chat."

Blake is idle.

Blake is no longer idle.

Moxie questions, "Can you explain, Kinaed?"

Kinaed says, "I'm gathering that this player would prefer to just purchase skills with XP."

Blake has returned from AFK.

Galen states, "I've thought about this a lot."

Mika nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed says to Moxie, "Learn by use is how you improve skills once in game."

Galen says, "There are times when I'd prefer to just be able to raise my skills with XP directly"

Misune arches brow "Do they have a reasoning... oh well yes that would make things easier, but be less fun in my opinion.

Kinaed nods at Galen.

Galen exclaims, "But I've gotten a lot of RP out of having to raise them by use!"

Takta says, "I would love a compound system."

Feamanuslaewyn states, "I don't know though. LBU makes sense."

Gaven says, "I will admit that Learn by Use does feel sort of clunky and needlessly drawn out at times but... I also feel that it helps with immersion."

Koralie muses, "So.. skills could only be purchased in chargen or taught by other players?"

Kinaed claims, "I think it's a barrier for returning players to come into the game and start at square one, in some ways."

Takta states, "Where LBU is faster and more efficient but for those who HATE grinding there is a slower and/or more expensive purchase ability."

Azarial claims, "They also advance when used."

Mika says to Galen, "I know about your codpiece collection"

Kinaed claims, "For my part, LBU exists for several reasons."

Gaven states, "I mean, it feels more fluid to learn things by actually doing them rather than suddenly knowing them."

Feamanuslaewyn says, "The more you practice, the better you get. Albeit, I suppose LBU could create OP chars."

Galen pontificates, "Don't talk about the codpiece collection!!"

Misune claims, "But purchasing the skill through xp could do that anyway"

Feamanuslaewyn states, "Lolwut"

Galen queries, "Maybe there can be an option to purchase skills directly?"

Margaux questions, "Maybe you could pay triple xp or something to purchase outright?"

Misune says, "In regards to the OP bit"

Azarial says, "Learn prevents op chars"

Moxie muses, "I think learn by use is very valuable. It's caused me to seek out other players. I think perhaps being able to do a one-off by request to the admin would make more sense if you're a returning player... right?"

Galen wonders, "That's maybe more expensive XP-ways, but faster?"

Shasa claims, "LBU makes sense given the nature of the game, as much as i would LOVE to take my 100k xp and just master axe and dodge, it's not realistic"

Vistarch claims, "I like LBU and am against directly spending XP for skills. I see people coming in off the back of massive deaths and being godly powerful right off the bat."

Tomas claims, "I would like to see a mixture of the two systems. maybe limit purchasing skills with xp to only a certain number of purchases a day"

Tomas claims, "The rest is all learn by use"

Takta says, "Inspiration could come back to keep it slower and more expensive, maintaining LBU as the better option but allowing for purchase."

Kinaed states, "One of which is simply to give people something to do when RP isn't readily available, but also ensuring that people who are masters at their skills actually know how to use them instead of being masters in name only. It also slows down learning progression so that we don't have people master things overnight, and it makes RP about the things people are doing very contextual - if we hunt together, we're actually learning together, etc."

Kinaed claims, "Overall, we had a period where learn by use was not the standard."

Feamanuslaewyn claims, "Whoa. Weird"

Gaven claims, "I think I'd be more up for an increase int he actual rate at which people learn."

Galen trails off, "I can definitely see learn by use being tedious if you aren't a new player..."

Mika states, "(there are times where it gets a little weird having to grind crafting skills re: galen's codpiece collection) but even when grinding is a little annoying a lot of rp has come out of me wanting to train alongside other people to balance rpxp gain / pool cost"

Gaven claims, "*in the"

Kinaed says, "Skills became hollow and RP was ... more two dimensional. And you had characters who had grandmastered combat, for example, and who couldn't actually fight their way out of a paper bag because they didn't know how the system worked."

