Log of OOC Meeting 6/28/2014

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Discord Handle: Voxumo#7925

Sat Jun 28, 2014 6:18 pm

Kinaed asks, "Today's OOC Chat Agenda, I'm going to add a few topics to the usual:

- Announcements
- Staff Updates
- Player Topics
- Kudos

Does anyone have anything they'd care to add to the OOC Chat agenda to make sure we discuss it?"

Casimir claims to Kinaed, "Nothing on my end, for once, except a reminder about the thread you put on the forums. Seeking, 'n all that jazz."

Kinaed queries, "Announcement 1: There is a poll on the forums!


Casimir says to Kinaed, "Honestly, I wish the guild system was a lot more free-form. But I can rag on about that on the forums."

Samantha just placed his vote

Kinaed asks, "Announcement 2: The TI: Legacy Facebook page now has an RSS feed for A) Player Blogs (well, it will today) and B) forum posts! So, like the Facebook page, and if you use Facebook, and follow it, whatever, you'll never miss another forum post:


Kinaed says to Casimir, "We can talk about that today... the forum post came off the back of something we'll discuss further."

Kinaed says, "There probably were other announcements, but I'm soooo out of it. I went to bed 4 hours ago and woke up just to hold this meeting with my lovely players who don't bite."

Azarial grins.

Kinaed says, "Oh, and website content, thanks to a quiet nudge from another staff member."

Samantha is confused as to what an rss feed is but claps anyway and appears excited

Temi claims, "(Please feel free to take that as a reminder to not bite Kin)"

Casimir states to Kinaed, "We love you for it."

Kinaed claims to Samantha, "It means we auto-post updates to Facebook. Now if we can just RSS feed our actual Help files.. :P"

Tomas has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Samantha nods in understanding "Well that makes sense."

Temi gives a blank-faced doll wearing the crown and garb of the regent to Tomas.

Kinaed claims, "Okay, that's it for that... Staff Updates: I helped with that stuff and wrote a preliminary spec for a rewrite of guild code."

Kinaed questions, "Anyone want to see it?"

Casimir exclaims, "Yes!"

Kinaed starts writing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Samantha says, "As a player with a guild leader i feel i should take a look"

Tomas begins to count their money.

Kinaed has written a new note, OOC Chat Topic: Guild Rewrite Spec, on the General board.
Kinaed finishes her note.

Kinaed states, "Mind, this is a DRAFT."

Kinaed states, "Please hold comments, but we can definitely discuss it in depth during player topics."

Kinaed says, "I also wrote the spec for pvents, which I intend to get Azarial on after finishing up Mail POLCA>"

Kinaed has written a new note, Fwd: PVENT (Personal Events) (Edited by Kinaed) (Edited by Kinaed) (Edited by Kinaed) (Original author: Kinaed), on the Bugs board.

Temi states, "Based on our idea from last week."

Temi grins.

Kinaed states, "Okay, that wraps it up for me. Az, you're up."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed says, "Based on last week's OOC Chat."

Azarial says, "Mail! and some bugs. an a few typos."

Azarial states, "I am down to the actual mailing part, which is getting an overhaul at all levels."

Kinaed claims, "Redoing Mail has been big, but apparently it's going to have some truly kick ass functionality."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Casimir claims, "I can't wait. It will really open some doors for covert people who don't auto-have mail accounts like the Tenebrae."

Kinaed wonders, "Any questions for Azarial?"

Kinaed nods at Casimir.

Kinaed says, "Okay, Temi - you're up."

Temi exclaims, "Okay!"

Temi claims, "I finished all the threads for tailoring up through all normal materials."

Temi claims, "I stil have to do cloth of silver and cloth of gold, but those are only a few recipes."

Kinaed smiles.

Casimir says to Temi, "Some day I'll play a crafter and be able to sift through all these cool revisions."

Temi claims, "Next step is creating the actual objects for it to make, and attaching them to the recipes.. and then we're good to go, I dare say."

