Log of OOC Meeting 10/12/13

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Location: Delta Junction, Alaska
Discord Handle: Voxumo#7925

Sun Oct 13, 2013 2:03 am

Kinaed states, "Okay, folks. Let's get this party started."

Seymor muses, "Can takta play a guitar riff to signal it is starting?"

Kinaed says, "Today's agenda:

- Staff Updates
- Staff Topics
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics"

Kinaed muses, "Before we get started, does anyone want to add something to the agenda to ensure that it is discussed?"

Seymor states, "I got nothing.. as of right now"

Takta stops using a mighty axe with eighteen strings of pure awesome.

Takta wields a mighty axe with eighteen strings of pure awesome.

Kinaed states, "I'll take a couple seconds of silence as a no. Let me know if that changes. Okay, staff updates."

Kinaed smiles at Seymor.

Takta stops using a mighty axe with eighteen strings of pure awesome.

Takta stops using a squishy doll of the Grand Magnate, Tristana Smithe, in full kilt.

Takta wields a mighty axe with eighteen strings of pure awesome.

Seymor fauns over Takta and her amazing guitar

Casimir claims to Takta, "Just so you know, eighteenstrings is unrealistic."

Takta states to Casimir, "Just so you know YOU'RE unrealistic"

Kinaed claims, "Last week, I approved a lot of requests, but not specifically which ones. I've gone down Az's bug board and gotten rid of requests that were either in duplicate, resolved and never removed, etc. We also changed how the staff manage the completion process."

Casimir sobs.

Seymor glares at Casimir "You dare question the mighty takta!"

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair declaims, "She's a Rock Goddess! She can have 18 strings!"

Safir states, "He questions everyone."

Safir highfives Casimir.

Kinaed says, "Next week, I intend to finish up the places spec. Has everyone who wants to see it thus far seen it? It's waiting for an addition for eavesdropping."

Seymor turns back to Kinaed "Yeah i received qp for a bug note i forgot existed."

Beronica rolls her eyes.

Kinaed nods at Seymor.

Casimir says to Kinaed, "I'll take a gander. Been hearing a lot about it."

A tiny, flimsy woman states, "I've not seen the places spec."

Kinaed has created the Places Spec[10].

Seymor states, "And the places spec.. that is interesting. you will like it casimir"

Kinaed drops the following:
( 10)the Places Spec

Casimir gets the Places Spec.

A tiny, flimsy woman gets the Places Spec.

Casimir looks at a book in his hands.

Kinaed claims, "Anyone who wants a gander, there it is."

Beronica nods in agreement.

A tiny, flimsy woman studies the Places Spec.

Casimir looks at a book in his hands.

Kinaed claims, "Please destroy it when you're done reading."

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair gets the Places Spec.

Beth wonders, "Has it changed since the last time you showed it to us?"

A tiny, flimsy woman studies the Places Spec.

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair studies the Places Spec.

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair looks at a book in his hands.

Kinaed says to Beth, "Nope."

Beth nods.

Casimir looks at a book in his hands.

Kinaed states, "Okay, I think that's it for me. Temi, you're up."

Gavin has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Temi declaims, "Okay!"

Kinaed gives a squishy doll of the Grand Magnate, Tristana Smithe, in full kilt to Gavin.

Seymor says, "Also glad to see you here this meeting kinaed"

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair claims, "I've been waiting for this forever... It will make rping in big groups much easier."

Kinaed smiles at Seymor.

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair disposes of the Places Spec.

Kinaed nods at a fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair.

Temi claims, "I'll apparently be moving cross country in mid November... so I'm not entirely sure if I can make the quest happen like I had planned."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi says, "But I'll get it in at some point.. might plan for earlier November just to make sure."

Seymor wonders, "You had a quest planned?"

Safir states, "Clearly, you need to put off the move. "

Kinaed nods at Seymor.

Casimir queries to Kinaed, "Have you considered having all this be handled in code, behind the scenes?"

Temi nods.

Casimir queries to Kinaed, "I.E. you sit in a chair, and are automatically put in a group with other people sitting at that table?"

