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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Mon Jul 01, 2019 9:09 pm

In subject of: 'The Calm' Celebration Event
Date : Mon May 13 02:29:46 2019
Expires : Sat Feb 5 01:29:54 2022
To : all
Throughout Lithmore, Bards can be seen putting up fliers and invitations are sent out..
dc//\\  //\\  //\\  //\\  //\\  //\\  //\\  //\\ 
 //  \\//  \\//  \\//  \\//  \\//  \\//  \\//  \\ 
//\\                                          //\\ 
\\//        =Lithmore's Troubadours=          \\// 
 //                                            \\ 
//\\         Cordially invite you..           //\\ 
\\//                                          \\// 
 \\    To a festival celebrating The Calm!     // 
//\\                                          //\\ 
\\//  Taste the foods, hear the music, and    \\// 
 //  even learn a dance of the Farin peoples!  \\ 
//\\                                          //\\ 
\\//      Meet special Guest of Honor         \\// 
 \\          The Lord Earl Marshall,           // 
//\\        Orvyn de Valdemar himself!        //\\ 
\\//                                          \\// 
 //      WHERE: Town Hall, Event Ballroom      \\ 
//\\                                          //\\ 
\\//     WHEN: Augustus 8, SC 381             \\// 
 \\     (OOC: Friday, May 17, 11:00PM EST)     // 
//\\   Contact Poet Knight Perelle ab Symons  //\\ 
\\//    for details, concerns, or questions.  \\// 
 \\  //\\  //\\  //\\  //\\  //\\  //\\//\\  //
  \\//  \\//  \\//  \\//  \\//  \\//  \\//\\//dc
(Lithmore's Troubadours cordially invite you..
To a festival celebrating The Calm!

Taste the foods, hear the music, and even learn a dance of the Farin peoples!
Meet special Guest of Honor, the Lord Earl Marshall, Orvyn de Valdemar himself!

WHERE: Town Hall, Event Ballroom
WHEN: Augustus 8, SC 381
(OOC: Friday, May 17, 11:00PM EST)
Contact Poet Knight Perelle ab Symons for details, concerns, or questions.)

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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Mon Jul 01, 2019 9:09 pm

In subject of: The Rubble is Cleared
Date : Mon May 13 02:34:04 2019
Expires : Sat Feb 5 01:34:17 2022
To : all
Civilians across the North of Lithmore gathered at the site of the so-dubbed
'Ravenous Wanderer's' destruction on the morning of Quintilis the 19th, Sun
Cycle 381, spending the majority of the day clearing away the ruins of the
building that fell with the demon. Using the blackened stones of the old
shop and home, a wall was erected around the clearing's foundation, flower
pots were donated, and the new plaza was dubbed 'Durandal's' for the Knight
that slayed the monstrosity.

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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Mon Jul 01, 2019 9:09 pm

In subject of: A Shift in Class Relations
Date : Tue May 14 04:31:01 2019
Expires : Sun Feb 6 03:31:01 2022
To : all
(Class Relations shifts up from Poor to Substandard.) Town Hall officials
report that the Lord Seneschal has safely returned to the city and was
relieved, and grateful, to hear that the tentacled demon that has plagued the
city for months has finally been slain. According to heralds tasked to
spread the word, Lord von Dmitreva is interested in meeting personally with
the brave Knights and volunteers who helped to defend the city during the
most recent attacks. He is also offering to fund the rebuilding of any
private homes or businesses that were damaged by the demon. Any citizen who
has suffered may come forward with a claim, and Town Hall will assist --
regardless of the claimant's class or origins.