Samantha hears cloth of gold and all he imagines is the best pimp suit ever

Nedyra whaps Samantha on the nose with a rolled up newspaper.

Kinaed whaps Nedyra on the head with a log.

Temi claims, "Honor gave me some strings for the items to use too, so they'll be a little bit fancier than a wool gown."

Samantha stares at Nedyra "Deny it all you want! you know you want one too."

Kinaed nods at Samantha.

Tomas will vote for whatever regency candidate has the biggest pimp hat.

Nedyra questions, "I can make one right now if I want one. Next? :P"

Temi claims, "And.. that's my week."

Temi nods.

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed pontificates to Nedyra, "Your turn!"

Nedyra claims, "I'm the other half of the reason we now have content going live to Facebook. I've taken over pretty much everything to do with website, so if it changes, odds are pretty good I did it."

Nedyra states, "Related: Character blogs have a help file. character blogs earn you QP. You need a character blog."

A long-limbed young man sporting dark blond locks has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Casimir sobs. "I only got one QP for two posts."

Kinaed muses to Casimir, "Were they itty bitty posts?"

Nedyra says, "Other than that, it's been pretty business as usual. Narrowing down things research-wise for seasonal economy, finalizing details on the quest (date TBD, don't worry)."

Casimir claims to Kinaed, "They were big in heart."

Samantha has got a question for Ned

Kinaed has no heart to appreciate the subtlety.

Kinaed muses to Samantha, "Yes?"

"That's my week." Nedyra eyes Samantha.

Samantha wonders, "Regarding the player blogs, do we receive qp when we post once a weekly or is it whenever a post is posted?"

Kinaed states to Samantha, "Whenever the staff notice that you did it. Might not be a bad idea to link Nedyra directly since he hands out the rewards."

Nedyra says, "You get QP on a per post basis."

Samantha states, "Because in the past it was a weekly thing and not sure now, hence why asking"

Nedyra says to Kinaed, "The RSS feed I mailed you? I follow it. I'll know."

Kinaed says, "Sweet."

Nedyra says, "Basicly, when I've read it, I hand out QP."

Kinaed muses, "Any questions about staff updates before we move on to Player Topics?"

Kinaed says, "Okay, dead silence. Anyone have anything on their mind? Else we can discuss the two specs I just revealed to everyone."

Kinaed claims, "The Guild Roles replacement one is a DRAFT right now. The PVENT one is ready to go."

Casimir claims, "Need more parties."

Kinaed states, "Feedback is appreciated, naturally."

Kinaed smiles at Casimir.

Kinaed finishes abruptly, "Okay, some things on my mind - "

Kinaed claims, "We haven't been getting a lot of recommends lately. A few, but not a heap."

Kinaed says, "If people are RPing with you and giving you something fun to RP about that you can carry from scene to scene - please let us know so we can reward them for making our plots turn round."

Casimir states to Kinaed, "Might be tied to the drop in activity we've seen. I think that's getting gradually better, with more people -doing- things, and the Regent quest going."

Kinaed nods at Casimir.

Samantha ponders this "Yeah, I got something to discuss on the guild role draft.

Azarial says, "Note that the candidates can party it up before the influence period."

Azarial claims, "Support plays a role in it, not just IP"

Kinaed claims to Samantha, "Awesome, I'll poke you in a minute."

Samantha says, "Alrighty"

Azarial inteds to use staff driven guild roles to populate the guildleader list.

Black says, "Late pop-in, but I agree that the lack of recommendations might be because of the drop in activity. Everyone's grown quiet lately, it seems."

Kinaed nods at Black.

Kinaed questions, "The second thing is - is anyone happy to write a review for TI?"

Samantha states, "To black We are all brooding, that is what it is"

Samantha claims, "Hence the silence"

Azarial questions, "Ooo, are they taking reviews again?"

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Azarial claims, "Nice."

Black claims, "I posted a review not too long ago, even if the submission was a total pain."

Kinaed muses to Black, "I'm not sure if it came up - did it?"