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes states, "From what I gather, yes"

Temi states, "We each took assignments on months to do quests, and I took November."

Takta states, "Sometimes you might not want to be in places mode."

Kinaed says to Casimir, "That's a good suggestion, I'll think about it."

Temi says, "The plan is to further the Daravi plot."

Seymor nods "Ah yes.. i forgot that."

Temi claims, "Get some new developments in there."

Casimir asks of Kinaed, "*shrug* I don't know which would be better - but I know a few others MUDs that have versions of this. Work with what you know, y'know?"

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes muses, "Daravi plot???"

Kinaed nods at Casimir.

Temi nods at a lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes.

Temi says, "Meaning the whole storyline."

Temi claims, "Daravi and Lithmore haven't really changed since Charmaine's war against them years ago"

Temi claims, "And I want to move it to a different dynamic."

Casimir looks at a book in his hands.

Seymor nods

A tiny, flimsy woman studies the Places Spec.

Beronica says, "Sounds interesting, and good recruiting for the Physicians."

Seymor muses, "How will it be good recruiting for the physicians?"

Kinaed claims, "They're at war, people will be bloody and need doctors."

Seymor says, "Ah yes.. that"

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair says, "War is great for doctors and bankers. lol"

Casimir queries, "Why was the Places code put in... place?"

Takta grins at a fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair.

Casimir states, "Sorry, these are all questions that have probably been asked."

Seymor claims, "And can not forget the graveyards.. they get a boon of occupants"

Temi claims, "I'm not planning on being a heavy combat quest, but more a political and espionage thing in Lithmore, topping off with an NPC Daravi battle like the way we've had before for some more combat fun."

Kinaed says, "To cut down on room spam and make large events more tolerable for play."

Temi claims, "Anyways, this last week, a bit more progress on herbalism. Hoping to get back to that with some more focused time. I've got names for all the affects and working on tagging those onto my concoctions."

Kinaed wonders to Temi, "I take it you're still planning on running it, but we might move it to December instead of Nov?"

Casimir looks at a book in his hands.

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes wants a war to start, war is fun.

Temi states, "Possibly. We'll see how crazy things get coming up closer to the move."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Beronica bounces in her seat a bit in anticipation of herbalism.

Temi claims, "If I can get it in at the beginning of November without getting in the way of moving preparations, that will be better."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi claims, "Since I don't know how busy the new job will be."

Kinaed wonders, "Want to do it late Oct instead? Or would tht be too early?"

Beronica states to Temi, "Congrats on the new job."

Temi says, "I might. We'll see how it pans out."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi says, "But yeah, back to you, Kin."

Temi claims, "Thanks."

Temi grins at Beronica.

Kinaed states, "Well, for the record, please feel free to run it whenever you like, just give the pbae a bit of warning so they can make time to attend if they want."

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes bounces with excitement.

Kinaed states, "Okay, Takta, you're next."

Takta states, "Okay! I've actually, for once, been BUSY."

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Casimir gasps, in horror!

Kinaed blinks, "You're always busy...?"

Takta states, "I mean I got a -lot- of stuff done."

Kinaed claims, "Oh, cool."

Takta states, "First and foremost a really big overhaul of leatherworking. "

A tiny, flimsy woman trails off, "Not only busy, but BUSY... :)"

Kinaed claims, "... you usually do get a lot of stuff done. :P"

Kinaed nods at a tiny, flimsy woman.

Takta says, "A smaller overhaul of brewing also got done, mostly making sure all items/components are to/from inventory slot."

Takta says, "Created the new recipes for woodworking, just as very bare skeletons to see what I was working with. We're looking at about 100 recipes, with most items existing in both hardwood/softwood forms, some existing as 'either but same end item', and some requiring both types of wood (instruments)."

Takta claims, "Did some stuff in the storyteller zone as future groundwork for STs being able to load objs/mobs, including the creation of two new templates courtesy of all the playtesting plots has given us lately... genuine boss mobs. >:D"

Takta declaims, "Miscellaneous clean-up work that'd been sitting on my board for ages and one small project that'll be unveiled tomorrow at the Queen's Inn event (go to that!)"

Casimir needs a change of pants.

