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Prompt language colors

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 7:18 am
by Taunya
Just a suggestion for something I've found helpful after setting it up in my client:

Having the language on the prompt (%l) take the color of the language makes it easier spot that you're not using Lithmorran, after you're done using a different language.

[RPxp: Fair] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (Lithmorran)(action)(bathed)

[RPxp: Fair] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (Farin)(action)(bathed)

[RPxp: Fair] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (Vandagan)(action)(bathed)

[RPxp: Fair] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (Tubori)(action)(bathed)


Was a bit difficult to set-up in the client, so a server-side tweak to it might be nice for others!