Moxie says, "I agree, I prefer to see people gradually change instead of swapping and changing roles all over the place. A lot of the people I know in this game are defined by their skills."

Takta states, "As it is, though, even now you can get very good at combat for example and have very little idea how it works under the hood."

Misune chuckles at the thought

Temi says, "I know I've had characters as like crafters and I think 'Well, it would be more fun to start them lower and learn as I go, RP them getting better and learning more'. But when everyone else can just bypass it, I too felt pressured I had to keep up, or I wans't playing by the same rules."

Kinaed is reading her scroll because things are going by a bit quickly for her.

Gaven claims, "Well, to be fair with combat, things aren't very open about how it works here. Even if I go out and fight things regularly... it doesn't really explain anything to me or make it very obvious whether what I'm doing is right or not."

Gaven claims, "Crafting is pretty self explanatory."

Moxie says OOCly, "Shall we pause a sec and let Kinaed catch up?"

Kinaed says to Koralie, "With regards to skills only being taught by other people or purchased in chargen - both those options are open now, but I think that'd be a bad way to go, so regardless of outcome, we won't limit it to just that."

Galen asks, "Maybe being able to spend XP to fill up your skill pool would be a good compromise?"

Margaux says, "I'm actually pretty comfortable with skills and how they're learned right now."

Koralie muses, "Oh sorry! I meant would that be the outcome if LBU was removed?"

Kinaed muses to Takta, "I'm not inclined to use a hybrid system to help out people who are, well... lazy?"

Vistarch nods at Margaux.

Mika queries to Galen, "So it'd double charge for skill advancement?"

Galen states, "There's still the delay in learning things of having to wait for your pool to drain, and it's more expensive than learning by use, but you wouldn't have to grind"

Kinaed claims, "I wouldn't want to advantage someone who doesn't put the time in over someone who does at all."

Koralie states, "I haven't quitre wrapped my mind around how the mechanics of skill gain work, but as a new player who hates grinding, the game hasn't felt grindy so far. Skills are raising as I use them at what seams to be a reasonable rate."

Takta states, "It really isn't laziness. It takes -more- time and it could take -more- XP."

Shasa states, "I don't know, if we have a bunch of newbies coming in, if letting them go waaay up really quick would be a good idea anyways"

Margaux states, "If anything, I've felt that skills are learned too quickly at the early levels. You're not a novice for long."

A tall woman with sun-bleached hair and a scar coughs, "Quite, too."

Temi nods at Margaux.

Feamanuslaewyn states, "I'm certainly behind the grind."

Moxie says, "I agree with Koralie. This feels more natural, and I feel like my character is growing naturally"

Kinaed claims to Moxie, "Re: returning players approaching staff to resolve their one-off requests... being an old, returning player isn't a reason staff would give out skills. In fact, we generally do not give out skills, short of RPA for really good reasons."

Takta claims, "It's a legitimate RP preference to dislike grinding, and TI feels grindy to me."

Kinaed says, "Like a skill having died out in game (Eld) and being unpurchasable."

Shasa states, "Takta raises a point, though. it IS grindy"

Takta states, "Especially once you start getting higher and you're crawling for every level."

Moxie says OOCly, "How do I 'say to' someone?"

Vistarch states, "I've not felt it to be terribly grindy thus far."

Temi says to Moxie, "Sayto"

Galen says, "I think that having a non-grindy alternative balanced against LBU would be good"

Moxie says OOCly, "Thanks"

Takta nods at Galen.

Margaux claims, "What in particular is grindy? Is it combat? That is something I don't have much exposure to, tbh."