A tiny, flimsy woman declaims, "Awesome!"

Gaberiel has left the game.

Katarina is idle.

Madyriel drinks champagne from a bottle of aged white champagne.

Takta claims, "That's it! Upcoming work will mostly focus on woodworking."

Beronica picks up her rocking chair and edges away from Casimir.

Kinaed asks, "Did you get the sacrifice recipe done?"

Takta states, "Oh! Yes. That too."

Temi says, "Hardly anything at all."

Temi grins.

Casimir says, "Really excited to hear the new ST stuff."

Takta says, "There is a cedit recipe for the sacrifice command now. Still requires some code that isn't in yet."

Kinaed claims, "We're one step closer to non-mages being able to perform a ritual to become mages."

Katarina is no longer idle.
Katarina has returned from AFK.

Casimir says, "Whoa. Didn't even know that was in the works."

Casimir queries, "Like... huh?"

Kinaed states, "Has been for a long time."

Kinaed states, "Blame Gavin, I think it was his suggestion."

Kinaed questions, "Anything else to add, Takta?"

Takta says, "It isn't exactly an... easy ritual."

Takta declares, "That's all, I think!"

Takta grins.

Kinaed smiles.

Gavin states, "Yeah, good luck finding either a virgin or a unicorn in Lithmore."

Kinaed claims, "Delilah, you're up."

Kinaed huffs and points her horn at Gavin.

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes has lost link.
A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes has reconnected.

Madyriel gives Delilah a smooch!

Delilah claims, "Well, I don't have a lot of things to report. I've been busy with my visiting family most of the week and my daughter is on fall break currently, too. My quest is on hold due to low turnout night specified. And on most of the following nights when I was available before my grandmother flew in from Florida. I realise this has ticked people off, myself included. You have my deepest apologies.. OTHERWISE I have handled a few things on the req board."

Olett has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed gives a squishy doll of the Grand Magnate, Tristana Smithe, in full kilt to Olett.

Kinaed comforts Delilah.

Kinaed says, "Okay, Mady, you're lucky last :)"

Madyriel claims, "The lucky last was sick for half of the week and spent those days complaining to Temi."

Kinaed comforts Madyriel.

Kinaed asks, "Any plans for this coming week? *chuckle*"

Madyriel claims, "Most of my work has been on the website and getting it updated. There's a TON of outdated content, so seriously - if anything needs something to do."

Madyriel claims, "There's QP in helping to rewrite guides, etc."

Thierry has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed gives a squishy doll of the Grand Magnate, Tristana Smithe, in full kilt to Thierry.

Casimir has his guide on how to be a moody noble half finished.

Takta asks, "I might shotgun the combat guide? "

Madyriel claims, "Plans are to finish up the website before I take on any more big projects."

Casimir claims, "Ha. Shotgun."

Thierry states, "Ended up putting some coffee and cocoa in my dough."

Takta grins.

Takta states, "Shotgun would definitely win most TI combats."

Gavin claims, "Mady made me agree to help with some of the stuff on the website. LIke, a "how to be a good Davite" guide, and also a step-by-step, with commands included, on how to make a new character and enter the game."

Kinaed states, "Nice."

Madyriel claims, "I didn't, he offered, and thank you, Gav."

Madyriel chuckles.

Casimir claims, "Bound in chains. =P"

Beronica says, "That would really help with new players."

Kinaed nods at Beronica.

Madyriel says to Kinaed, "Anyway, that's it for me. I have been useless this week."

Casimir pats Madyriel. "You're still a pretty face."

Takta exclaims, "You were sick!"

Kinaed says, "Okay, next - staff topics."

Olett asks, "All the new players we're gonna get from everybody voting? :D"

Takta states to Casimir, "Isn't she ever."

Delilah hugs Madyriel.

Takta says to Olett, "Thanks to your dedicated work. :D"

Kinaed claims, "Number one, thank you for the reminder Olett- Please vote for us to help us move up the ranks to prominence on our local mud listings, which in turn helps us secure players. The links are in either help vote or on the upper lefthand corner of the website."