Samantha claims, "Also forgot to tell you kinaed but that review I wrote awhile ago, apparently they did accept it and it is part of the reviews "

Vanessa claims, "I've never written one before, and I'd be interested in trying, though I'm a bit reluctant to. Especially since I know next to nothing about submission/where and how to post."

Kinaed states, "I contacted Andy to get Jules' posted."

Kinaed nods at Samantha.

Black claims, "Yeah it's up there, already got the QP reward and whatnot. :)"

Kinaed claims to Vanessa, "Thank you. I can show you the process."

Kinaed nods at Black.

Nedyra states, "Just for the record, advertising on forums and the like doesn't hurt either. We're getting at least web trafick from a TMS post from late 2013."

Casimir pontificates, "Mine?!"

Kinaed states, "Also, please vote at http://ti-legacy.com with the links in the upper left hand corner. This will raise our MUD's overall rankings and make us more visible to new players to assist us in keeping this world alive."

Vanessa states, "Alright. Thank you, Kin! I've been meaning to do one for a while."

Kinaed trails off, "Okay, that's everything on my mind..."
Nedyra muses to Casimir, "Hard to say. But fire the username you use over there in a tell and I can find out?"

Kinaed asks of Samantha, "You wanted to raise something about the roles spec?"

An average height, dark haired man states, "As a new person I can say that the advertising is what allowed me to find my way here."

Casimir says to Nedyra, "Leech. =P"

Nedyra claims, "To casimir ... Then not you."

Samantha clears her manly throat as she begins "Yes I did have something to raise about it..

Kinaed says, "Oh, yeah - we're out of advertising funds if anyone wants to donate to the cause."

Kinaed says, "We use maybe $10 per week on Project Wonderful"

Casimir muses, "What's that?"

Casimir says, "Sounds wonderful."

Kinaed says to Casimir, "It's an advertising website that posts banners and the like on various websites. The site owners are paid to display our advertisement per click."

Nedyra states, "Similar to Google Ads, only probably nicer."

Kinaed nods at Nedyra.

Tomas states, "Certainly more wonderful"

Kinaed states, "We probably should do google ads too, but I find them a bit complex."

Nedyra says, "... No, you shouldn't. Not kidding."

Vanessa trails off, "Oh! Just a sidenote... I love the pvent spec"

Kinaed queries to Samantha, "Your comments coming?"

Kinaed smiles at Vanessa.

Samantha wonders, "What I wanted to say was that while i kinda of like the draft I also see one huge issue. If you can create a role, willy-nilly, That means that really there is no way to moderate it. you could get a guildleader who is gungho on creating lots of useless rolls and then the guild just gets filled with them. Then add in the fact that will the public even know what the role is? "

Kinaed states to Vanessa, "Glad you like it."

Samantha claims, "Sorry kinaed, was typing"

Casimir states to Samantha, "That's why you don't let idiots be guildleaders. Simple as that."

Kinaed states to Samantha, "Oh, don't the roles have a description? Yes, GLs will be able to create roles willy-nilly, but it also means I don't have to trod through request boards to update guild ranks."

Kinaed cough* does let idiots be GLs.

Casimir states, "If a GL is dragging down on the guild, I'm sure staff will find out, one way or another."

Kinaed states, "Everyone missed the discussion about GL incompetence on the OOC Channels last night, I'm guessing. Tee hee."

Casimir says, "Although, I do wish that guilds would stay more static."

Samantha claims, "Description yes, but will non-guiled people be able to see that? I doubt it. Ussually for 'ranks' we have a helpfile to accompany it so people, outside of the guild, can have some semblance of knowing what person a does"

Kinaed states, "I have a philosophy of giving everyone a chance, whether I think they'll be good or bad. The people I think will be bad often drive the game conflict, and hopefully they learn something. The only thing I abhore is inactivity."

Kinaed states to Samantha, "If you can't get/have the rank, you won't see it. Right now, a non-orderite, or even a non-GL, can't look at all of the ranks."

