Log of OOC Meeting 2/21/2015

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Sat Feb 21, 2015 4:56 pm

Kinaed wonders, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Does anyone want to add anything to the agenda to make sure we talk about it?"

Samantha ab Vortina raises hand "I actually had something I wanted to bring up today."

Kinaed gives Karrina ab Vazien some coins.

Kinaed nods at Samantha ab Vortina.

Kinaed states to Samantha ab Vortina, "Noted"

Kinaed wonders, "Anyone else?"

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes says, "Yes, I have something for the player topics"

Kinaed nods at a pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes.

Kinaed says to a pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes, "Please write the topic down so you don't forget by the time we get to you."

Kinaed states, "Okay, I'll kick off with the updates. I didn't do much last week beyond come in and read some board posts. This weekend, I need to get through the changes and make sure they're documented, action anything out of this meeting, etc."

Kinaed states to Azarial, "You're up."

Kinaed has transferred Sameer de Ashimid. [OOC]

Kinaed gives Sameer de Ashimid some coins.

Sameer de Ashimid waves.

Kinaed says, "I think Az may be afk."

Azarial states, "Some bug fixes, tested out charge, woirked on archery some,l wrangled butts. lots of butts."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Azarial says, "Feels like a damn rap video. <_<"

Kinaed comforts Azarial.

Kinaed says to Takta, "You're up. :)"

Sameer de Ashimid studies a piece of mail.

Takta states, "I tested about fifty-odd changes and documented them - Az has been busy! - and also have been woodworking with a vengeance. I'm up to 34 recipes pretty much 100% complete, which is nice. I'm going to go ahead and commit to fully releasing woodworking by April, though I expect it will -actually- be sooner."

Takta exclaims, "Helped a little with Iris's fun plot last night, will be helping with more plot tomorrow. Good times. That's about it!"

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed exclaims to Xinoe, "Your turn!"

Xinoe exclaims, "This week I logged:
6 typos fixed.
6 building tasks done.
3 helpfiles majorly updated. They were staff helpfiles.
+ a handful of tiny tweaks I forgot to log.

This past week I focused on maintenance instead of my bigger projects as the notes were piling up. I got some work done on a paperworking spec, mostly collecting recipe ideas and considering how best to balance cost and functionality. It's been suggested that paperworking be expanded a bit to include other craft items that probably can't fill their own skill, such as sculpting. If you have ideas for paper goods or even other items you wish you could make but don't fit an existing craft skill, please let me know! Mail or pnote is best. This week I'll likely continue to focus on maintenance work.

And that's my update!"

Kinaed says to Xinoe, "Thanks :)"

Kinaed questions, "Okay, that wraps up staff updates. Player Heartbeat - how is everyone feeling about the game? Any concerns or kudos to hand out?"

Azarial states, "I've heard several kudos for iris last night; not sure if they were logged"

Samantha ab Vortina ponders "I've got no real concerns."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Kinaed claims, "Good to hear that."

A swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden states, "Kudos to the players who have endured muggings lately - I hope they found some entertainment in them. And definitely major kudos to the staff involved in last night's plot."

Kinaed states, "Oh, one thing to note - if you ask for a change in this forum, and I say yes, and it doesn't happen for awhile - it might be a good idea to ask me about it to make sure I didn't forget to raise the change."

Kinaed claims, "Please don't be embarrassed to ask, I've been swamped lately and most of the staff can tell you I get forgetful sometimes."

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed nods at a swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden.

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes grins.

Kinaed trails off, "Okay, so I think that wraps up Player Heartbeat..."

Jhulie Taber states, "Wait"

Kinaed says to Samantha ab Vortina, "You had a top-"

Kinaed muses to Jhulie Taber, "Yes, love?"

Jhulie Taber claims, "I have a concern to be voiced by another player that isn't here, but I would say it anyways. "

Kinaed nods at Jhulie Taber.

Kinaed wonders, "Please do, what's on their mind?"