Takta states, "We've gone from around 100 on TMC to in the 50s thanks to recent voting. "
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Sun Oct 13, 2013 2:04 am

Beronica states, "We are 55 currently on TMC"

Safir claims, "Lei should get a QP for always reminding people."

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Casimir claims, "If you have a local DnD club, tell them, too."

Riley has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed gives a squishy doll of the Grand Magnate, Tristana Smithe, in full kilt to Riley.

Olett says, "You guys rock."

Kinaed states, "Okay, the next staff topic - Guild Rank Reviews - the once a month occurance."

Madyriel just voted, whoo!

Casimir rubs his hands together in prep for something scruptious.

Kinaed says, "The staff have decided that this policy has done more harm than good, so are removing the requirement that GLs review all guild member ranks once per month."

A tiny, flimsy woman just voted too!

Temi nods.

Kinaed states, "So, if you want a promotion from your GL, please do something to come to their attention to deserve it."

Temi claims, "Just handle them as it makes sense ICly and don't neglect folks."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Olett says, "Fabulous. I love this update."
Noah has returned from AFK.

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair exclaims, "Yay! More brown-nosing!"

Kinaed claims, "If people complain to staff that they are being neglected, we'll ask the GL about it and see what they say."

Takta grins at a fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair.

A tiny, flimsy woman states, "Sounds good."

Olett claims, "Love, love love."

Casimir trails off, "If people would install a hard list of things that they need to accomplish for each rank, in every guild, before asking for a promotion..."

Beronica claims, "It opens up more RP within the guilds."

Temi claims, "The month limit on different promotions still applies in normal situations though."

Kinaed nods at Casimir.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed states, "Okay, so that's one staff update."

Takta claims, "Guilds are slowly inching towards lists of accomplishments, but it's definitely not universally achieved yet."

Kinaed claims, "The next."

Kinaed claims, "I am thinking about a 'coup' command and wondering what players would think of this? Basically, I'm thinking if a GL gets their approval rating less than 50 or so (basically, they're not well liked), then other players in the guild can literally type 'coup' and attempt to initiate a coup."

A tiny, flimsy woman asks, "What would a coup mean in practice?"

Casimir claims, "From the get-go, I think that this can be handled with awesome affect outside of code and simply through RP."

Kinaed says, "If they do, we could have a number of automatic rules to determine if it succeeds, but I was thinking along the lines of a week long countdown happens and then compare the GL's support with the couping person's support to determine success."

With coup, a tiny, flimsy woman gets a picture of the Junta board game. smokes a big cigar* [a tiny, flimsy woman]

Beronica claims to Casimir, "I believe it is meant to be a coded thing that should be supported by RP."

Kinaed states, "Without automatic code backing, staff would probably be involved. I'd prefer it be something players can choose to do and the just be, as Beronica said... RPed, and the RP affect its results."

Takta claims, "Yeah, having staff say who 'wins' could be unfortunate."

Kinaed states, "How it might look as code arbitration, I think should be determined by the players."

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes is having electric breaker issues... so he might DC a bit until I lighten the load on the circuits.

A tiny, flimsy woman wonders, "How would RP codedly affect the outcome?"

Kinaed says, "Like I was saying, I think the whole guild being alerted that a coup is happening and give a week of RP to sort it out might be one way to do it."

Casimir states, "What if the Queen steps in? Her word, in essence, is law. Assuming that this a non-violent way to initiate a coup, that is."

Kinaed says, "Well, to get support ICly, you'd have to approach people. Alternatively, it could poll for a vote from members at the end of the week."

Casimir states, "This is**"

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes asks, "Wait.. coup, who what where when?"

Kinaed claims to Casimir, "I don't think the Queen should get involved in that area, but we can probably handle it with RPA if she chooses to."

A tiny, flimsy woman likes the idea of a vote happening at the end.

Casimir claims, "I assume the Queen would have a very large say in who exactly is appointed to be Justiciar."

Takta states, "I know I personally like a vote system the most."

Beronica claims, "Either a vote or the use of support."

Katarina has left the game.

A tiny, flimsy woman wonders, "A vote weighted by support/influence maybe?"