Casimir questions to Samantha, "Why would somebody outside of the Physicians need to know what a 'insert latin big word here' does? If they needed to know, wouldn't they be able to ask about it, making more RP about it?"

A sturdy-seeming woman with frizzy yellow hair is idle.

Samantha has so many things to say about that philosophy but will refrain from it "True kinaed, I just was merely stating my view. Also hopefully gls can have a crash course in the use of the polca when it comes online? because honestly right now i would be loss using it

Samantha queries, "Oh one last thing, if and when it is put into place, will we gls have to manually go and refix every guildmember to get them into the appropiate 'role' or will they still keep their current ranks? and what about rubranks?"

Vanessa claims, "A crash course for everyone who wants it would always be a plus, when it is implemented. It does seem slightly complex."

Kinaed claims, "The current ranks and whatnot would no longer exist, but the staff will probably help with the conversion and getting everyone on board."

Kinaed states, "That said, I think this role spec is a "bit" far off - at least 3 months."

Nedyra claims, "There'll be that, and it'll have the life documented out of it hopefully by the time it goes live."

Kinaed nods at Nedyra.

Nedyra switches into his documentation keeper's hat.

Kinaed states, "The staff will also have to create the base ranks."

Kinaed says, "We'd copy over the existing ones."

Casimir says, "I love it. One thing I hated about being a GL was not being able to change my own ranks and make helpfiles for each role without staff helping."

Kinaed states to Casimir, "We love it too - less work on our part."

Samantha nods in agreeance with Vanessa "Exactly." turns back to Kinaed "So i am taking that means no more subranks?" and looks to Casimir now "from what i am reading you would still have to have staff create the helpfiles after you write them... if i am understanding correctly."

Kinaed claims, "But based on the description discussion, we will be adding that any additions or modifications will go to the staff Request Queue to be reviewed and approved, so we can make sure basic quality standards apply - ie, that a rank descrption does talk about responsibilities, powers, and what it takes to get promoted to it, for example."

Kinaed nods at Samantha.

Kinaed says, "No more subranks."

Azarial claims, "And four gls for the order on the guildleader command."

Casimir claims, "Personally, I'd like more guild information to be put into books rather than stuffed into a readable-from-anywhere helpfile."

Casimir claims, "Books get a bad rep. =\"

Kinaed queries, "What do people think about seeking at the moment? Is it good, bad or indifferent for the MUD?"

Temi claims, "I remember when we didn't have it and just had purchasing into roles and things didn't feel as RPed out."

Temi says, "And guilds didn't feel like they had control over their guild."

Tomas claims, "A bit confusing at first for me, as someone new to the game. overall I am pretty indifferent to it, not sure how I feel about it"

Kinaed asks of Temi, "So you're a no on creating into a guild on chargen for some purchase cost if the role is open?"

Casimir says, "I think it's a great step towards a more free-form guild system, but by the same token it means that one GL can totally give the guild a makeover, for the better or worse. Take what happens when the Tenebrae gets replaced, every time - but for EVERY guild."

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed nods at Tomas.

A young, stoic Lithmorran woman with sea-blue eyes states, "I enjoy seeking, since it does give a reason for a new character to go out and RP."

Temi states, "At least in general. Maybe occasional roles."

Vanessa claims, "I think, in most cases, it's good. People need to RP meeting guild members, etc. But perhaps there could be a process where you can apply and app into a roll, with staff/GL approval, to skip the seeking process, regardless if it's 'needed'."

Temi states, "But not as a default status."

Kinaed states to Casimir, "That might be another reason changes will have to go to the Request Queue."

Casimir states to Temi, "I'd love it to be something you apply for at char gen - like Armageddon requires an app for each character."

Kinaed muses, "What about sponsorship requirements before a GL can guild?"

Casimir says to Temi, "You can forward pieces of the background to GLs, so they'll know the person coming in."

