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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:11 am

In subject of: A Warrant is Placed on Volpe Varroe
Date : Sat Mar 25 03:28:09 2017
Expires : Thu Dec 19 02:28:20 2019
To : all
It was announced by the Reeves on the early morning of Aprilis 3 that a
warrant had been placed on a citizen known as Volpe Varroe (also known as
'Julius Drandy' and 'the Fox') for the crimes of trespassing, robbery, and
murder. Mister Varroe is tubori, barely out of his teen years, of more than
six foot tall. He has plump lips, olive skin, dark hair, a colorful necklace
and usually wears either a cloak made of seaweed or a bright orange mantle
with a fox-head attached.

Citizens were warned by Honorable Magistrate Jozafat Steenson that getting
involved, granting aid, or even failing to report any sighting of or
information on this criminal will be considered a charge of Criminal
Involvement and handled as such.

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Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:12 am

In subject of: A Merchant's Speech
Date : Sun Mar 26 16:42:47 2017
Expires : Fri Dec 20 15:42:58 2019
To : all
Chattering and speculation rose to a near unbearable din around the
Merchant's Guildhall and the Golden Coin. Yes, the former Grand Magnate
Aldin ab Turess was removed from office, but who could adequately replace
him? With the help of an actual soapbox, the slight-statured Luella Sorenson
stood at the public Elegant Courtyard of the Merchant's Guild and gave the
following speech:

"My fellow merchants, honored nobles, citizens of Lithmore... I have
received the support of many of you to take the position of Grand Magnate,
and I humbly and graciously accept. I have heard that some of you might be
apprehensive about a freeman-born Grand Magnate - I will not deny that it is
more typical for this position to be granted to someone of refined lineage.

However, skill, tenacity, and passion do not necessary follow respected
bloodlines and I do not lack for these three. My works are on display in
noble and gentry homes, in Reeve and Order high offices, and other pieces
worthy of the Royal Line itself. You have welcomed me into your parlors to
discuss riding sets, lion skin rugs, and taxidermied bears. I ask you now to
welcome me into your parlors to discuss charitable projects, export and
import balances, and trade regulation.

With the assistance of the City Council, I vow to do what the previous two
Grand Magnates couldn't - to finish the Southside charity project and seal up
the city's southern wall. I will also personally encourage acts of public
works. If any reliable citizen has a public works project in mind, they
should send me a letter or visit my office to petition a partial monetary
grant to be used for that public works project.

My fellow merchants, do not think that these promises indicate I will abandon
you. I will work tireless to ensure our economy promotes your trade.
Forgers, bandits, and those who violate our trade monopolies will no longer
receive an apathetic shrug. We will no longer be a guild of loosely
affiliated independent tradesmen, but instead a unified coalition. Allyn von
Trenkin has expressed an interest in initiatives to this effect. For this
reason, he will take the position of Magnate. This leaves only the position
of Chief Secretary open. Any interested merchant should seek me out to
discuss their qualifications and desire for this position. Thank you for
your time, thank you for your support, and thank you for your trust."

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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Sat May 06, 2017 11:18 pm

In subject of: The Death of Lord Ariel le Orban
Date : Sun Apr 2 00:35:49 2017
Expires : Thu Dec 26 23:35:55 2019
To : all
The Houses of Damassande and Orban are much bereaved to announce the passing
of Baron Ariel le Orban dul Damassande in late Aprilis 373. The Barony of
Savir, granted to him by King Tobin ab Samael for service to the crown, will
pass to his thirteen-year old son, Alain Matthieu, though it will remain
under the charge of its current stewards until he comes of age.