In subject of: Calm After The Storm
Date : Tue May 14 20:38:00 2019
Expires : Sun Feb 6 19:38:00 2022
To : all
Following the aftermath of the prolonged demon assaults, children and orphans
of the families affected thereafter are seen congregating with mothers, both
of cloth and kin. Among them are soothing liturgies and readings of the Erra
Pater in public places, easing the tremulous hearts of the youngest among the
Farin Quarter and beyond. Roused by faith, their respect for brave knights
and those loved ones lost in battle serves to inspire future generations.
Both young and old, unblooded or veteran, are provided alms on behalf of
House Bastion to fill their bellies as much as their hearts. Offerered in
speech of praise and gratitude to the Knights' Lithmorran and Lord Earl
Marshall de Valdemar for defense of the realm and its people, Lady Marquessa
Severine de Bastion commends those who fought valiantly to keep the vigil.

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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Mon Jul 01, 2019 9:10 pm

In subject of: Sibylle executes Gooseberry
Date : Wed May 15 11:26:38 2019
Expires : Mon Feb 7 10:26:38 2022
To : all
It was a warm, cloudy mid-afternoon that the Grand Inquisitor called the
Faithful of Lithmore to River Square. Gathered there with a built pyre
awaiting a young Charalin woman named Gooseberry, Sibylle dul Fontaine led
the gathering in a brief sermon on the necessity of continuous addressing of
Sin and Taint. Ultimately, though, for the Taint of magery, of fornication,
and of lying to the Holy Inquisition, Gooseberry was cleansed by holy pyre.

In subject of: Church Street's Ravenous Crater Repaired
Date : Wed May 15 11:30:44 2019
Expires : Mon Feb 7 10:30:50 2022
To : all
Without fanfare, a few priests and a repair committee dispatched from Town
Hall's Improvement Initiative roster descended upon the chaos left behind by
the Ravenous Wanderer on Church Street West.

The gaping crater was filled and the cobbles replaced, several dangerously
weakened trees were felled and new ones planted, and new lamp-posts installed
where the old were beyond saving.

The clergy led those present in prayer, blessing the area and proclaiming it
cleansed of taint. And though nothing is confirmed yet, it is said that
there may be more official communication about the incident once the
survivors have had more time to convalesce.

In subject of: Lance Executed for Magery
Date : Sun May 19 17:29:17 2019
Expires : Fri Feb 11 16:29:59 2022
To : all
It was a warm summer morning when the bells tolled to signal a burning at the
center of River Square. A large crowd gathered to watch as a bedraggled and
filthy freeman was dragged out to the waiting pyre and tied down in
preparation for salvation. Inquisitor Farthwright gave a short and
straightforward explanation of the man known as Lance's confession to magery,
heresy, and collusion with demons. There was little protest and little
fanfare as the torch was tossed on the pyre and the man was sent to the

In subject of: Pursuit and Death in Lillton
Date : Fri May 24 12:22:57 2019
Edited : Fri May 24 12:27:50 2019
Expires : Wed Feb 16 11:23:23 2022
To : all
Just a quarter mile past the border of Lithmore with Vandago, an attempted
arrest by the Lithmorran Reeves turned deadly when their quarry - the former
Magnate Vasily Popov - was located and surrounded by a pursuit party. Popov
proved not only prepared for the conflict, but had constructed a series of
traps - those typically used by the local residents of Lillton to captured
and kill snow bears - around the outskirts of the copse in which he and his
wife had made camp for the night. Following a violent melee with the Reeves,
Popov fled into the surrounding woods and is thought to have stumbled by
happenstance into one his own traps. The once-controversial Merchant was
found surrounded in a pool of slush and blood, his right leg nearly severed
at the knee by the trap's iron teeth, and the Reeves' field medic was unable
to revive him.

Livia Popov, undoubtedly shaken by the events, was provided a safe escort to
the former holdings of the Volkov family in Lillton.

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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Mon Jul 01, 2019 9:10 pm

In subject of: The Calm (Edited by Niamh)
Date : Thu May 23 00:00:10 2019
Edited : Fri May 24 12:28:37 2019
Expires : Mon Feb 14 23:00:10 2022
To : all
As the citizens usher in the coming and going of the Calm, orderites and
knights too hum about, their presence telling of the faithful's hope for a
lasting peace within the Holy City. While children and burgeoning youths of
fighting age are drawn to the call of duty, many of them find solidarity in
the good will and kindness shared amongst the Lord's flock. Even as the
first half of His Cycle bore witness to adversity, a sense of shared hope
mends recent hardship in favor of prayer.