Casimir exclaims, "I'd personally like the use of support, to give the nobility more weight to throw around (looking out for number 1!)"

Kinaed says to Casimir, "That would depend on the leader. A king or queen may or may not be able to directly affect politics to that large of a degree. For the purposes of the game, though, I think the most I'd be willing to go is giving her a vote in any given situation if she chooses to exercise it."

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair nods at Casimir.

Kinaed nods at a tiny, flimsy woman.

Delilah smooches Madyriel in farewell and waves bye-bye to everyone!

Delilah has left the game.

Gavin says, "I don't like the idea at all. It would be great if each guild had a ton of players - but right now, as always, they're struggling. Many of the guilds' problems are defined by the fact that they lack corporate knowledge, wrought by constant turnover. I disagree that now is the appropriate time to add any additional frameworks or systems that increase guild turnover. If you want to stage a coup, RP it out."

Kinaed says, "That's why I was thinking to just examine support at the end of a given week. I like it because it can be a bloodless way to remove a leader, and if you fail, the consequences are pretty obvious as well."

Takta states, "Typically if a GL has dropped below 50 they're inactive or really disliked and are gonna drop out."

Takta states, "This just speeds up that process."

Kinaed claims, "I think right now, staging a coup is really improbable and not likely, so people don't do it RPwise - and that's mostly because of how guilds are codewise structured."

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Casimir raises his hand meekly. "I had a coup..."

Beronica states, "A way for inactive/bad GL's be taken out quickly if needed, without having to wait weeks for them to just drop out."

Takta states, "I think having that threshold on the activity level means you aren't gonna get an increase in turnover... except when you NEED to get folks out sooner because they're killing activity."

Kinaed says to Casimir, "Didn't you find the code difficult to work with? The person is the GL, and short of murder, they're going to codewise stay the GL."

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair exclaims, "I had a Coo-coo cachoo!"

Takta nods at Beronica.

Kinaed nods at Beronica.

Casimir states, "Well, it's simple when you just murder them."

Kinaed questions, "Can I get a sense for how many people are 'cool, I like' and how many are 'no, I odn't like' and how many are 'not reslly in their bodies'?"

Safir claims, "Don't really care."
Kinaed states, "Or I can put it up on the forums for a vote, actually."

Mekialoc has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

A tiny, flimsy woman claims, "Me likes."

Kinaed gives a squishy doll of the Grand Magnate, Tristana Smithe, in full kilt to Mekialoc.

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes states, "Someone send me a tell with what is being talked about, my narocticed mind is kind of slow at the moment"

Olett states, "I see potential that I like."

Beth says, "I don't think it's an urgent need, but it wouldn't be bad eventually necessarily."

Takta claims, "Ditto to Beth. Like it, not high priority."

Kinaed claims to a lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes, "Setting up a command for guild members to stage a coup on their GL."

Beronica claims, "Kind of like the way Gnotes were."

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes nods at Kinaed.

Casimir claims, "Anyways, up front I'm with Gavin. It seems like a way to OOCly level an IC playing field. In a different system, in a different form, maybe with a few changes I think I'd like it more - with more account given to IC characters that have weight to throw around - the nobility, the Queen, bards, and so forth. I like the sound of a blood-less coup, but I want it to be as IC as possible and right now it seems to be for OOC appeasement - in which case we should have a strictly OOC process."

A wide, tall tallow candle, dyed a creamy pure white flares momentarily blue in Beronica's hands.

Kinaed claims, "The coup command as we were considering it would only be able to be invoked if a GL were sufficintly disliked."

Beronica snuffs a wide, tall tallow candle, dyed a creamy pure white.

Kinaed states to Casimir, "I htink I'll put this up on the forums so you can expound on the circumstances that you think it'd be appropriate or not for."

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes questions, "So it would be tied to the approval rating?"

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair agrees with Casimir

Kinaed claims, "In the meantime, we're about 45 minutes into the meeting, and the idea is very vague at this stage, so I'll probably move on."

Casimir states to Kinaed, "Sorry Kin, don't mean to make more work or anything. There really is a space for a system like it, though - and I'd love to see bloodless coups."