In recent times, the Lord Orban has fought ongoing mage troubles in his
barony, believed to be personal retribution for long ago work he did to
infiltrate and bring down a sect of the Manus. His death at their hands
marks a significant loss in this battle, but the knights stationed in Savir
vow that it is not the end of it and assure that great strides have been made
and several mages burned. Further details of the lord's death have not been

In Lithmore, the Baron served most recently as Grand Master of the Knights,
but he had also previously served as Regent to Queen Caitrin ab Samael and
Keeper of the Seal under Queen Cellan ab Samael. He married the Lady Marisa
dul Damassande in 358 and he leaves behind the three children they had

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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:17 am

In subject of: The Order Flogs a Citizen
Date : Tue Apr 11 15:29:13 2017
Expires : Sun Jan 5 14:29:27 2020
To : all
In the early morning of June 10, in the year of our Lord 373, the Cathedral
Bells were rung once again, summoning those in the City of Lithmore to River

Standing before the gathered was High Inquisitor Rothgar Astartes, with a
gang of four knelt before him, sacks hiding their visages from the public.
Painted upon them were golden Chalices, perhaps signifying the message of
today's gathering. With little preamble, the High Inquisitor rose his voice
to speak.

"Brothers and Sisters of Faith. I thank you all for attending with such
swiftness. I understand that many of you no longer have the time or the wont
to listen to the diatribes of the Holy Order, so in good Faith, I will keep
my message brief."

"Long has the Order been subject to scruitiny by it's supposed 'peers.' Long
has the Order been forced, time and again, to bear the weight of hatred from
those they swear to protect. There is no denying it. The rumors about
Lithmore, the casual denial of Orderites for company and business. Those who
look upon me and mine with derision or begrudgement."

"Other Inquisitors are more kind, more understanding. Other Inquisitors have
softer hearts. To their benefit. I am not one of those Inquisitors. Knelt
before me are a gang of those who spoke openly, casually, about their
interpretation of the job that we perform. I shan't insult you gathered with
the specifics."

"I shall say this once. Only once. Questioning the Holy Order - questioning
the work of it's Holy and Blessed Subjects - Is unacceptable. By rights, I
should put these men and women before me to the Pyre. Several of you
gathered should follow, for even allowing them to speak to you as they have.
You know damndably well who you are. But I have mercy. I have hope. That
these subjects can be Saved, in time. And so, in my mercy, I will only see
them whipped until they lie unconcious."

"As you listen to the cries, and as you see their lifeblood weep onto the
street before thee, consider thine own sins. Those you believe kept away
from me and mine. Those you believe you can hide under the guise of
anonymity. Those you believe to be still under lock and key. They are not.
They never will be. You will be found out. You will be made to pay for your
sinfulness. Perhaps, then, you should tell yourself, it would be best to
come forth in humility, to earn the mercy of the Order, rather than it's

With that, the whipping began in earnest, headed by the High Inquisitor
himself, who seemed ill at ease to assign the task to any others from the
Holy Order.

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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:17 am

In subject of: Drunkards and Fountis Desecrators Beware
Date : Wed Apr 12 12:55:02 2017
Expires : Mon Jan 6 11:55:11 2020
To : all
News has begun to spread that a new inquisitor has arrived in the city.
Whitney ab Albion managed to slip into the city rather quietly until shortly
after arriving she quickly showed off her skills and status by assisting the
Earl Marshall in bringing a naughty man to justice. Word is the man was
doing unspeakable things to the fountis and apparently after speaking with
the new inquisitor this heretical man was seen bawling his eyes out. No
telling how she will do in her role but she's off to a good start for sure.

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Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:17 am

In subject of: Jozafat executes Volpe
Date : Fri Apr 14 02:06:10 2017
Expires : Wed Jan 8 01:06:10 2020
To : all
The Reeves Lithmorran brought out the notorious Fox who has been breaking
into homes and was wanted for murder, he was marched to the gallows where the
hangman placed a noose around his neck.

Magistrate Jozafat Steenson spoke to the crowd and said the following, "Volpe
Varroe, also known as 'the Fox', is charged with murder, theft, criminal
involvement an' disturbin' the peace. He has been sentenced to hangin' for
the murders he committed. His crime spree is now over an' hopefully his
victims can how move on with their lives." He then narrowed his eyes and
continued sternly: "Let this be a reminder that -no one- is above the law."

Volpe Varroe was hung until his neck snapped in front of a group of

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Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:17 am

In subject of: Rothgar executes Livia
Date : Fri Apr 14 22:11:07 2017
Expires : Wed Jan 8 21:11:07 2020
To : all
Upon the early morning of June 22, 373, Rothgar Astartes lead a lone Vavardi
out to the Pyre, the Bell ringing behind him, gathering all to River Square
for a public burning.