Samantha eyes go wide as she realizes something "I know i said one last thing but I just thought of something, Will we have to fill in every little part each time we give someone a role? Like if i give joe the role of squire and then next week i give lindsey rank of squire, Will I have to fill out every part again or will it be remenbered." looks to Kinaed "I think seeking is perfectly fine. And frankling this joining a guild from chargen... I think that is the day i would lose faith in the world. Seeker rp is what creates rp for alot. and it is a good bloody way to filter who is right for a guild and who isn't. and i think the sponsorship part is perfectly fine kinaed."

Casimir states to Kinaed, "I think it's a little silly. A GL should be able to induct whoever - and whatever disapproval comes of it should be via the GL support systems."

Vanessa states, "I like the idea of occasional apping in, but not for everything. New characters sometimes need the sponsorship/seeking process."

Kinaed says to Casimir, "I really hate making people app at initial login to create and play a character. It's a standard RP thing, but I find it very off-putting because people read your app, then start correcting you or make a qualitative assessment... and you get so caught up in it that often you never even make it in game before you leave out of irritation."

Kinaed claims to Samantha, "Yes, you'll have to fill in every part each time you MAKE a new role."

Casimir queries to Kinaed, "To start in a guild though, would it not be a good process?"

Kinaed claims, "But that's not the same as assigning the role to someone. 30 people can have the Inquisitor role, for example."

Kinaed nods at Casimir.

Vanessa states, "I vote it should be an either or, actually. You can choose to attempt apping in, or you can seek and gain sponsorships through RP."

Kinaed claims, "Right now, certainly to get into a guild at start, there's an application. I think that ought to continue to happen if starting out with a role."

Kinaed nods at Vanessa.

Samantha nods to Vanessa "Exactly." turns to Kinaed "Ah... so you don't have to use that polca each time you want to promote someone... thank god."

Kinaed nods at Samantha.

Kinaed trails off, "The POLCA is used to create a role, not ot manage a role or the guild. A GL who joins an established guild theoretically would never have to touch the POLCA unless they felt like remaking the guild in their own image..."
Casimir says to Kinaed, "The question was, as far as I knew, should players be able to purchase into a guild on char gen. I might have answered incorrectly on the forums - I said yes. I think my opinion could more accurately be described as, no, they shouldn't be able to purchase - but should be allowed to app in, via an in char gen process similar to emailing staff, but within the client."

Kinaed nods at Casimir.

Samantha says, "I just remembered a topic i as wanting to bring up during player topics that I thought about earlier this week. "

Kinaed says to Casimir, "I've made a note that any roles available in chargen should require an application."

Kinaed asks of Samantha, "Sweet, what is it?"

Vanessa claims, "I agree with apping in, but not purchasing. And I don't think apping in should be the only option. As I said earlier, it can be an either or."

Casimir nods.

Casimir claims, "Seeking definitely shouldn't be replaced. I love seekin."

Kinaed claims, "I think there should still be a cost, even with an app, to applying to a high powered character, even in chargen."

Temi nods in agreement.

Kinaed nods.

Casimir pontificates, "But I hate purchasing roles with QP or XP, things that I reserve for bettering my current character, making RP interesting, or purchasing skills for a new character. Those things are damn hard to accrue!"

Kinaed states, "Is seeking well done and a complete system that doesn't need any tweaking? A couple of OOC chats ago, people said they were concerned about the number of sponsors required and thought the GL should have more discretion."

Kinaed claims, "We reviewed the numbers, but decided they seemed fair."

An average height, dark haired man has lost link.

Tomas claims, "I think that it would be realistic for the GL to be able to make a gut decision"

Casimir states to Kinaed, "I think that if the person has shown a history of contributing to the game with their RP, they should be given the opportunity to app into a higher role with no XP or QP cost. The XP and QP should be reserved for decking out their charcter as best they can. So we avoid things like a Grand Master without any sword skill."

Samantha claims, "Well it is regarding the character creation process. you know how after choosing a name for a character you get to choose their... origins? Well I am thinking origin is something that should be able to be chosen once in chargen and not during that initial process. That way in chargen, people can look up the helpfiles on that origin and make an informed decision with more information than that little blurp at creation"

Kinaed nods at Samantha.

