On forgery

Ideas that have been discussed, approved, and are awaiting implementation.

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Sat Mar 02, 2019 6:32 pm

Forgery was brought up at the OOc chat this week, and I wanted to put my opinion in on it.

I loved the idea of using it to create false papers for the verify command, and think it would be useful for personal papers like in ledgers or on boards as well.

But the one thing I REALLY want from it is to create forged mail without sending it. Currently, you can only forge the sender of a letter and send it to someone, who will receive it and be listed as the recipient on the letter. If you want a copy you can forge a letter and send it to yourself, but it would only be addressed to you. You can't make fake correspondence between two people this way.

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Tue Mar 05, 2019 6:56 pm

Agreed. A system to balance this against abuse or infallibility would be necessary, else people will just stop using mail. But yeah, sounds good, same as forging papers. Probably attach a high material cost?

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Wed Jul 03, 2019 10:02 am

Added to discussion list.

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