Shasa claims, "The only skills i've really had a hard time with was combat. combat is horrible"

Vistarch says OOCly, "Sayto <name> <message>"

Misune groans as he remembers trying to grandmaster magecrafting shortly after it's creation... that was super grindy and costly

Mika states to Takta, "Yeah i feel like im conflicted between really loving what ive got out of needing to seek hunting partners on almaz for example, and getting bored when i need to grind at the archery range"

Tomas states, "I am not sure I would call it laziness either. I mean. Tomas has to fight to find time to pool skills because most of the time... he's rping, meeting with other people. I feel like I'm short changing them when I go to work on pooling skills"

Takta says, "Any skill becomes grindy above 36 to me. Admittedly I have a low tolerance."

Gaven claims, "I found Magic on an alt to be incredibly grindy once you got past around 45ish."

Kinaed says to Takta, "Not one I'm keen to support, personally. I'm not saying it's not a legitimate preference, I'm just saying it's not something I approve of personally or care to design the game for personally. All game choices are one of preference, overall. Other RP games out there are just as good as we are, with totally different systems, and it's just who chooses to play based on likes or dislikes."

Galen says, "Same, Mika"

Gaven says, "I spent entire nights just trying to gain 1-2 points."

Takta nods at Gaven.

Gaven says, "I don't really find that acceptable myself."

Misune nods to gaven "Magic is super grindy... I can grind spells, spend 3 hours on... and get one rank out of it

Galen states, "I remember I asked once if I could spend QP to have my pool filled in a skill that I was having trouble practicing"

Gaven states, "Well, you shouldn't be able to master something in a week, but sort've feel the balance could be tweaked just a little bit."

Moxie claims, "I'd like to note that crafting has a silver cost as well as an xp cost to practice."

Kinaed says to Koralie, "I'm not sure what we'd have if LBU were removed."

Blake has lost link.

Blake has reconnected.

Kinaed says to Koralie, "I don't think I have the appetite to remove it. :)"

Galen muses, "Maybe we could have NPC teachers?"

Kinaed states, "Adding something like inspiration is probably as far as I'd go."

Kinaed claims, "But I'd hate to see inspiration be the way people learn."

Galen questions to Kinaed, "What's inspiration?"

Gaven states, "LBU is a rather great tool to spend extra time with :( It adds the feeling of something on the side to do in downtime rpwise."

Takta says, "I'd love inspiration as an alternative path. LBU does have value."

Koralie claims to Kinaed, "I think I probably just don't get what's at stake because I'm not hyper familiar with most of the mechanics. My alt is not skill driven, and I've had Koralie for like... three days."

Takta says, "But I think we can -definitely- accommodate different player preferences while privileging what we feel is the best route for the game."

Moxie says to Galen, "NPC teachers could perhaps incur a silver cost and the tutors speed up your education of a subject, such that the next three hours you spend practicing after teaching will get three times as much feedback."

Moxie states, "...for example."

Tomas says to Takta, "Oh yeah, I do actually miss inspiration. I think it would be a good slow way to well focus on what you want to learn"

Misune questions, "What is inspiration?"

Moxie states, "^"

Gaven says, "Eh, skill pooling doesn't take that long to fill up honestly Moxie. It's the time it takes for that skill pool to tick up your learning percentage that takes forever."

Galen pontificates, "Ahh I gotta get going for now, but I'll leave this bit of feedback: I have been both really thankful for learn-by-use and at time frustrated by the grind, but I can't immediately think of something better that can replace it. And I've tried!"

Kinaed claims, "With regards to balance on how quick it is to learn by use something to where you want it - we can adjust things that learn too fast or too slow. Please let the staff know if something is just ridiculous and the returns on time investment are lame, etc."

A pale, obsidian-haired woman of slight build is cool with whatever staff choose. Can I get a retrans for now, though?

Hirnastal is idle.

Feamanuslaewyn exclaims, "You can do it!"

Margaux says, "Also, a remidner that there is an event today."

Takta states, "I think the problem is the whole skill curve."

Takta says, "The painfulness of going up even a rank once you get pretty high."

Temi states, "Inspiration was an old system that would put skills into your pool based on 'things you were thinking about', which you got points for it for RPing."