Kinaed states to Samantha, "I think that's a good point, noting it."

Temi claims, "That could be interesting. Just starting everyone as Lithmorran and letting them change it."

Casimir states to Kinaed, "But, I'm all for putting proactive RPers into higher positions, if they want, so they can -do- more."

Vanessa claims, "I agree entirely that there should be little to no XP or QP cost. It already costs a great deal to create a skilled, qualified character for an upper role."

Kinaed claims to Casimir, "That way leads down a path of subjective favoritism, I'm afraid, though I agree with you in theory - but what is 'contributing to the game' that is worth allowing a player more opportunity? We try to standardize this with in-game rewards, like the recommend command."

Kinaed says to Casimir, "Though I agree with you about proactive RPers also."

Casimir says, "I think the recommend command is a good start to a subjective measurement without any sense of individual favoritism."

Samantha claims, "And yes kinaed, I think that seeking is fine as is and doesn't need any revising. And i agree with vanessa, you should have the option of seeking or apping. And exactly temi. This was just something That popped into my head, late one night when it couldn't sleep. I get alot of my ideas that way"

Kinaed states to Casimir, "I just don't want to be the one waving the wand and saying "you are proactive" "you are not" and creating the over and underclass."

A long-limbed young man sporting dark blond locks says OOCly, "I need to bounce."

Samantha queries, "Though kinaed, if one does app in, will guildleaders be able to actually review the app, not just staff?"

Casimir states to Kinaed, "Because recommends can't be made by just any one group, as a whole it's a measurement devoid of large favoritism, like if the recommends came from staff only."

Kinaed claims to Casimir, "Then surely an amount of QP is a reasonable measurement of whether or not someone should be allowed to "purchase" a higher role in chargen (with an app, of course)"

Temi gives a blank-faced doll wearing the crown and garb of the regent to a long-limbed young man sporting dark blond locks.

A long-limbed young man sporting dark blond locks thanks Temi.

A long-limbed young man sporting dark blond locks has been transferred out by Temi. [OOC]

Kinaed says to Samantha, "I'm probably not prepared to let GLs review the applications for newly entering players for a few reasons."

Casimir states to Kinaed, "Absolutely not. You gave us QP for attendance to this meeting - for logging in after crashes - etc."

Casimir claims to Kinaed, "For a measurement of a proactive RPer, recommends work much better - they are rewarded only for RPing."

Kinaed claims to Casimir, "A lot of that is helpful to the game though - coming back after a crash refills the wholist to avoid flicker logs. Attendance to this meeting is also a game contribution."

Kinaed nods at Casimir.

Kinaed states, "That is true."

A young, stoic Lithmorran woman with sea-blue eyes states to Casimir, "We also get QP for being active RPers or Rping with certain people."

Samantha claims, "Then i am against the apping. I have frankly turned several people away from the knights during seeking because in total they woul be bad for the guild, though each time i give them a way to redeem theirselves and be allowed into the guild. With an app like that there is no gl control"

Casimir says to Samantha, "You can always kick them out."

Azarial wonders, "What about designating some roles as appable, at the lower ecehlons?"

Kinaed claims to Samantha, "I don't see why a GL would or should have that control."

Casimir states to a young, stoic Lithmorran woman with sea-blue eyes, "Recommends is a stronger system for it because it is ONLY a measurement of RP value, whereas QP is largely affected by writing IC books, making bug reports, typos, etc - OOC things."

Vanessa claims, "I like the idea of both a staff member and a GL approving the application. So there's no favoritism, but there's a player voice."

Temi states, "If we did want to allow GL approval on apps, apps would have to be different."

Temi says, "We're not telling GLs whose mages, etc."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi declaims, "Maybe an additional section: Please tell your future GL about your character concept!"

Kinaed states, "Staff look at the character's motivations, check contentious backgrounds, etc."