"Brothers, Sisters of Faith. We gather to send the soul of Livia dul Vasseur
to Paradise. Some of you may recognize the name, as it has been uttered here
and again in rumors. Some of you may harbor resentment. Or anger. In
these, her last moments, I pray only that you look upon her fairly."

"Livia dul Vasseur has been found guilty of spreading heresy through Vavard
and Lithmore. She has been found guilty of harboring love and understanding
for the Tainted and Mages themselves, and for that... There is little
recourse. Know now that Livia dul Vasseur has been naught but respectful and
penitent in my dealing with her, and she now goes willingly to the Pyre,
knowing her fate for speaking in such a manner."

"As you bow your heads in prayer, or simply stand in silence, remember this :
The Mage is insideous. The Mage is intelligent. He is driven, and strives
only for self-preservation. If your comrades speak heresy, suffer them not.
If your comrades speak critically of the Order, suffer them not. If your
comrades begin to act strangely, suddenly, impulsively, suffer them not.
Report them, without preamble, and with alarm, to the Holy Order of Dav.
Submit yourself before the Inquisition, lest the noxious hand of the Taint
reach into your Soul and disturb it to it's very Core."

With that, the burning began in earnest.

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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:17 am

In subject of: The Baron Holds a Humble Court
Date : Wed Apr 19 17:25:38 2017
Expires : Mon Jan 13 16:25:46 2020
To : all
In the early hours of Lunisda, word spread like wildfire of a small, queer
event at the Western Gate. Folk gathered quickly around a man clad in cloths
of Tubori purple, giving out gold coins to children and delicacies from the
Isles. It was afterwards confirmed that the man was the young Lord of
Longcoast, Lance le Layne, who should have arrived at the capital months ago,
but was delayed by severe storms at sea.

The Baron soon disappeared into the city, presumably to get his affairs in

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Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:17 am

In subject of: Keiren's Whipping
Date : Fri Apr 21 02:10:51 2017
Expires : Wed Jan 15 01:10:57 2020
To : all
The Bells rang out once again, summoning people to River Square in order to
see a whipping, as performed by Rothgar Astartes, High Inquisitor of the Holy
Order. As he lead the accused to the Square, the man lifted his voice in a
short speech.

"Before you is Keiren Tynsdale. He was a component of the case against Livia
dul Vasseur - some of you may recall her Cleansing not a week before. This
man was found to be disobeying orders directly from the Grand Inquisitor, and
swearing harm upon any who would get betwixt he and his own judgement of
Citizen dul Vasseur. For this, I have decided to bring the lash to this man,
in order to cleanse him of his sin."

"I am not, however, without my mercies. For what Comrade Citizen Tynsdale
did was for the benefit of his own family, his own House. Mad with anger
against Citizen dul Vasseur, he acted in the only way he knew how - violence.
I, too, know this feeling. And so, I - and the Order at large - have decided
to mitigate his punishment. He will only suffer three lashes at my own hand.
In this, the Order looks towards the Citizenship to nurture the nature of
Comrade Citizen Tynsdale, in order to care for him and his family in his time
of recovery. To bring Faith to he and his, and to ensure that he harbors no
ill will towards the Order itself."

With that, the brief whipping began, and was quickly completed. The man was
then given a restitution fee of twenty silver to pay for the time he must
spend healing, and sent upon his way, back to his home.

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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:18 am

In subject of: The Grand Master Presumed Dead
Date : Fri Apr 21 03:14:57 2017
Expires : Wed Jan 15 02:15:03 2020
To : all
Word is finally circulating on the matter of the missing Grand Master
Rickart ab Norcress and it is not positive. Have gone on personal business
north of the city shortly after the New Year, he has not been heard from by
anyone since. Reportedly a man matching his description was seen in some
sort of altercation with a group of bandits, though the information is not
able to be verified due to a lack of evidence other than heresay from a
farmer. All in all the man is missing and definitely presumed to be dead,
leaving behind his wife of less than a year and his parents in Avonna.

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