Their naive and beautiful hearts preserved, the innocent souls within the
city cut through the most wicked in their confessions, root and stem. Mages
and their covens are exposed in due course, brought to heel by the

In subject of: Arrival of COunt Timofei von Kirvisov
Date : Fri May 24 12:39:38 2019
Expires : Wed Feb 16 11:39:48 2022
To : all
Rumor has it that the count Timofei von Kirvisov of Traghow will arrive in
Lithmore in the coming week.. The young count is said to have inherited his
seat just one year prior at the age of seventeen following the murder of his
father, Nikolai von Kirvisov at the hands of a mage. The Nightpine Count has
departed Vandago to seek court and, rumoredly, to seek out the merchants of
Lithmore regarding establishing a new trade route for the purposes of sale of
rare and valuable nightpine.

In subject of: The Art of Diplomacy
Date : Sun May 26 14:31:37 2019
Expires : Fri Feb 18 13:31:37 2022
To : all
Amidst the more exceptional trials and triumphs in the city of late, there
has been a growing racial tension that has led to the various foreign
quarters closing their proverbial gates. Subtle and direct inquiries into
the problem have turned up nothing more specific than people feeling
"unappreciated" outside the districts.

In response, the Chancellor of the Exchequer has released a bit of early
information about a special project in the works: an art gallery in central
Lithmore, dedicated to showcasing work influenced by all of the Kingdom's
duchies and territories.

While the original intent was to quietly collect pieces from local artists
before announcing the inaugural exhibit, Lady Chancellor Calanthe op Valencia
has instead begun requesting that the people submit ideas of interesting or
scenic locations within their home districts; local artists will then be
commissioned to memorialize them upon canvas and clay. Of course, this will
require letting "outsiders" come and visit the quarters again...

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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Mon Jul 01, 2019 9:10 pm

In subject of: A Shift in Class Relations
Date : Wed May 29 14:14:34 2019
Expires : Mon Feb 21 13:14:34 2022
To : all
(Class Relations shifts up from Pathetic to Poor.) According to locals, the
Lord Seneschal was recently spotted at the Queen's Inn on a busy evening,
taking a tour of the Hall of History and viewing Sir ab Durandal's
demon-slaying sword now on display there. Before he departed, the nobleman
paused for a glass of mead and struck up some casual conversation with his
fellow patrons about the Lady Chancellor's ambitious new project aimed at
exploring shared interests and common ground. He supported the project
wholeheartedly and encouraged those around him to do the same. "The Lady
Chancellor seeks to highlight the best of what each quarter has to offer, and
I say that includes our City Center, right here. You wouldn't want your own
to go unrepresented, now would you?" After his attempt to inspire a bit of
healthy cooperative competition, the Lord Seneschal purportedly bought two
rounds for everyone present, then finished his own drink and made his way

In subject of: Arrival of a Baron
Date : Thu May 30 13:18:13 2019
Expires : Tue Feb 22 12:18:17 2022
To : all
Rumor spreads around the city that A large ship docked in the city, bearing
the blue sails of an unfamiliar noble family. In fact all that alerted the
dockworkers of the noble presence was the crest of A sword pointing blade
down wrapped in a Tubori Orchid vine to the hilt. Stepping off the boat
however was a rather large figure, wearing the traditional skirt and tunic of
his people.

In subject of: The Lines of Unity
Date : Thu May 30 17:50:34 2019
Expires : Tue Feb 22 16:50:34 2022
To : all
As disdain fills the capital regarding matters of class, the Baron of Volsuan
directs his efforts toward bringing comfort and unity among all citizens of
Lithmore. The Baron makes a point to visit impoverished sections of the
capital, sharing more equal space with whom he speaks. As he walks the
streets, he steps into certain establishments and visits homes intending to
place himself on the same level as those around him. Touching on the
humanity shared by all classes, the Baron finds that there is contempt noted
across the board, not only toward nobility, but towards difference in
general. Meeting this with kindness, he opts to give alms as he passes
through before proclaiming:

"Lithmore must not succumb to division, for it halts all innovation and
allows corruption and hatred to proliferate."