Kinaed states, "We do tell them to contact their GL immediately and introduce themselves, and if they're a nard, the GL can just fire them."

Casimir states to Temi, "Like I said, could put a blurb of their background out to the GL. Have them write a publicly known background (help player info!) so the GL knows about the person suddenly in their guild."

Kinaed claims, "We have 3 minutes until the end of OOC chat :)"

A sturdy-seeming woman with frizzy yellow hair has left the game.

Samantha says, "That would look bad, for frankly if i kick someone out that staff approve it would ultimaly lead to conflict. and temi that is just when you can give gls the neccessary parts, not the whole thing. I'm just saying if you are going to allow apping in from chargen with more roles, then gls should have a say, since ultimately it is not the 'staff' running the guilds but the gls"

Casimir says, "My opinion about recommends being a good way to give people positions of power out of char gen is in the forums, if anyone wants to comment on it and talk about it further."

A tanned, dark-haired man with pale blue eyes has returned from AFK.

Samantha states, "We gls are the ones who have to deal with those that staff app in"

Casimir claims to Samantha, "If the staff put somebody in your guild that you don't like, and you tell the staff why, I'm not sure how there could be 'conflict' if it's a good reason."

Kinaed says to Samantha, "No, it won't. I support a GL's right to decide if a person stays in their guild. The staff give someone a chance, but you're not going to get into shit with me for kicking someone out, just so long as it's IC and based off an IC reason, not just 'the staff put you in, and I don't like that OOC, so you're fired'."

Kinaed nods at Casimir.

Temi claims, "We don't app in people who are bad to the game, though, yes, we may app in people who cause conflict. We consider that to be generally good."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Casimir states, "Note that when I say proactive RPers, I don't necessarily mean people who cause RP. Just people who do something. Anything."

Casimir says, "Or, conflict."

Casimir says, "..."

Casimir states, "Conflict**"

A tanned, dark-haired man with pale blue eyes queries, "I suppose you could think of it as, 'Even GLs don't have total control over everything?'"

Casimir claims, "I'm done talking."

Tomas claims, "I think it would be best to keep apping in a characteri nto a guild, if it's done to keep it to the lower ranks. Like no apping in say a full knight sort of thing. "

Kinaed nods at a tanned, dark-haired man with pale blue eyes.

Samantha claims, "I like tomas's way of thinking"

Kinaed states to Tomas, "The roles people are interested in are generally fully fledged. That said, we don't just app people in - a GL has to open apps, or it has to be a GL app/noble app for staff to open it."

Tomas says, "In other games I've seen a lot of conflicts arise where people come in and are immediately bumped up to a high rank but then just you look at them and go 'how did you get this role, you don't even understand the basics of this guild'"

Kinaed states, "So despite the way this may sound, GLs aren't constantly getting people shoved into their guilds without their permission willy-nilly."

Casimir states, "See, and I would say that if they have enough recommends, no history of policy abuse, they should be able to transfer in as a Knight. I really don't forsee there being much conflict about it."

Kinaed nods at Casimir.

Kinaed says, "Staff evaluate that sort of thing also."

Samantha nods in agreeance with Tomas "That is where my concern is."

Casimir states, "I don't understand ANY of the guilds."

Casimir wonders, "You know why?"

Casimir trails off, "No lore books, hardly any helpfile documentation..."

Kinaed states, "There is a help file for each of the guilds, most do have books - I have scores of them in the archives, lore is a bit weak though, I'll admit."

A tanned, dark-haired man with pale blue eyes says, "I don't think recommends are the be-all end-all, but the game is a social one - if people don't like someone for some reason ICly, they find ways to address it, and -usually- that conflict ends up being fun for multiple people."

Kinaed nods at a tanned, dark-haired man with pale blue eyes.