Kinaed says to a lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes, "Not tied to it, but a low enough threshold required before it culd be enacted."

Kinaed says to Casimir, "It's fine :) I asked for opinions, I just think it's probably a bigger topic than I thought and might have more intricacies than we can get through today."

Casimir nods.

Kinaed questions, "Okay, next Agenda Topic - Player Heartbeat. How's the RP been this week, folks?"

Casimir claims, "None, for me, until recently."

Beronica states, "Awesome. I am now calling Safir Grammy."

Noah states, "I've been RPing a little less, working more, but still having fun - getting my alt a little less dusty."

Kinaed smiles.

Safir says, "But we're so glad you're back, Zasi."

Safir says OOCly, "Casi."

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes trails off, "I haven't been around much on this or my alt, so... can't really expound on RP"

Kinaed smiles.

Safir claims, "Should just call you Sassy."

Kinaed nods at Safir.

Casimir claims, "Sassy Casi. I like it."

Beronica trails off, "My dog's name is Sassy..."

Beronica smiles at Casimir.

Kinaed says, "I had a report from a player that couldn't attend that they've been enjoying their RP lately also."

Kinaed asks, "So I'm glad to hear that. Anyone need any staff support or anything?"

Beth states, "Pretty good for me. Have high hopes for all this golden week stuff"

Kinaed nods at Beth.

A chocolate brown skinned tone male says, "Hopefully looking towards some controvorsial rp. :)"

Casimir states, "I -always- need staff support >.>"

Takta gives Casimir a staff bra.

Casimir states, "But it's all in those STPs."

Kinaed states, "Me too. It's awesome to see players self-running such a great event for everyone."

Safir states, "Golden week! Event! Tomorrow! Be there or be square."

Safir declares, "Arm wrestling contest! Against Yay!"

Takta exclaims, "Yes! Queen's Inn Noon system time tomorrow!"

A tiny, flimsy woman claims, "Is to take part in a lot of golden week stuff, I've forgotten all. :) "

Thierry states, "I will probably be cooking again all tomorrow. Too bad I am terrible at cooking IC.."

Safir states, "If you want to submit salacious limericks from NPCs, feel free to pboard me."

Safir says, "ESPECIALLY if it's about Sassy Casi"

A tiny, flimsy woman declares, "But yes - arm wrestling, the winner gets to fight me!"

Kinaed chuckles.
Takta claims to Safir, "Challenge accepted."

Casimir claims, "I want to make a limerick about Lei."

Safir claims, "She pronounces the name 'Lay', so have at it."

Casimir wonders, "I thought everybody did?"

Takta trails off, "Also, Safir is pronounced like 'Sapphire'..."

Takta grins.

Safir says, "I had no idea."

Beth says, "If more people could put their events on the general board note, that would be helpful."

Casimir says, "I always thought Safir was more Saf-ear."

Kinaed claims, "Yeah, I thought it was 'saf fear'"

Takta claims to Casimir, "So did I, til I asked."

A tiny, flimsy woman claims, "I pronounce Safir as Swedish, since it's exactly the Swedish name for "Saphire"."

Gavin says, "Saf-fur, for me."

Gavin says, "Charali. Fur. Whatevs."

Safir states, "Say feel free to do it however you like."

Casimir says to Gavin, "Furry fantasies."

Thierry claims, "Saffron."

Takta asks of Casimir, "CAS-ih-meer?"

Kinaed just mispronounces it to see if Safir will brain her ICly.

Casimir claims to Takta, "Don't even. I picked the easiest name ever."

A tiny, flimsy woman questions, "Please also update the golden week schedule on the web forum here: /viewtopic.php?f=8&t=679&p=4296#p4296"

Takta grins at Casimir.

Kinaed states, "Okay, well. That's all the way to Player Heartbeat. We have 10 more minutes... Player Topics."

Kinaed queries, "Anything anyone wants to discuss?"

Casimir says to Takta, "We need more Bills, and Ricks, and Johns."

A tiny, flimsy woman has the easist name(s) ever

Safir queries to Takta, "Should I mention the tavern unveiling?"

Takta claims to Safir, "I don't really care if it's secret or not, your call."