Jhulie Taber muses, "Say, I was a lawful, and I was notified icly, of a law being broken. I go to investigate, and there is a cloaked figure! What do you expect after that?"

Kinaed muses, "I don't know, isn't that up to the players involved?"

Samantha ab Vortina queries, "For you to try and arrest them?"

Kinaed questions to Sameer de Ashimid, "Join in? :P"

Kinaed states, "Wrong Sam."

Takta queries, "I think you could definitely expect suspicion, but there's a lot of variability in responses?"

Jhulie Taber queries, "Would you allow -atleast- an emote each?"

Jhulie Taber wonders, "Out of curtesy?"

A swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden questions, "Before what?"

Samantha ab Vortina shakes head "Not wrong. If I go to the scene of a crime, and I see a cloaked figure just hanging about, Well they are going to be suspicious. I won't immediatly arrest them, try and rp why they are here, with a cloaked up... but I generally have paranoid characters.

Kinaed states, "Definitely, it's a rule."

Kinaed says, "You should at least emote that you intend to arrest."

Jhulie Taber claims, "Well that isn't happening. Nor were moods set for the crime. "

A swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden trails off, "If they were caught in the act..."

Kinaed states, "Okay, it sounds like there's someone I need to have a chat with so they understand the rules."

A swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden claims, "They might not have gotten to the point where they altered the mood, if they were still engaged in the actual crime."

Jhulie Taber says, "And that annoys me, because as someone that can tend to break laws often, I don't want more rules set in place, when the ones that -are- there are to prevent these things. "

Takta claims, "I think the emoting around arrest rules may not be super clear, either."

Samantha ab Vortina arches brow "As swarthy said if they are caught in the act, depending on what the act is, combat is allowed..."

Kinaed says to a swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden, "Yes, but everything needs to be RPed. A person walking into that situation with the intent to arrest, attack, etc, needs to emote that they're doing so. A person in that situation needs to emote before they attempt to leave."

Jhulie Taber claims, "And it doens't matter if they were mid-crime, set the moods before you do something. "

Kinaed says to Jhulie Taber, "I'll have a look into this after. It sounds like you're talking about a specific instance."

Kinaed states, "It's probably just a chat with someone to explain how it's supposed to work."

Takta states, "It can be hard to set the mood before the crime if you don't know what the mood will be."

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Takta states, "If you steal things vs. if you just look around, different mood."

Kinaed states, "And probably won't steal unless you find something interesting."

Samantha ab Vortina trails off, "Plus there is a reasonable amount of time before you commit the crime and the reeves channel is alerted... plenty of time to leave moods"

A swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden states, "I imagine they could have set it before emoting, and that seems fair, once they were caught- or at least emoted what was occurring, so the person arriving on the scene can take stock."

Kinaed claims, "I think it's 5-30 minutes"

Takta says, "Sometimes I think crime warnings like on the Reeve chan seem to do more harm than good, really."

Samantha ab Vortina states, "Something like that kinaed"

Kinaed declaims, "In this game, I'd like everyone to be respectful of one another. THere's no issue with walking into a room where you're responding to a crime, and saying OOCly to your RP partner "Oh, mind setting the mood? Thanks!""

Kinaed states, "Some of us know one another very well - we've been playing TI well on a decade. Some people are new and not used to the expectations we have of what it takes to do 'courteous' RP. Sometimes it's just a convo."

Jhulie Taber trails off, "IT wouldn't matter, mood thing aren't were they are suppose to be, stuff strewn across the floor, there might be some things missing... Cover all the bases with one"

Kinaed states, "Anything else to discuss on this point? I can catch up on the specifics after, and I'll see about nudging our thief and Reeve to make sure everyone's happy and obeying the spirit of the rules."

An elderly man with deeply wrinkled skin is idle.

Jhulie Taber says, "Thank you."

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes states, "A new topic describing this type of crime RP would be glorious, so new folks as well as not so new can get on the same page and understand what is supposed to be going down."

Kinaed nods at a pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes.