Tomas trails off, "To be honest, this meeting is the first I had ever heard about recommends... but I am new"

Samantha trails off, "If you want lore books, write them. No one is stopping you. Writing books that will hopefully become ic stuff is time consuming. Like when i wrote my book on the heirchy of demons... it was time consuming"

Kinaed states, "I see what Tomas is saying, but I think a lot of other games get it because the application process and high member promotions appear to be about cronism (sp). "

Kinaed states, "I'm fairly certain people don't see or view our applications as staff promoting favorites."

Black asks, "Speaking of lore... The city lore skill. Are there practical applications to it, or is it just to be able to RP a know-it-all?"

Nedyra muses, "Is now a bad time to point out your Grand Inquisitor was a fairly new player?"

Nedyra grins.

Casimir exclaims to Black, "There are quite a few practical applications to it!"

Kinaed claims, "You can use lore to view city leaders and the like, and you get more information the higher it is, though I'm thinking of removing the IP cost to use it."

Vanessa claims, "Books take a lot of work. And I do also agree with Tomas. I've seen it before, people that are apped in who know nothing about what's happening. It's not the staff's fault, but it is occasionally a problem. There are plenty of great players apped in too! Like Deimetes, as Ned mentioned. But I've seen bad ones before."

Kinaed states, "If you type lore leader, for example, you'll see who in game has the most influence, for example."

Temi claims, "The application does sort of explain where you're coming from and getting to that role."

Kinaed says, "You'll see who has recently spent the most influence."

Samantha rolls eyes at Nedyra

A tanned, dark-haired man with pale blue eyes claims, "Well, influence works differently now, so not sure how useful that is anymore."

Samantha wonders, "Also kinaed, after this chat can i send you a tell about something i wish to talk about?"

Kinaed claims, "I think it'd actually be more useful than it used to be, especially with a Regency Quest on - want to know who you need on your side? Look at Lore Leaders, and you'll know who the most powerful allies are."

Kinaed states, "Stuff like that."

Kinaed claims to Samantha, "Sure can, yep."

A tanned, dark-haired man with pale blue eyes claims, "We're out of time, but I will say that since IP no longer accumulates, I'm not as motivated to respond to rumors - since I don't want to use up my IP potential before I have something to spend it on. (Or if I just don't have anything to spend it on, not as much motivation to participate.)"

Kinaed says, "The chat time is actually over - sorry for keeping everyone late."

Kinaed asks of a tanned, dark-haired man with pale blue eyes, "It shouldn't cost IP to respond to rumors?"

A tanned, dark-haired man with pale blue eyes muses, "No, but we still -receive- IP from rumors, don't we?"

Nedyra states to Kinaed, "Rumor influence does."

Kinaed states to a tanned, dark-haired man with pale blue eyes, "That was only for GL approvals and disapprovals, which have been moved."

Kinaed nods at a tanned, dark-haired man with pale blue eyes.

Kinaed says, "You do receive IP for spreading or responding to rumors, yes."

Azarial claims, "All Ibased rumor costs have been moved to suport."

Azarial says, "You can also buy IP at better rates than the qp option"

Kinaed says, "That said, I'm not sure what benefit you get from not responding to rumors to get an IP in a week that might be there to pool with someone, etc, on the off chance that you might get it next week when something better is going on."

Azarial says, "The rumor IP should pool saturday night, wiht the ip reset tuesday night"

Kinaed states, "And, of course, the rumor might be gone."

A tanned, dark-haired man with pale blue eyes claims, "We can chat about it next week maybe - I'm still interested to see how this house bids stuff works out now that IP doesn't accumulate."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Kinaed nods at a tanned, dark-haired man with pale blue eyes.

A tanned, dark-haired man with pale blue eyes says, "I just don't have much stake in anything at the moment, but I haven't been as active lately due to work, too."

Kinaed says, "Me too. I suppose that could take a whole topic in and of itself."

A tanned, dark-haired man with pale blue eyes pontificates, "Thanks for the meeting!"

Kinaed declaims, "Thanks for coming, everyone - and a great, insightful meeting!"

Casimir asks, "Trans, pleeeeaaase?"

Kinaed claims, "We're going to start putting people back now."
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