Margaux has been transferred out by Vistarch. [OOC]

Takta states, "I've felt most skills to be about the same."

Hirnastal is no longer idle.
Hirnastal stands up.

Takta says, "With exceptions for crafting and the silver costs."

Misune trails off, "Oh... interesting"

Gaven questions, "Could I get a retrans back myself?"

Kinaed claims to Galen, "Inspiration is that hybrid system Takta was talking about earlier. You would inspire a skill with points earned by RPing, and it'd slowly fill your pool."

Mika muses to Gaven, "Which room did you come from?"

Kinaed has transferred Gaven. [OOC]

Feamanuslaewyn states, "That doesn't sound too bad."

Kinaed claims to Mika, "I got him."

Mika glances about warily

Galen trails off, "Ah! Maybe something kind of like that, but spending XP directly instead of a separate points currency could be good..."

Shasa claims, "I just don't want LBU removed. i mean, i didn't think to learn fishing with shasa, but i shouldn't have to like find a teacher to have the idea to know the concept."

Temi claims, "Theproblem with inspiration was people only used inspiration."

Shasa claims, "Ahhh"

Kinaed says, "Okay, at this time - I think LBU is going to remain as it is, at least in the near term. I'll re-read the log of this chat afterwards to see if I missed any player thoughts, etc to take into consideration."

Takta states, "But we can balance the cost and benefit."

Takta says, "Okay."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Galen claims, "Okay, I gotta gooo"

Feamanuslaewyn claims, "Good chat."

Mika waves.

Moxie says, "Thank you for having me :) It's been a pleasure"

Misune hands Shasa a book on fishing techniques

Temi states, "I know I liked being able to use inspiration, but my skills meant nothing to me, too."

Temi declaims, "But anyways, yep, thanks for coming everyone!"

Kinaed exclaims, "I appreciate everyone coming. Please submit a noble app if you're interested in playing a noble! We have more slots available!"

Mika claims, "Lmfao your guys' actions"

Hirnastal says, "It was nice."

Kinaed pontificates, "Please vote!"

Takta says, "Feel free to dive into the ruffle fight ICly. ;)"

Kinaed declaims, "Please write reviews for TI on your favorite sites! And link back to us! :)"

Shasa groans.

Feamanuslaewyn exclaims, "My ruffles!"

Rimilde says OOCly, "The Hunt will start in about 30 minutes or so, to give people a chance to get stuff ready. If you have questions send a tell please. "

Rimilde says, "Ack.

Galen states, "GO TEAM RUFFLE"

Feamanuslaewyn begins to count their money.

Kinaed declaims, "Yes, as Rimilde said - please attend the event if you're free! :)"

Moxie begins to count their money.

Kinaed claims, "Thanks again for your time, everyone. See you next week, same time, same channel. :)"
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Sun Aug 02, 2015 4:30 am

Kinaed says to Takta, "Not one I'm keen to support, personally. I'm not saying it's not a legitimate preference, I'm just saying it's not something I approve of personally or care to design the game for personally. All game choices are one of preference, overall. Other RP games out there are just as good as we are, with totally different systems, and it's just who chooses to play based on likes or dislikes."
As the one who submitted the idea, I felt like I should restate this because it's absolutely true. I've played a really broad variety of RPIs and MUDs which has given me a pretty clear image of what I like -- and this suggestion totally comes as a personal preference, but one I think might be considered as TI is a pretty RP heavy game, and recently the grind has become something that, without, I could enjoy scenes that I want to enjoy with a character at a skill level that makes sense for me without having to grind up the QP (oftentimes an OOC action) to do so. It'd only take XP, which I can get by RPing, which will benefit other RPers (hopefully). All the other problems can be solved by balancing. But, again, totally preference.

Thanks for voicing it! Much love; ya'll pretty much went over every point I had posited in the original email so that was nice.
Player of: Alexander ab Courtland

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