Casimir claims, "After Golden Week I'm going to, hopefully, get my events rolling around in time for the Halloween spirit. Blood, gore, and all that fun stuff."

Safir states to Takta, "Well, talking about it isn't the same as seeing it. So sure."

Takta grins.

Takta cheers for events!

Casimir claims, "So, suggestions and what people will like is really appreciated. I'm really keen to hear what people think of plots, and STPs, so far - and what has worked."

Beronica trails off, "Zombies..."

Casimir says to Beronica, "N."

Casimir says, "O."

Takta says, "So far, to be honest, I think most STs have been quite enjoyable for everybody involved. We haven't had one just thud."

A tiny, flimsy woman claims, "Non-combat oriented quests."

Takta nods at a tiny, flimsy woman.

Safir states, "For the love of Pete, something that doesn't kill me."

Casimir asks of a tiny, flimsy woman, "What kinds?"

Casimir questions to a tiny, flimsy woman, "What can a ST do in a non-combat capacity to entertain you?"

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes has to go, niece's bday party is fixing to start.

Takta says, "Combat's not bad, but non-combat elements, at least."

A lithe fellow with copper hair and sea-blue eyes has been transferred out by Takta. [OOC]

A tiny, flimsy woman trails off, "Hm. Murder-mysteries, exploration, deduction. Social questing..."

Casimir states, "I'm all for non-combat stuff. It's just really difficult to think up something ground-breaking."

Takta says, "I always like problem-solving. The Flood quest involved a tremendous amount of that: here are these environmental problems."

A tiny, flimsy woman has long thought to arrange a life-action roleplaying performance. Characters RP:ing in-game. Very meta.

Takta says, "How do you get around them."

Beronica claims, "Well something similar to the Brain line of Takta's quest. A series of puzzles.."

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair claims, "I wish I still had a Reeve... We could do another trial."

A chocolate brown skinned tone male wonders, "The last one wasnt Yves was it?"

Thierry states, "I think using puppets inside of a MUD is already pretty meta."

A tiny, flimsy woman grins

Thierry states, "Don't go Malcovich and have puppets the size of people using puppets."

Takta states, "Mysteries are a LOT of fun but very hard to sort out."

A fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair says to a chocolate brown skinned tone male, "I think it was."

Casimir claims, "Alright, thanks for the suggestions guys. I'll take them to heart. Anyways, the bitchy roommates just walked in, so I'm off to get my long craved for lemon pepper chicken wings."

Beronica trails off, "Murder-mystery dinner party..."

Takta lols.

A chocolate brown skinned tone male states to a fresh-faced man with long sandy blond hair, "Was an interesting Quartering. >.>"

Beronica waves sadly to Casimir. "Return soon?"

Takta asks, "Thanks for coming, Cas! Ready for a trans?"

Madyriel gives Casimir a smooch!

Madyriel waves.

A tiny, flimsy woman states, "We did hold a murder mystery party at one point. I remember since I died. "

Casimir nods at takta.

Casimir has been transferred out by Takta. [OOC]

Takta grins at a tiny, flimsy woman.

Takta exclaims, "And it was very fun!"

Temi claims, "I've done mystery plots with talking to different people to solve the mystery too."

Kinaed says, "That was at my alt's house back in the day. *sighs nostalgically*"

Takta trails off, "A party my alt will never, ever forget..."

A tiny, flimsy woman states, "There are a host of RL party games that can be converted to MUD use."

Takta claims, "STs that are just parties with some extra juice would be totally fun."

A tiny, flimsy woman giggles.

A tiny, flimsy woman states, "As said, I've pondered wrapping an interactive theatre performance in an ST. Time will tell."

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Kinaed claims, "Okay, it's 11 am, and it seems like our steam is winding down."

Safir asks, "Can I get a trans out?"

Kinaed claims, "Thank you everyone for attending."
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Wed Oct 16, 2013 5:57 pm

For the record: http://www.guitarplayer.com/article/4124
18-string guitar from 1971.

For hilarity:

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Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:29 am

Player of: Alexander ab Courtland

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Thu Oct 17, 2013 4:23 am

You would play it like a rock god or godess
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