An elderly man with deeply wrinkled skin is no longer idle.
An elderly man with deeply wrinkled skin has returned from AFK.

Kinaed states to a pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes, "Yeah, I think I need to find a way to put up some case studies or something."

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes states, "I have a topic if we are to that point."

Takta states, "That'd be cool, actually. There's a lot of difficult situations in terms of even knowing what's expected."

Kinaed queries to a pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes, "We are, but I have Samantha down first. Happy to wait, or is it on a similar topic to Jhulie?"

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Samantha ab Vortina claims, "Alrighty so the topic I wanted to bring up was regarding Back-stab. Several players and I were talking about this on the ooc channel, and the main point was that it truly doesn't feel like something that needs to be a skill. The key points were that it is next to impossible to practice and pool since A) it doesn't have a 'safe' feature like all other combat does meaning to practice it you must inflict damage... and really who wants to be the target of such practice, and B) Thats the only way to pool it, by practice... well aside from being taught it but even then the teacher runs into the same issue of how are they going to pool it. Then we began discussing about how it should be a command type thing that is based on your skill in a weapon and reasonable weapons, not backstabbing with an axe, and your skill in hiding.""

Samantha ab Vortina says OOCly, "Crap... did not mean to hit enter yet"

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes claims, "No, I can wait and yes, I've been involved in a mugging. It was interesting RP and combat was averted"

Kinaed nods at a pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes.

Kinaed waits patiently for Samantha ab Vortina to finish.

Samantha ab Vortina states, "Alrighty so the topic I wanted to bring up was regarding Back-stab. Several players and I were talking about this on the ooc channel, and the main point was that it truly doesn't feel like something that needs to be a skill. The key points were that it is next to impossible to practice and pool since A) it doesn't have a 'safe' feature like all other combat does meaning to practice it you must inflict damage... and really who wants to be the target of such practice, and B) Thats the only way to pool it, by practice... well aside from being taught it but even then the teacher runs into the same issue of how are they going to pool it. Then we began discussing about how it should be a command type thing that is based on your skill in a weapon and reasonable weapons, not backstabbing with an axe, and your skill in hiding. The general point is that Back-stab seems unreasonable and unneccessary as a skill.""

Jhulie Taber states, "Well, being a former champion of backstab there are ways to do it, dear. "

Jhulie Taber trails off, "The pooling rate was increased, and was brought to a reasonible level, I think it works just fine, and if you have the time and patience, and the rpxp for it, it is worth it... "

Kinaed says, "I can see it being a technique instead of a skill, but I need to think on the ins and outs of that. I'm probably not prepared to commit to a response on that right here and now. We've been removing a lot of skills lately, but combat techniques were mostly intended to be techniques instead of skills."

Takta claims, "I think making it a technique makes a lot of sense, but. *grin*"

Kinaed states, "I hope that's good enough."

Jhulie Taber says, "I don't like the idea of it being a command, but that is just meeee :D"

Kinaed nods at Jhulie Taber.

A swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden claims, "I agree that backstab doesn't seem like it should be a skill. It's incredibly specialized."

Kinaed states, "I need to think about it."

Samantha ab Vortina says, "It's good enough for the situation."

Kinaed nods at Sameer de Ashimid.

A swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden states, "And I don't want to pool it by practicing on wilderness creatures. So I don't bother."

osay Yeah it makes sense as a technique as opposed to a skill to me. And I like the idea of adding in techniques

Tomas says OOCly, "Yeah it makes sense as a technique as opposed to a skill to me. And I like the idea of adding in techniques"

Jhulie Taber claims, "And incredibly useful, so not every joe blow with a dagger should be able to do it :D"

Kinaed muses to a pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes, "Okay, would you like to introduce your topic now?"

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes nods.