Speaking personally and lending a respectful ear to those he encounters, from
the freemen to the nobility, Lord Volsuan reminds those he contacts of the
duty the nobility carries as an extension of the Crown, and his desire for
that duty to be more rewarding and beneficial for all.

A carriage of Volsuan swans are also imported to the capital and released
immediately. Some may be seen traipsing about, and the Baron reminds those
he sees to admire the swans and observe how they move in unison - a hopeful
comparison drawn to the potentials of Lithmorrans. The Baron assures
everyone that if more happiness finds itself among all levels of class, the
swans may stay - a carriage held on reserve for them to be sent back

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Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:38 am

In subject of: Merdigal's Trade Negotiations Begin
Date : Sun Jun 2 01:10:04 2019
Expires : Fri Feb 25 00:10:04 2022
To : all
Standing on the gangway of the flag ship of the Grand fleet of Merdigal, The
baron le manalahi stood, speaking in a Sonarous voice making his presence
known to both Dockworker and merchant alike.

He spoke fondly about his island home, the bounty that was there, and how it
was an honor for his house to represent the barony before beckoning those
present to come for trade talks.

Then with a signal, the stock of goods were carried from the holds of each
ship, and displayed, initiating trade negotiations while the Baron and his
staff looked on with proud smiles.

Messengers soon ride out from the docks wearing the colors of House Manalahi,
delivering messages to the various nobles in the city, asking them to freely
engage in trade with Merdigal, and see what can be agreed upon for barter and

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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:38 am

In subject of: Popov's Corpse Sent Away
Date : Sun Jun 2 00:18:23 2019
Edited : Mon Jun 3 11:25:37 2019
Expires : Thu Feb 24 23:18:23 2022
To : all
Heavily guarded by Reeves after rumors of possible theft, the corpse of
Vasily Popov has been sent as far away from the Queen's City as possible. In
this case, to his own family, elsewhere. Rumors are that no one within the
city proper wanted anything to do with his remains, and so they are being
sent somewhere where his loss will be more appropriately mourned.

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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:39 am

In subject of: The Lines of Unity Shine as Class Relations Improve
Date : Fri Jun 7 00:00:10 2019
Expires : Tue Mar 1 23:00:10 2022
To : all
A procession of noble guardsman rode in formation up King's Concourse,
stopping at the North Gate. At its pointe rode the Baron of Volsuan, who
turned back to face the capital as crowds enclosed the gate. Taking this
moment to conclude his tours, he proclaimed: "Division proliferates this
capital! The low hate the high, the high pity the low, and the middle drag
each other down in fear of seeing one another higher." Torches were lit as
the baron continued to speak, "We must find common ground in our unity
beneath the Lord. That... Is a situation of class that will never be
questionable, and we all share it in common. Let us remember the virtues
required of us as Davites, and let us unite in them, for when we do, this
capital will shine in beauty and splendor unseen before."

Cheers erupted from the gathered crowds as they rallied behind the baron, a
social unease seeming to dissipate as he exited the North Gate toward the
Royal Palace - a symbolic line of unity drawn from the bottom south, to the
top north.

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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:39 am

In subject of: Pompei Executed by Emarin
Date : Fri Jun 7 04:44:01 2019
Expires : Wed Mar 2 03:44:10 2022
To : all
Early morning on Octobris 26, Sun Cycle of the Lord 381, the Lord Justiciar
pulled a bedraggled mercurial man into River Square by a set of manacles and
announced the man's crimes of assault on a member of nobility. Due to a
severe lack of action by involved parties, he has taken the reins and decided
to hang the man by the noose for his transgression, speaking briefly in
reminder for the common folk to respect their betters in the wake of attempts
to improve class relations.

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