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes claims, "My topic is about piety. I was curious whether or not something is being planned as far as supporting code. I know that there is a helpfile for it but Ive been told it isnt a functional system. In a world that revolves around a dominant religion bent on destroying magic it would be awesome if there were tangible benefits to the prayer, rituals and actions. For example, warding yourself and others to increase magic resistance; blessing people and weapons; uplifting peoples spirits after they have listened to your sermon, warding actual areas against magic intrusion or use; your spidey sense tingling when someone is near with an active magic effect running, etc. Right now it feels like clerics are basically bureaucrats and clerks."

Kinaed states, "Right now, Piety protects against magical attacks (mattack) and increases your ability to save when an offensive spell is cast upon you."

Takta says, "Ah, it used to."

Kinaed says to Takta, "As far as I know, it still does."

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes queries, "Is there a way to see or check its level?"

A swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden trails off, "And the moral backbone of society, teachers, leaders, counselors..."

A swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden says, "I thought that functionality of piety was removed."

Samantha ab Vortina trails off, "I could of sworn it was removed awhile ago kinaed... due to code issues"

Kinaed states, "I've just been informed that piety has been removed completely from the game."

Kinaed nods at Samantha ab Vortina.

Takta claims to a pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes, "Clerics here actually -are- just bureaucrats and clerks, not that that's a bad thing. *grin*"

Kinaed says, "In any case, Piety as some sort of 'anti-magic magic' with miracles, etc - no, that's definitely not in the cards."

A swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden pontificates, "If you want to have those kinds of mysterious powers, I advocate playing a mage!"

Kinaed nods at a swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden.

A swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden declaims, "A mage Cleric, even!"

Kinaed claims, "And we've had a few."

Takta claims, "Giving priests powers would definitely confirm the existence/power of the Lord of the Springs."

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes wonders, "So no plan to make piety active again at any level?"

Takta states, "And mess with the interesting ambiguity of the theme."

Kinaed says, "Nope, no plans."

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes states, "Ok, done"

Kinaed asks, "Anyone else have anything they want to discuss? We've gotten through the main topics quickly. We can hang out for awhile if you like?"

Jhulie Taber pontificates, "I have another!"

Kinaed nods at Jhulie Taber.

Kinaed states, "Please, go ahead :)"

Jhulie Taber states, "I am so sick and tired of all the Imms being so awesome all the time! Jk, thats all. :D"

Takta claims, "WELL GEEEEEZ I'M SORRY."

Kinaed chuckles.

Kinaed states, "Thanks for the compliments."

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes states, "Well, one more thing. I still think there is a difference between miracles and having a morale bonus from religious activity."

Takta queries, "Morale bonus?"

Kinaed claims, "The problem with piety is that people would buy it or pump it up, and then wouldn't live by it, meanwhile getting some sort of benefit from it. As Takta said, piety bringing on miracles is just a bit of a weird theme thing."

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes says, "Ok"

Kinaed peers at the boards and realizes just how far behind she is.

A swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden says, "Doing actual RP work to increase IC morale is much more difficult than spamming a command- but can have benefits that go well beyond coded protection against magical attacks."

Kinaed nods at a swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden.

Karrina ab Vazien says, "Can I get a trans back please? I find myself needing to head out on errands."

Kinaed claims, "No worries. I think we're about wrapped up too."

Karrina ab Vazien has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Takta states, "There is a lot that a good sermon can do for morale, it's true. :)"

Azarial states, "The problem is connecting rp to skills and such"

Azarial states, "Better to let it be entirely rp"

Kinaed has transferred an elderly man with deeply wrinkled skin. [OOC]

Kinaed questions, "Anything else on people's minds?"

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes questions, "These ic events like the demon attack yesterday. Am I correct in assuming that as a new player it might be a very logical thing for you to stay clear and out of the way of the big folks?"

A swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden blinks.

Samantha ab Vortina shakes her head "You would be incorrect. While it may be best to avoid combat, don't ever limit yourself just because of being new

Kinaed states, "I wouldn't attack a demon as a new player, but I wouldn't be scared to scene with people about it or tag along at the VERY BACK."

Takta states, "Well, I think we'd like to encourage everybody to feel able to come play. There were certainly newer PCs there who played interesting and important roles."

A swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden says, "We love it when new players jump right in."

Kinaed nods her agreement with a swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden, Takta, and Samantha ab Vortina.

Jhulie Taber misses being new....

Takta claims, "Everybody has a better time when people take the initiative to get involved, including old big folks. *grin*"

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes claims, "Ok, I wasn't sure on that... there is real death here."

Hunapo le Marama states, "It isn't like we were never new players ourselves once."

Jhulie Taber says to a pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes, "If it is a STP, they have to have your permission to kill you. "

Kinaed states, "As long as you don't pull out your mace and take a whack until you're comfortable with combat, you'll be pretty okay, I think. People will be sensitive and assist for the most part. Staff Storytellers definitely will."

Azarial states, "Stories and events should not end in deatnh"

Samantha ab Vortina says, "That there is. My suggestion, avoid life-threatening combat until you feel comfortable with the combat system."

Kinaed nods at Jhulie Taber.

Kinaed says, "A player storyteller isn't allowed to kill or permanently disadvantage another player without express OOC permission."

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes claims, "Got it."

A swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden states, "I think we had folks running around offering other kinds of assistance last night that was also valuable. Medical assistance, verbal suggestions on how to deal with the demons. A cleric in such a circumstance would likely have some status."

Kinaed claims to Azarial, "I don't know if I'd go that far. Sometimes it makes sense for death to happen."

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes claims, "Is there a post to explain the storytelling mechanics and or new events? I'd love to see that as a sticky or something in the tips for new players section."

Sameer de Ashimid queries, "What about a staff storyteller?"

Takta states, "The biggest real chance of death is in normal play, player vs. player."

Kinaed nods at a pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes.

Takta claims, "I don't believe staff have ever killed a PC while running an event without the PC's agreement or say-so."

Kinaed says, "Help Storyteller has a list of sub help files. It's probably not my best help file-ing ever, but it's all there."

Takta says, "Though I'm not sure we're held to the same expressly consensual rule that player STs are."

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes asks, "Are there actual techniques to engage demons that a cleric would know?"

Takta claims to a pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes, "There might be some IC information in the Order's library on that."

Kinaed says to Takta, "They're not, but we tend to be really nice storytellers."

Samantha ab Vortina looks to Takta "don't forget about the newer lethal mobs. They also have a chance of killing you now."

Azarial says, "Hude behind a knight"

Jhulie Taber says to a pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes, "Hit it, don't get hit with its poop"

A swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden says, "That's something you should probably try to find out ICly."

Kinaed claims to Azarial, "Indeed, most clerics hide behind knights when it comes to combat as a matter of theme."

Takta says, "True, there are some few lethal mobs that can permakill you, but they're clearly marked with a [L] and they're rare."

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes states, "We'll see about that"

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes smiles.

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Kinaed asks of a pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes, "I take it you're quite new to the game? How are you finding it thus far?"

A swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden claims, "The nice thing about being an acolyte is that you're not expected to have all the answers already. And I think there's definitely room for more prayer, guidance, counseling, that sort of stuff that could potentially make a real impact in a scene, even if it's not coded."

Sameer de Ashimid claims, "It isn't a religious dictate to do so, but certainly a bit of habit in the practice."

Takta nods at a swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden.

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes nods at a swarthy, blue-eyed hoyden.

Takta has lost link.

Takta has reconnected.

Samantha ab Vortina has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes says to Kinaed, "I love it here. Plenty to learn and as you said, there is a lot of rp room in regard to being schooled as an acolyte. "

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed says, "I'm glad to hear that."

Kinaed states, "Okay, 10 minutes to go. I think things are winding down a bit, so any issues if I put everyone back? As usual, I'm time-limited, so I want to get cracking on some staff work."

Kinaed declaims, "I'll take the silence as consent!"

A pallid, wide shouldered lad with gray eyes waves.

Kinaed states, "Thank you, everyone, for coming. Looking forward to seeing you next week, same time, same place."

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